Okay, I had to hesitate before entering this rambling, annoying, cyclical argument, but I succumbed. I'm reminded of an ancient saying. I beleive it was Socrates who said that "argueing on the Internet is like winning in the Special Olympics: you're still retarded."
With that said, I can't beleive no one has mentioned civil unions in this whole thread. Besides, I have to wonder how it moved from gays calling in sick to gay marriage. Ah, well.
Anyway, anyone who equates "not being hunted down and killed" with fair civil liberties is out of their mind. I have no special love the gay lifestyle, or many other types of lifestyles, but I do beleive in civil liberties. I mean, this is a porn site, let's talk porn. "Freedom of Speech"? If we strongly beleive our choices for entertainment should not be restricted by others, why should other people not be given the same choices in other areas of lifestyle?
On the other hand, this whole "calling in to work" thing is ridiculus. It's the employers that will be inconvenienced. And, if anything, it will backfire. I know of too many employers in my experience who will not look favorably upon the employment of ANYONE who calls into work without being in the hospital.
And there is indeed too much whining. But that's the vocal minority. There are always people who love to complain. That much does nothing to refute their basic argument for equal rights; civil rights.
Sexual orientation should not be significant factor in the workplace. If it is, there's something wrong.
Oh, btw, Christmas (and the holiday season in general) is taken different ways by different people. Religious people have their own empasis, and secular people have theirs, all within the same season. To not see that obvious fact is...annoying.
In fact, that is the predominate theme of this thread. Things that barely need to be said; rather, they should be self-evident. Civil rights and human dignity along with a downgrade on the whining.