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  1. M

    Politicians and smoking ...

    But if people stop smoking, then the states make no money.
  2. M

    The hangover movie

    I saw it last Tuesday and I was dieing :rofl: I'm almost tempted to go see it again, but $11 :mad: The ending indeed sold the movie. Hook me up with that bootlegg copy.
  3. M

    She lost her case :( - Must pay $80,000 per song.

    Just jack it off of youtube with a youtube grabber.
  4. M

    NHL '09/'10 Season Thread

    I thought the awards were great. Wasnt too long No wack musical performances Quick speeches No annoying hosts trying to be funny. Sort of reminded me of the AVN awards.
  5. M

    She lost her case :( - Must pay $80,000 per song.

    Last time I bought a CD was in 2007. It was Common's new cd and I knew that with Common, you get your money worth because every song is brilliant. But on the other hand, why should we as the consumers pay $20 for Lil Wayne's wack ass music and so he get afford another shit tattoo on his face...
  6. M

    She lost her case :( - Must pay $80,000 per song.

    Why is it that the downloaders are the ones being busted and not the downloading sites? I'm not saying that illegally downloading music is fair, its just why buy the milk when you can get the cow for free?
  7. M

    So after 26 years, I finally get a date

    What a b!tch.
  8. M

    So after 26 years, I finally get a date

    lol wtf, Im also confused? Are you a black guy going on
  9. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Im sitting here watching the award and lmao, but its kinda cool in a way. I mean they are making mistakes on stage but its real, not like most award shows with robots on stage. LOL Shaka Khan. What is this? 1979!
  10. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Wow, that intro with Dennis Leary was awesome.
  11. M

    Rare frog found in Equador

    thats F'ing narly!
  12. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    When is the draft?
  13. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    On Yahoo sports: Your a pro hockey player, one of the best forwards, have a stanley cup championship. Do you really give a fuck about a handshake?
  14. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Dear Detroit Red Wings, STFU about Crosby's no handshake. The media is just blowing this way off based and it was nothing compared to LaBron.
  15. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    They should move the team to San Diego, Ca. The San Diego Coyotes :rofl:
  16. M

    Lakers Win, L.A. Loses

    Complete idiots, I saw one guy beating the hell out of a newspaper stand. LA is nothing but "knuckleheads" who dont give a shit about the city.
  17. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Amen. A bald guy who doesnt STFU about being a former goalie. Another bald guy who lurks between the player's benches. A fat guy who argues between the bald guy. Maybe the problem with the NHL's image is not just the broadcast, its the idiots who dont know how to call it.
  18. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Hossa is not even that old, and the media shows it as if he is some old washed up player who hasnt had a break.
  19. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Fluery talks like someone is stepping on his nutts!
  20. M

    how does youtube match third party content?

    wtf? YouTube isnt even making enough money, and they have all this FBI crap.
  21. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    And now Hossa feels like a dumbass! LOL
  22. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Seeing Crosby raise the cup is sort of weird. Seems like a lot guys are coming right out from being a rookie and winning it.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Im glad Pens won, but still didnt seem right not being at home.
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    During intermission, Pierre and that fat ass guy just argue back and forth. I dont really give a shit about what the coaches need to be saying to their players :mad:
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Whats up with Darren Pang and Pierre McGuire with the same kind of bald heads? Goddam these NBC guys annoy me.
  26. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I thought the team that gets game 3 and 4, gets the 7th game at home???
  27. M

    how does youtube match third party content?

    How does it work? How do they match songs so soon after its uploaded?
  28. M

    HELP: Trying to compress .mov for youtube

    How can I compress a .mov video that is over 1GB for youtube without losing the quality? And without having to split the video apart. I tried it in quicktime and it brought the video down to 500mb, but there is no sound :dunno:
  29. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Is anybody else grossed out by Billy Guerin's beard?
  30. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    What do you guys think about game 6 tonight going on against NBA's game 3? I think the NHL are retarded for fucking up this schedule. How do they expect to gain ratings when the majority of people tonight will be watching Lakers vs. Magic? On ESPN today, they had a ratings lost from 2007-08...
  31. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Are the wings that good, or are they only that good at home? What a pathetic performance by the Pens. Fluery sucks, and Crosby and Malkin getting penalties!!!
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    It amuses me how much these players sell penalties. Your a 6'3 hockey player and a little slash or cross check from behind sends you flying to the ground. :1orglaugh
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    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Is it just me, or does Fleury's pads look too big? He seems like he cant make quick moves because he is wearing too big of gear.
  34. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    That tic-tac-toe goal that Kennedy scored was fucking awesome!!!
  35. M

    .mov files on youtube?

    I just uploaded another .mov file on my pc and it worked. I did change wireless locations, so before it must of been my internet connection.
  36. M

    Did Conan Model His New Tonight Show Set After Mario Brothers?

    Thats pretty funny, but what stoner took the time to notice this? Seriously, how baked was that guy!
  37. M

    .mov files on youtube?

    I uploaded it on a mac and it worked :)
  38. M

    Peter North

  39. M

    .mov files on youtube?

    Ive converted it to AVI through final cut, but it comes out in bad quality.
  40. M

    .mov files on youtube?

    I'm still getting a "unknown" error. It starts to upload and then fails. ?
  41. M

    .mov files on youtube?

    Ive played them on a pc but have not resaved anything.
  42. M

    .mov files on youtube?

    This may be a dumb question: I made the videos on a Mac with Final cut, but I'm uploading them on Youtube with a PC. Will that mess up the video quality? I want these in the best HD clear quality as possible.
  43. M

    .mov files on youtube?

    I have 2 files I want to upload. They are each 2 mins long and are 461 and 577MB.
  44. M

    .mov files on youtube?

    Are .mov (Quicktime) files not allowed to be uploaded to Youtube? When I try, it says its loading and then fails and gives an error message. I swear Ive uploaded .mov before :dunno:
  45. M

    what does it mean that GM declared bankruptcy

    GM just basecially pulled a John Delorean! Without the coke deal. Although that could have helped them.
  46. M

    Man Charged w/Murder After Being Robbed @Gunpoint and Killing Perp

    Watching the video and reading the story, I have no opinion. Its just too complicated of a situation: Is it self defense, murder, or both? Is it racial tension? Is it over aggression?
  47. M

    Is anyone watching NHL playoffs?

    I'm watching, but I'm not enjoying :sleep:
  48. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    NBA probably paid off Bettman to rush this thing. And it makes sense. I mean there is only so little time to talk about Kobe Bryant. :rolleyes:
  49. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Yeah but it doesnt seem like it benefits, the face off drops outside the zone. I just dont see how they can justify what is intentional :dunno: