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  1. jibbijib

    Ask a canadian person...

    To answer HeyFellas, yes we are legally binded to have insurance to drive vehicles. And yes they rape us for money too. And your idea sounds awesome.
  2. jibbijib

    where you get porn

    Freebie for me... Why do you think I'm on freeones?
  3. jibbijib

    minininininiininininiininiininidopoogogogogogogogoog Who knows, but if I could re-arrange the...

    minininininiininininiininiininidopoogogogogogogogoog Who knows, but if I could re-arrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together ;) lol
  4. jibbijib

    Carmen Electra New Playboy Pics

    Uh dudes... It's not what the ass looks like, it's the fact that your sticking your dick in an anus. May as well do it to a guy if you wanna fuck an anus. Same thing. Even if you closed your eyes it would feel the same. You wouldn't be able to tell without seeing.
  5. jibbijib

    Ask a canadian person...

    Probably because the Canagian governmet is stuck sucking on the Brit's teets, much like the US government. BTW, if you don't believe in what they are doing, try not to call yourself a Brit. That's supposedly a separate namesake alltogether which supports the horrible cause they are going for...
  6. jibbijib

    Carmen Electra New Playboy Pics

    Oh I'm doing it right, everyone else is doing it wrong. Personally, if your gunna do anal with a girl you may as well fuck a guy in the ass. It's just a closet gay fantasy that most guys have.
  7. jibbijib

    Ask a canadian person...

    I personally want nothing to do with it. That's the misconception. Just because the government holds on to the British Monarchy doesnt mean the people of the country hold on to it as well. If you think about it, the rednecks of the south are still upholding the British Monarchy. They tried to...
  8. jibbijib

    Metallica: Death Magnetic

    Edit. I guess they are playing slower. But its kinda like the wanker stuff thats out already in droves these days. Time to starts being like the old metallica and make some epic songs again.
  9. jibbijib

    Favorite Rush Song

    Out of that list I'd say New World Man. But they have tons of awesome music. My favourite song by them is La Villa Strangliato. And also The Trees. I like their political message tied in with the incredible talent.
  10. jibbijib

    Booty Short Txt Ideas

    "These are my shorts" "Wtf U lookin at?" "My eyes are up... oh nvm" "Remove before flight" "Exit Only" "No tracks here" "U=Lucky" And just for Chef "No chef these arent yours"
  11. jibbijib

    Carmen Electra New Playboy Pics

    WHo gives a fuck if she doesn't do anal. Anal is disgusting.
  12. jibbijib


  13. jibbijib

    Ask a canadian person...

    Acutally, anything under a dollar bewteen the US and Canada is actually of the same value. Plus there are certain quarters that are worth quite a lot of money. Such as one type of quarter is worth about $10 grand.
  14. jibbijib

    FreeOnes Auction, Coming Soon!

    Cheater. LOL I would kill for that one... Who wants to challenge me to a duel?
  15. jibbijib

    Carmen Electra New Playboy Pics

    Oh no this is just the beginning. Let the shit fly! I bet you any money that her new Playboy pics are in an issue of Playboy.
  16. jibbijib

    Chick you would bang if nobody would know

    Your mom.
  17. jibbijib

    What You Getting Your Love Ones 4 X-Mas?

    The grace of my prescence :D
  18. jibbijib

    9 Attractive Qualities Women Look For In A Guy...

    I want to have sex with someone in this thread.
  19. jibbijib

    Calling in 'gay' to work

    Fuck this, I'm calling in straight to work.
  20. jibbijib

    Freestlying and writing that Dope rhyme

    I want to have poop sex with every body here This thread is a joke and the poster is a queer Im too fucking lazy to read all the posts But I did happen to be able to laugh the most So I forgot to leave the door closed to my bathroom And Chef went in and posed with my straw broom For the sexy...
  21. jibbijib

    Terminator Salvation....

    UHLALHLAHLALH I am de terminata I will crush you! No Ahhhhhnold in this movie eh? Lame.
  22. jibbijib

    Calling in 'gay' to work

    Homos are beginning to look like the whiney 16 year old kid that doesn't get their way. Instead of just letting things be and not caring what people think of them, they have to start lame useless shit to try and get what they want. They aren't any more special so why should they be treated any...
  23. jibbijib

    Calling in 'gay' to work

    I know, isn't it? And so is this idea... NEXT
  24. jibbijib

    9 Attractive Qualities Women Look For In A Guy...

    You know whats great? Half the guys that posted in here have most of those qualities but are too much of a pussy to show them.
  25. jibbijib

    Calling in 'gay' to work

    Lulz. Silly faggots, dicks are for chix.
  26. jibbijib

    What would you Ask a Pornstar?

    Can I borrow 5 bucks please?
  27. jibbijib

    Who would win in a fight between...

    I take the Giant wales vagina waiting to be penetrated by a wales penis. Without Metallica you wouldn't have Megadeth. Darth Vader or Mario?
  28. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    Name your kid Chewbacca.
  29. jibbijib

    Do you think the incredible hulk has a huge green penis that grows when he gets angry

    Re: Do you think the incredible hulk has a huge green penis that grows when he gets a My penis gets angry sometimes. But it doesn't get bigger, it just spits alot.
  30. jibbijib

    Funniest Abstinence slogan ever

    Fuck that, fast lasts. Cuz you always remember how fast you go when your drivin down the road at more than double the speedlimit on two wheels.
  31. jibbijib

    shyla styles tits

    Ten bucks says Shyla doesn't post in here.
  32. jibbijib

    Pizza Patrons find chef butchering deer !

    Yeah, why not? Venison its great tasting, plus it doesn't have all the preservatives or hormones that are involved in "processed" meats. I think it's more humane to "butcher" a hunted deer than it is to mass butcher thousands of cows/pigs/chickens that are kept in horrible living conditions that...
  33. jibbijib

    need a lil help

    It changes with your post count.
  34. jibbijib

    sex chat

    Get close to blowin your load, then slow down and rest a tad, then do it again, slow down when you get close to poppin, then wait a bit, then go ahead and give er. You might surprise yourself. Waiting a couple days in between also helps. No wanking at all. And maybe get some protein intake.
  35. jibbijib

    sex chat

    Get laid.
  36. jibbijib


    That's an r chip or whatever lol. They're already using them. So shut up before you make yourself look like a fucknig moron. (Sorry for the hostility, not feeling like getting into an explaination and I'm rather bothered right now)
  37. jibbijib

    MOTHER OF GOD! Most Ballsy Gutsy Crazy And Mind Blowin' Thing I've Ever Seen! OMFG

    Re: MOTHER OF GOD! Most Ballsy Gutsy Crazy And Mind Blowin' Thing I've Ever Seen! OMF Who the fuck knows. Who gives a shit what he did it for. At least he did something with his life and achieved what most can't. Besides its a good message at the end. Go stroke your own egos after you do...
  38. jibbijib

    little black book of tricks

    ^^^ Would you rather he ask his parents?
  39. jibbijib


    My finger poked thru the toilet paper one time.
  40. jibbijib

    What's the use?

    Becks can I rent the space in your siggy plz.
  41. jibbijib

    Moderator fantasy....

    Can I be batman?
  42. jibbijib

    What's the use?

    Cmon people, use common sense.
  43. jibbijib

    little black book of tricks

    Ok dude, try to think about sensitive light touching, and tell her what to do that way. Instead of tellin her to just jam her fingers in and rub her clit like a motherfucker, tell her to be very light and brisk. Brings a whole new sensation to it, and she will thank you for it. I would go into...
  44. jibbijib


    This is gunna get goooood. I wouldn't tell anyone I had a gf lol.
  45. jibbijib

    Windows Vista Problems

    Any future problems and you should hit your computer with a hammer.
  46. jibbijib

    uh... no comment

    Ugh, two newbies getting in a bicker. Just ignore her. She doesn't feel the same way about you at all. Trust me. She sees you as a friend and nothing more. Move on.
  47. jibbijib

    haha your right it just isnt right without mininininidiiggydoogydog

    haha your right it just isnt right without mininininidiiggydoogydog
  48. jibbijib

    Do you like pictures or video more?

    Right now I like videos more than pictures, but sometimes i find the pictures to be more appealing. At first it was pics, now it's vids. Good thread btw!
  49. jibbijib

    Interresting covers

    ^^^ The whole Rage Aganst The Machine cd called "Rage" is comprised of covers, and al of them are amazing in their own renditions.