So after 26 years, I finally get a date

So I call her to confirm the date I had set for us tomorrow, and she turns out to be racist. I called her out on it and she had the nerve to get pissed off at ME after she just dropped racial slurs at me. I swear, sometimes I wonder if my life has a rain cloud over it.
Mate, plenty more fish in the sea ... you just didn't have a good bite.
Pity for you it didn't turn out, but don't get to dramatic about it, shit happens to all of us. Not only you.


What am I missing here ? :dunno:

Was this supposed date set up online ?

I'm sorry, Psych, at this point it sounds like grudge story. I have met a lot of women during my time in school, I have met women as clients etc. etc. but I have never ever met one that was openly racist.

Maybe you're just looking in all of the wrong places. :dunno:

When all fails, try dating women of your own ethnic background, maybe ? :dunno:

Best of luck out there chief :hatsoff:
Craigslist works just be patient and dont be super picky. it worked for me after 3 years. its like fishing you gotta throw a few lines out and hope you get a bite. the difference is you dont want the big one.


The One and Only Big Daddy
So I call her to confirm the date I had set for us tomorrow, and she turns out to be racist. I called her out on it and she had the nerve to get pissed off at ME after she just dropped racial slurs at me. I swear, sometimes I wonder if my life has a rain cloud over it.

Don't think that way keep your head up there are pently of fish in the sea:thumbsup::glugglug:
You sound upset about this.:confused::confused:

I'll never understand why people get upset when they find out well ahead of time that someone is an ass or cunt and soon enough as to not to invest anything in experience.

You should be happy you found out she was a loser before you wasted a significant amount of time, effort or money on her.

Some people wish they we're as fortunate as you turned out in this situation.

See things as they are and not as you want them to be and you will likely enjoy life a little more. The reality is the world is full of jackasses, what we can only hope is to avoid them when we recognize them and not waste as much of our time with them in the event we don't.:2 cents:
you should have fucked her. I knew a girl that was racist, but she got down with a guy from another race and she realized that no matter what your skin color is, it feels just as good to get some strange ass. Now she's a pretty cool person.


Haha, don't feel bad loser. Oh wait... I've never been kissed by a girl and I'm 20. keep trying :)
So I call her to confirm the date I had set for us tomorrow, and she turns out to be racist. I called her out on it and she had the nerve to get pissed off at ME after she just dropped racial slurs at me. I swear, sometimes I wonder if my life has a rain cloud over it.

If she was racial to you, be glad that it didn't work, or you would regret it further down the road. Good Luck :)
It's ok like someone said, plenty of fishes in the sea. I once chatted with a girl on the phone for 8 hours, set up a date then found out that she's totally not my type. It happens man just keep trying.
Was she trying to be funny with the racial slurs? I have a roommate who is black and he loves to make racist jokes, which I have gotten used to but only say them around him because not everyone shares the same sense of humor. I find them funny and in no way do I actually believe them but I know when I shouldn't say them


Closed Account
Can you believe there are still people out there in this day and age, after all that has happened in the past twenty years, that are still openly racist.

Better keep her thoughts to herself and try change them as best she can.

I don't like racist jokes any more btw.