I don't know what this means for the auto industry, so what?
Why did the government allegedly shore up GM with bailout revenues knowing the inevitable bankruptcy would eventually come to fruition?
Answer: So that the government could take majority interest in GM (when obama became president) thus being able to control all operations i.e. in order to nationalize the transportation sector of the ecomomy. The govt under obama also had an ulterior motive to keep the union laborers happy and working in order to retain all of those union votes as well as the campaign funds derived from monthly dues.
I don't know what this means for the auto industry, so what?
As for General Motors, it means if you are able to keep from getting laid off, or down sized...you now have a Government job.
If domination of the transport sector is his aim, why isn't Obama nationalising Ford ?
GM just basecially pulled a John Delorean! Without the coke deal. Although that could have helped them.
America needs to MAN UP, basically....
But then it may be a purely evil attempt to nationalize transportation:dunno:
Depends on where you get your information, I guess
#Let's see what's left . . oh yeah the energy sector - The obama admin will not allow this nations' oil corps. to drill any additional resources ; there's plenty of oil to be acquired in our own American territory, but under some bogus b.s. environmental laws as well as obama's unwillingness to press the issue, we will spend a non cost effective amount of additional future tax payer obligations to chase after unfounded reliability in alternative energy resources in order to suppliement our nations' energy requirements.
Ain't gonna happen !
Becoming bankrupt, due to intended and atrocious governmental policies, the oil companies will come and beg for the government to bail them out, thus nationalizing the energy sector.
Are we communists yet ?
The untapped US resources would meet US oil requirements for a few months at most (such is the US demand for oil). If the US wants to become self-sufficient in energy, big changes would need to be made in energy demand (still per capita the highest in the world for large economies) and sources (not a short-term thing).
It's interesting how some commentators think that Obama is a socialist/communist. From a European persepctive he's at most centreist, and in some cases quite right wing