Search results

  1. M

    Why do people want kids?

    How in the world does a woman with six children get a fertility doctor to help her have more ? eight more? She is 30 years old, broke, lives with her parents with 6 other kids. :dunno:
  2. M

    Why do people want kids?

    Yeah that octuplets story is crazy. Just watch those parents on that TLC show - John and Kate Plus Eight. They look miserable!!! I've always wondered why is that poor people have the most kids?
  3. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    How is it that Miami gets next years Superbowl again?
  4. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I turned on Versus to see if a game was on, and what do I see? Some redneck cooking show.
  5. M

    Why do people want kids?

    The problem today is people are having kids at way too young.
  6. M

    Whats happening to Los Angeles?

    That is true. And the Latina chicks here are smoking hott!!!
  7. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Kings rally'ed back.
  8. M

    Best Movie Opening

    Snatch Get Rich or Die Trying Lord of War
  9. M

    Google & Yahoo . . Take a hike !

    The key to recording people's information is saying that you dont record their information.
  10. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Dam, Zetterberg's wife is smoking hott!
  11. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I was too lazy to look up his name :thefinger
  12. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Wow, Zetterburg signs a 12 year deal with the Redwings. IMO, bad idea.
  13. M

    What happens when you mix Bob Sledding with Hockey?

    This is fucking insane!!! I would rather sky dive than fly down a hill on ice skates with 5 other people :eek:
  14. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Sabres beat Oilers 10 - 2 :eek:
  15. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I feel bad for the Coyotes, Gretzky just cannot coach.
  16. M

    Whats happening to Los Angeles?

    Ive been living in LA for about a 1year and half, and I gotta say... LA is dirty as fuck!!! Trash, confusing freeways, bums on every corner. I look at this place like Las Vegas: Its fun being here, you just dont want to live here.
  17. M

    WTF is up with Microsoft?

    But as a loyal Windows customer since Win 95, the fact that office is no longer free is an outrage!
  18. M

    WTF is up with Microsoft?

    Well the past few days Ive been trying to download this resume template that I want, but in order to download it you need Word 07. :mad:
  19. M

    Intestinal Cleansing Programs...

    I heard colon cleaning places are actually bad for you. What ever you do, do not google "colon". :(
  20. M

    WTF is up with Microsoft?

    Yeah I use open office.
  21. M

    WTF is up with Microsoft?

    Have they lost their minds? 1st they want you to pay for Word 07, now they charge you for customer support! I just tried to email them and they wanted $50. :thefinger
  22. M

    Intestinal Cleansing Programs...

    Yeah go with fiber. Just eat a bowl of Raisin Brand cereal every day, and you will be shitting within an hour.
  23. M

    Favorite Golfer?

    Golf is for men who drive convertibles and having a mid-life crisis.
  24. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    This is going to be a great SB. No just because its an underdog team vs the big dog team, but because its good offense vs good defense.
  25. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    Tamba Bay, Florida. Come for the Super Bowl, stay for the strip clubs.
  26. M

    Howard Stern

    His movie Private Parts is dam good.
  27. M

    Howard Stern

    I remember as a kid (probably about 10-15 years ago) staying up late every Friday night to see his show on the E channel. God I miss those days!
  28. M

    Restaurants Without a "A" Grade

    It was a Mexican chain place called "Qdoba". Its a knock off of Chipotle. And yes, this was in Los Angeles.
  29. M

    Super Bowl XLIII

    I hate when players do this home video camera crap every Superbowl...
  30. M

    Now official music videos are against copyrights on youtube?

    Videos of Asian twinks singing Mariah Carey :1orglaugh
  31. M

    Restaurants Without a "A" Grade

    I went to eat tonight at a restaurant I hadnt been to in awhile. While I'm waiting in line, I happened to see their health code score on the window which was a letter "B" grade. Now its not the first time Ive been to a place with a "B" grade, but here is my question. Why is there even a grading...
  32. M

    Howard Stern

    Ive always been a fan of Howard Stern, but here is the dilemma I feel about him: 1. Is what he does or say really shocking or funny anymore? And by that I mean who isnt saying absurd comments on the air? 2. Is it possible that maybe he was better off staying on terrestrial radio?
  33. M

    Howard Stern

    I just read a NY Times article talking about how Serius XM may be facing bankrupt soon. And Howard may retire after his contract.
  34. M

    Super Bowl = Strip Clubs

    :1orglaugh This was posted on Yahoo, read the caption below picture #18:;
  35. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Well the all star game was boring as hell. I fell asleep through most the 1st and 2nd period :sleep: Did you guys see the crazy circa de solei before the game? I have a question: During the introductions, why was it that most of the players were already on the ice and then a few got to skate in?
  36. M

    >>> Mature ID

    Who is she?
  37. M

    Best Pussy / Pussy you'd like to eat

    Re: Who has the prettiest pussy? Renee Richardson
  38. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Chara is one big motherfucker! I thought the 3 on 3 game was lame, what does that have to do with skill competition?
  39. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    LOL @ Ovech wearing the cowboy hat.
  40. M

    9/11 Inside Work?

    I dont want to sound like a 9/11 wacko, but I do question building 7! However, would our government really go through this much hassle of trying to pursue us into believing in foreign threat?
  41. M

    Worst film you have ever seen?

    Re: The worst movies you've ever watched. I gotta say, 300 was like watching a gay muscle beach porno!
  42. M

    9/11 Inside Work?

  43. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Jesus Christmas! Vanek has got more worse acne than me:
  44. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I knew he had a unibrow. Ugly mofo!
  45. M

    The best rapper of alltime?

    Best Rapper of all >
  46. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Anybody know of any good hockey forums? So far Ive found
  47. M

    is anyone else getting turned off by anal?

    I have to agree with this thread. A lot of sites are getting too obscene with it. Its not my cup of tea thing, but just keep it sexy.
  48. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    I think Ive figured out why Lemuix came back. The game today is just so goddam great! All these retired players must be bummed because now the game is more faster, physical, and better rules. Now defenders can finish their checks and the snipers can breakaway without the 2-line pass rule...
  49. M

    NHL 2008-2009 Thread

    Dam, that was a good game. Too bad Lacav and St. Louis didnt score on those breakaways. And about the San Diego Gulls, from what I remember as a child and teen going to the games, everybody in the stands was having a good time and the team was good. I absolutely think NHL hockey could have a...