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  1. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I really question the credibility of these NBC idiots! Pierre and that dumbass guy were arguing over what the coaches are saying to the players, get the fuck outta here!!! And can somebody explain to me what does intentional off-sides mean?
  2. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I just want to tape Pierre McGuire's mouth shut and shove that red tip microphone up his ass.
  3. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Why are they doing back 2 back games? So stupid! Seems like the NHL finals always gets rushed so the NBA finals can have more attention.
  4. M

    Automatic or Manual transmission?

    Its so funny when I have to drive my drunk friends home with their automatic cars. I get in, and immediately wonder where the hell is the clutch? LOL. Its so weird when your left leg doesnt have to do any work.
  5. M

    Automatic or Manual transmission?

    Yes, but a chick who can drive a stick shift in high heels = :lovecoupl:rubbel::sex:
  6. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Why does it seem like the Wings get all the advantages? Every bounch, every dump in, every mistake just goes in the net! Here we go again... Pens looked so good and now they play with that look on their face like "How did we get here?"
  7. M

    Automatic or Manual transmission?

    If there is one thing that I love, its seeing a chick who can drive a stick :lovecoupl Lately Ive been driving like a chick... my car is all banged up, been lazy on the clutch, and backing into shit. :ban:
  8. M

    Automatic or Manual transmission?

    Do you mean High-end performance sports cars like Ferraris, Lambos & the like should never even be offered in a automatic???:confused:
  9. M

    Automatic or Manual transmission?

    Thats what I cant stand about these new sports cars, their making them for everyone to drive. I just find it weird to see a Lambo that is automatic.
  10. M

    Automatic or Manual transmission?

    Oops, I meant ITS NOT being easy on my knee. :(
  11. M

    Automatic or Manual transmission?

    My car now is my 2nd manual transmission car. I was about to go automatic but once you go stick you cant go back. Although living in Los Angeles is being easy on my knee :(
  12. M

    Phil spector gets 19 years to life

    I live about a few blocks from his Mansion in Los Angeles. Its a castle on a hill. Very unique looking considering the majority neighborhood demographic is middle class Latinos and Asians.
  13. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    The biggest problem I saw with Chicago against Detroit is they always let Detroit stand in front of the net with screen goals. Holmstrom for example always had his ass in Huet's or Khabilian's face. Why? Because nobody is big enough on the team to thrash bodies. I really hope they focus on...
  14. M

    Duke Nukem developer goes bankrupt

    New Duke was in production for 12 years?!?:eek: Either it was intended to be some crazy shit or they are slow as fuck :dunno:
  15. M

    California high court upholds gay marriage ban

    Wait I'm confused what the status is as of now, is gay marriage in California legal or illegal?
  16. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Does anybody feel disappointed? I've spent all this time following the playoffs and rooting for the teams I wanted, just too see the same 2 teams go at it again like last year. I just feel that Wings vs Pens again has made this whole season a waste.
  17. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    won, not one :crash: :rolleyes:
  18. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I wish Canes could of one atleast a game to atleast put up a fight. Although, I love how their fans cheer even though they lost, besides throwing beer bottles and booing.
  19. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Why is Bill Cower always at Canes games?
  20. M

    biggest movie this summer you cant wait to see

    LOL, Terminator nerd
  21. M

    Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Sylvester Stallone?

    If you love the movie Predator, you will love this
  22. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Goddam, 6-1 Redwings :crash: We need a miracle :angels:
  23. M

    Wife pulls husband from jaws of a shark

    7 Ft Bull shark! Fuuuuuuck. This is why I do not swim in the ocean anymore.
  24. M

    "Click it, or Ticket"

    If a cop actually wastes his time pulling you over for a seatbelt, then either the crime rate has ended or the day is slooooooow.
  25. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I dont want Pittsburgh to win because I do not want another repeat, but goddam they are playing so gooooooooooood. Malkin, Crosby, and Guerrin are just killing out there like it aint no thang!
  26. M

    Chica's Place

    Re: Fresh Chica's Place Bikini Pics! Chica, I'm assuming that little round island in the pool was built for fucking in the water? And do your neighbors ever catch you guys?
  27. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    So glad the Hawks won, thats the kind of offense they need to play. But going into OT like that was not good, they should of never have let Wings come up from 3 goals like that.
  28. M

    Mom Kills Son, Gives Him CPR, Kills Him Again...

    Society is only getting more depressing, disgusting, and dangerous.
  29. M

    5 Alabama Cops Fired For Beating Unconscious Perp Who'd Been Ejected From His Car

    I really hate when I hear people say "fuck the police." But when they get mugged or robbed, who do they call?!?!
  30. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Anybody noticed how much the Pens coach and the Canes coach look almost like twins? Pens Canes
  31. M

    5 Alabama Cops Fired For Beating Unconscious Perp Who'd Been Ejected From His Car

    I'd like to give my :2 cents: And this mostly relates to the 5 officers incident in Alabama. There is obviously a two sided debate as whether what happen was right or wrong, but I think the problem that is mislooked is the mentality of police officers. It seems that people always assume that...
  32. M

    Mom Kills Son, Gives Him CPR, Kills Him Again...

    Its a sick world out there.
  33. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Malkin just killed in game 2. Wheres the fucking defense Carolina?
  34. M

    Why Should I Care About California?

    I'm a Californian and I dont remember what I voted on. I just filled in yes or no on whatever because every tax plan is the same bogus shit. And then they try to play devils advocate. A proposed plan will sound good but if it passes, then kids won't get an afterschool program. How can we fix...
  35. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    So apparently the NHL has no say against a Yanni concert, but the NBA can tell the WWE to fuck off :dunno:
  36. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    If the Pens and Wings repeat and Wings win for a 2nd time, I'm going to be pissed. All this time following the season and the playoffs will be a waste.
  37. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Fucking redwings!!! Blackhawks can win this thing if they could just stop turning over the puck at the point.
  38. M

    Just found the hottest pornstar...

    Yeah until she starts grinding up on every guy in there.
  39. M

    Just found the hottest pornstar...

    She looks like a club chick.
  40. M

    China builds first sex theme park

    Everytime I see the title of this thread I think it says "Chica builds first sex theme park". I say to myself, sweeeeeeeet another thread by Chica :) I'm losing my mind.
  41. M


    I dont know why, but lately Ive been having this fear of skydiving and my parachute not working.
  42. M

    Matt Steven - story of a blind basketball player

    Anybody know the actual medical reason why they had to take his eyes?
  43. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    How is it that in the NBA game 7's tomorrow (Rockets vs Lakers & Magic vs Celtics) got a 2-day lay off, and the NHL strains players like cheap minimum wage labor? I still say that back to back Caps/Pens game was bullshit!
  44. M

    Matt Steven - story of a blind basketball player

    I have a new favorite show, its E:60 on ESPN. If you have never seen it before, it is kind of like the 60 Minutes of sports. Last week they aired a very good touching segment about a young man name Matt Steven, a person born blind and has always wanted to play basketball. He finally got that...
  45. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    How funny is it that the guy who suckered punched, scored the game winning goal.
  46. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I'm beginning to wonder is players are just too fatigued. Do guys feel there needs to be more down time in between games between all the traveling? To me it just seemed like the Caps and the Bruins looked dead out there. Even Ove wasnt being Ove.
  47. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Man :( I really thought this was Boston's year. How does a 1st ranked team lose to a 6th rank team? Unbelievable.
  48. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Nooooooooooooooooooo :mad: Who can beat the red wings?