Porn Industry: Thanks for the bachelor's degree.

I've been thinking back on college, and how I made it through my math degree so steadily.

I'm no supergenius, but I picked a hell of a major. Sure it all started out easy with Calculus and Linear Algebra, but the shit hit the fan pretty quick. Mathematics is a discipline that requires heavy thought, both conscious and subconscious. You take known theorems and definitions and play with them until you can prove some new theorem.

Back in college, I worked my ass off on these proofs. I kid you not, my brain was running 110% all day long in an effort to prove some silly little thing like, oh say, L'Hopital's Theorem. Inevitability, I would always wind up following the same circular reasoning. Chasing my own tale. So how did I make it? By watching loads of porn

I never made a decision to watch porn as a study-aid, but when I had painted myself in a corner with no place else to go, porn was always a good alternative to pulling my hair out.

Thinking back on it now, something about shaved pussy, great tits, lesbian cunnilingus, and pure sex opened up my subconscious mind. My homework would almost solve itself after watching some beauty get her freak on.

Nothing could get my mind away from the problem long enough to come at it with a new angle except porn. In retrospect, it really played a pivotal role in my studies.

So many thanks to all the pornstars out there. Keep doing what you do. Perhaps you are the muses of the next generation of great scientists and artists.


You Might be addicted to porn. Over masturbation causes lack of focus and memory loss.

Still porn does help you to relax a bit.
He's going to create an equation that proves that if everybody on the planet simultaneously cums, it will make the universe collapse in on itself... or just make things really really messy :hatsoff:


Closed Account
It seems to me your mind and body required a diversion. While a non math major, if I came to a stumbling block while working on a paper or studying,I would walk over to the gym complex and take a good hard swim.
Upon my arrival back at my desk,the ideas then would start to flow.


Closed Account
Something easy like Calculus or Linear Algebra.

I found Algebra and Trigonometry easy after I had a good teacher at school, but University is a whole different matter. There you are on your own.

Anyway, I get your point, I think.