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  1. jibbijib

    Apparently I don't post enough.

    Because he saw how much he was missing out on the gang raping and anal bleaching that was going on and thought, "Hey, I wanna have my anus bleached while Chef works out my rectal tracts with his oh so hawt porn star cock. And have Jibbjib and BlueBalls whisper sweet nothings in my ears while...
  2. jibbijib

    Interresting covers

    I really like the Slayer version of Born To Be Wild. I'd have to say a very well done cover is Simple Man by Shinedown. It's very powerful with his voice. Certainly worthy of covering the original by Lynrd Skynrd. Excuse the video, but I posted this because it's the best version I've heard of...
  3. jibbijib

    What is the greatest Christmas song ever?

    Wonderful Christmas Time - Paul McCartney :D
  4. jibbijib

    Would you date a women who has a kid?

    Better start practicing nailing jell-o to a tree now... You're gunna need that patience haha.
  5. jibbijib

    Chica's FreeOnes!

    Re: Chica's Free One! Hey scrunchbutt!!!
  6. jibbijib

    Mariah Milano says: hi cupcakes!

    I want to see them first, then I will vote :)
  7. jibbijib

    What Did You Eat For Thanksgiving?...

    LMAO... How did I even know? Aww cheffy poo, I'll make you some sexy thanksgiving yum yum to make up for what you missed out on... (hugs) I had turkey and the most mazing stuffing, sweet potatoes and turnip on the planet. Along with the most gorgeous pumpkin pie known to man. Oh, and all this...
  8. jibbijib

    Stupidest song lyrics ever!

    Neil Peart wasn't the only talent in the band. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson are both incredible. Here, have a gander at the song called The Trees, and keep in mind that there is a political message behind it. Then you will understand every word. There is unrest in the forest, There is trouble...
  9. jibbijib

    Female bodybuilders. Hot or ?

    Well his name is vagina and he has a pair of hands cupping a penis and testicles as his avatar.
  10. jibbijib

    hi hi Mininiininininininidogodogodogododgodgodgogogo

    hi hi Mininiininininininidogodogodogododgodgodgogogo
  11. jibbijib

    Stupidest song lyrics ever!

    And also the fact that their songs are metaphors for political issues. :eek:
  12. jibbijib

    Mariah Milano says: hi cupcakes!

    Will you make me cupcakes if I vote for you?
  13. jibbijib

    Alien-like Squid With "Elbows"

    I can't seem to think where else I've seen this. I swear it was on here.
  14. jibbijib

    NIMF Blames Parents for Kids' Access to Violent Games

    I don't think it's the fact that the parent let their kids play these games, I think it's the fact that the parents don't moderate their childrens behaviour and discipline them accordingly. Some kids are capable of playing violent games and not being affected by it, others need that extra hand...
  15. jibbijib

    Stupidest song lyrics ever!

    I present to you Pearl Jam with Yellow Ledbetter. First the Misheard lyrics as seen here: And now the actual lyrics. You tell me which ones make more sense. Unsealed on a porch a letter sat. Then you said, "I wanna leave it again." Once I saw her...
  16. jibbijib

    favorite body part to lick

    Oh and I like the hair, totally yummy.
  17. jibbijib

    Mariah Milano says: hi cupcakes!

    Mmmmmm cupcaaaaaaakes. *Slobber*
  18. jibbijib

    your opinions on zionism?

    K can you pm me sexy stories about what you wanna do to me?
  19. jibbijib

    Who is better #2?

    Uh, I think you shoulda added me into the equation. So I vote for me! I hope Priya and Nina vote for me too.
  20. jibbijib

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    Hey dumbass, it's not the military that conquers countries, it the money providers that conquer countries.
  21. jibbijib

    Help me win

    Uhm, wow. Never seen such a blatant request a-la fascism in a public democratic forum before.
  22. jibbijib

    Female bodybuilders. Hot or ?

  23. jibbijib

    Chicks with braces anyone else find it fucking sexy ?

    Fucking fuck fuckity fucker fucko.
  24. jibbijib

    Chicks with braces anyone else find it fucking sexy ?

    Do we really need the word fuck used in that context in the title? Really.
  25. jibbijib

    rice fever

    When I read the title I thought fast and the furious cars.
  26. jibbijib

    your opinions on zionism?

    Jew's don't control the world bank, Catholics do.
  27. jibbijib

    The I Told You So Obama Will Fuck Up Thread

    ^^^^ Is your name Anne Coulter? Cuz she's a fucking idiot, and would say the exact same thing.
  28. jibbijib

    What are you listening to right now?

    Fedde le Grande - Put Your Hands Up For Detroit
  29. jibbijib

    Lol that's not the only thing worth playin with... Hahaha Hiya mininininininiininininininninii...

    Lol that's not the only thing worth playin with... Hahaha Hiya mininininininiininininininninii dog :P
  30. jibbijib

    I'm Priya Rai and I'm new to the board

    I like how the thread title is reminiscent of an AA meeting lol. So is it group hug time yet?
  31. jibbijib

    how do you log onto freeones?

    Re: How do you get to Freeones?? Thru the home page just incase I see something I wanna check out.
  32. jibbijib

    Pokemon-for kids?

  33. jibbijib

    Cyber Sex

    Come here baby, let me rock your world.... Mmmmmmmmmmmm Sound familiar?
  34. jibbijib

    Obama is already winning the war against Al-Qaeda

    Actually an American based company. Oh noes!
  35. jibbijib

    Death Star!

    haha nice 'chop
  36. jibbijib

    Virgin crisis

    Oh, and I hope you guys realize that no women have commented on this thread. They don't like desperate men. If you have the thought that you are unhappy about being a virgin, they can sense that. Any kind of insecurity does not turn a woman on. Confidence and security turns them on, for it's...
  37. jibbijib

    Virgin crisis

    For one, it's not the worst advice. The worst advice is telling someone what they want to hear. Not what they don't want to hear. No one will do anything to improve their life if they are constantly told lies about how what they are doing is so right. Second, you obviously didn't understand...
  38. jibbijib

    The Armed Women's Attitude Test -

    The real meaning is "If you put it in my pink, I'm gunna shoot you."
  39. jibbijib

    Obama is already winning the war against Al-Qaeda

    You guys do realize that Al Qaeda is the name of a computer program that was made back in the 90's or so, don't you? Yeah, didn't think so.
  40. jibbijib

    Tara Sparx / Teen Model Tara

    Re: TeenModelTara.Some new pics :) Lock me up and take me to your room... please... lol
  41. jibbijib

    Virgin crisis

    ^^^ Thanks for re-iterating what I said in a better manner. It takes a while to get men to realize that they have to man up and do what they were born to do. Especially ones that are so caught up in being the nice goody goody. All of you want to get laid as much as possible, and you all know...
  42. jibbijib

    Virgin crisis

    Mmm no. But you wouldn't know since you don't actually ask anyone. I don't make that assumption, I go based on what I was told. And if you can't get over it then that's your problem, no one elses.
  43. jibbijib

    Celebrity Masturbation

    Re: I'd say ... umm ... no ... I got it before you even started trying to explain it. Sometimes things are better left un-explained lol. :rolleyes:
  44. jibbijib

    Is porn getting boring / annoying?

    Will E says right. I did exactly that, and I can now find enjoyment in porn once again! Though I actually figured it out on my own. So it does work.
  45. jibbijib

    Virgin crisis

    It would be more likely that someone who has never experienced someone else would be more likely to cheat. Because they would be curious to see what someone else is like. And trust me, it has happened to my buddy. His gf lost her virginity to him, and stayed with him for almost 3 years before...
  46. jibbijib

    Virgin crisis

    Ah, but if you ask most women they think its kinda pathetic if your a virgin after 23. Trust me, I've asked quite a few.
  47. jibbijib

    Free Hugs

    Yeah of course I do, I'm a certified dealer in hugs... and h.u.g.'s :thumbsup:
  48. jibbijib

    Who you like to see with a boobjob?

    I would like to see ChefChiTown with a boob job.
  49. jibbijib

    It's a MYTH - GM autoworkers do NOT make $70/hour !!

    I coulda told you that they don't make $70 an hour. Mechanics do, not factory workers.
  50. jibbijib

    Virgin crisis

    It's only a crisis since your putting the pussy up on a pedestel. There's some sound advice in here if you want to be friends with every girl you meet. Girls find virginity attractive up to a point. I'd say after your 23, it won't be so attractive anymore. What people are forgetting is that you...