get off your damn consipericy theories. there were non calls both ways ie detroit's interferance that even the dumbass announcers were calling. Go back to area 51 and get butt fucked by your aliens while watching the fake moon landing fuckin nutjob.
wow buddy take a pill or something, It's just a game
Blah, blah, blah, I really don't need your condescending sarcastic

So 1ST of all If its just a game, then I don't consider what A$$-Clown as quoted above, retorted with to be funny, humorous, or in anyway him too be just kidding, I on the otherhand felt it was very inappropriate, uncalled for, insulting, harsh, and very disrespectful, so I am supposed to laugh @ that and not respond unlike I did? I don't think so. :nono:
HAHA your responses are a joke to me
I really don't give a flying fuck what you think "HAHA" about me, or what you think about my opinions.
I saw what I saw, and I know Scary Buttman gift wrapped the SCF's for the PENS! WTG to the piece of shit NHL commissioner. :thefinger
disrespected the hole city of Detroit
Yeah by carrying on celebrating, and not shaking hands with all the Redwing players and coaches after The game.
well Detroit really showed respect when the fans boomed them for winning the cup.
I know the "Detroit fans" prolly booed BUTTMAN and that's expected. ever since he's been the NHL commissioner he's had it in for the Redwings, and we get the sharp edge from him everytime.
I really don't know :wtf: your talkin about. "boomed them" from most accounts I heard the fans showed allot of class & stayed to watch the presentation of the cup? :dunno:
As for shaking hands who gives a fuck, you just won the cup I'd be more proud of being the under dog and my team than worried about shaking hands. Gerry Cheevers never shook hands after games so go cry about it
That's one of the timeless signs of respect shown by NHL players after a hard fought series, NO matter the circumstances, you settle your scores the next year. I can't help G. Cheevers had NO class or No respect for his fellow NHL'ers.
hands down? are you kidding? inches from going to overtime and detroit would have won ( crosby hurt and wings were on a tear)
now im not a wings fan, in fact they are not even close , but detroit was robbed in this years playoffs
zetterberg gets goaltender interference when blatently pushed into fleury???
intentional slash to datsyuk foot to try to re-injure him ( suspension?????)
malkin 3rd man in jumping zetterberg should have been suspension (????????)
bettman rushing series to start early while 4 of detroits best are injured(?????)
constant cross checking to the lower backs of detroits players by malkin and crosby ( nhl's elite---and poster boys) not even warned
game 6 winning goal scored seconds after hook between lidstroms legs right in front of ref (just a week after lidstrom had a nut removed after a spear in chicago)
spear by pittsburgh player into stomach of osgood after whistle (spearing used to be a 3 game suspension ( huh?)
franzens hit on crosby was a little late but crosby did touch the puck and after all the bs non-calls in game 7, how could they call that and get out of murder city alive???????
what do i know??????
drafted by pittsburgh in 1987 and played for thier farm team (Muskegon Lumberjacks) for 2 seasons ( 6 games with big club)
ohl referee----9 years
so yes i do know more than most in this forum
no not a wing fan
actually a toronto fan ( which makes both these teams rivals)
fan of the nhl and quality hockey
not a fan of politics and getting poster boys an easy ride
against all odds detroit almost pulled it out
im not saying i know more than you but i am saying that you dont know more than me
im not saying the penguins didnt play great either but i am saying that the only game that they didnt get any favours was game 5. They played dirty , stick happy hockey and if franzen grabbed crosby and started punching him there would have been action taken by campbell and the nhl no doubt about it.
this series was about selling the nhl and kids everywhere think that this is how you play the game if you are a star.( slashing players after the game, going after the other teams best and smaller player, whining to the media, questioning the refs after every call)
great series gary!!!!!
THANK YOU. I knew some open minded unbiased HOCKEY / NHL fans, very knowledgeable NHL fans, saw what I saw. my :hatsoff: to you my friend. you'll be getting a rep. from me. :thumbsup: