Calling in 'gay' to work

Contributing as much as everyone else, but without the same rights as everyone else.

I'm not against gay marriage in the slightest, my uncle has been living in NY with another man for over 10 years and they're both fabulous, but what rights are you talking about that gays aren't getting? Last I knew marriage wasn't exactly a right.

You have a right to free speech.
A right to bear arms.
A right to plead the fifth if you want.
But it's is not a right to marry any person you choose, it's a more of a choice, isn't it?
I'm not against gay marriage in the slightest, my uncle has been living in NY with another man for over 10 years and they're both fabulous, but what rights are you talking about that gays aren't getting? Last I knew marriage wasn't exactly a right.

You have a right to free speech.
A right to bear arms.
A right to plead the fifth if you want.
But it's is not a right to marry any person you choose, it's a more of a choice, isn't it?

As you can see from several responses in this thread, there is still a great deal of prejudism in how gays/lesbians are viewed. That has got to effect the latter's free access to all their rights in the real world.

Will E Worm

Last I knew marriage wasn't exactly a right.

You have a right to free speech.
A right to bear arms.
A right to plead the fifth if you want.
But it's is not a right to marry any person you choose, it's a more of a choice, isn't it?

No, it was never mentioned. Adultery isn't mentioned in the marriage license either.

Marriage and fidelity are for people of faith.

Even though people that don't have a faith adopt them to their lives.
Im not full of hate. Actually im a nice guy with an easy going, laid back attitude. Yet i cant stand stupid things like faggots crying about marriage rights. No one cares!!!!!!! Like i said earlier they should be happy that they aren't murdered in this country. Plus why would anyone care about faggots getting married? Trust me there are many other things that are alot more important to be concerned about!
I hope all those flamers got fired for not coming to work.

Are all the midgets going to not show for work until they can ride the big roller coasters?

Yeah, you're real laid back- that's why you can't seem to refer to gay people without calling them faggots and flamers, and have said they're lucky they're not hunted down and murdered. What a nice guy...



Loves the double vag
Yeah, you're real laid back- that's why you can't seem to refer to gay people without calling them faggots and flamers, and have said they're lucky they're not hunted down and murdered. What a nice guy...


I think he got banned the other day....?
I read some of his posts and I can see why
Marriage and fidelity are for people of faith.

So atheists shouldn't be allowed to get married? :rolleyes:

and what makes you think gays don't have faith? it depends on how you define faith. they have faith in homosexuality to be a fulfilling lifestyle, so there you go.

also I know a lot of gay Christians, they have faith in God the creator, in Jesus Christ to redeem them for their sins, and in butt fucking to orgasm. it's a real hol(e)y trinity.
Homos are beginning to look like the whiney 16 year old kid that doesn't get their way. Instead of just letting things be and not caring what people think of them, they have to start lame useless shit to try and get what they want. They aren't any more special so why should they be treated any differently. If they would learn to shut their fucking mouths and just go with it, they would see that they are the only ones making themselves a minority.

People hate them because they think they're better for being sexually retarded.
Okay, I had to hesitate before entering this rambling, annoying, cyclical argument, but I succumbed. I'm reminded of an ancient saying. I beleive it was Socrates who said that "argueing on the Internet is like winning in the Special Olympics: you're still retarded."

With that said, I can't beleive no one has mentioned civil unions in this whole thread. Besides, I have to wonder how it moved from gays calling in sick to gay marriage. Ah, well.

Anyway, anyone who equates "not being hunted down and killed" with fair civil liberties is out of their mind. I have no special love the gay lifestyle, or many other types of lifestyles, but I do beleive in civil liberties. I mean, this is a porn site, let's talk porn. "Freedom of Speech"? If we strongly beleive our choices for entertainment should not be restricted by others, why should other people not be given the same choices in other areas of lifestyle?

On the other hand, this whole "calling in to work" thing is ridiculus. It's the employers that will be inconvenienced. And, if anything, it will backfire. I know of too many employers in my experience who will not look favorably upon the employment of ANYONE who calls into work without being in the hospital.
And there is indeed too much whining. But that's the vocal minority. There are always people who love to complain. That much does nothing to refute their basic argument for equal rights; civil rights.
Sexual orientation should not be significant factor in the workplace. If it is, there's something wrong.

Oh, btw, Christmas (and the holiday season in general) is taken different ways by different people. Religious people have their own empasis, and secular people have theirs, all within the same season. To not see that obvious fact is...annoying.

In fact, that is the predominate theme of this thread. Things that barely need to be said; rather, they should be self-evident. Civil rights and human dignity along with a downgrade on the whining.

Good God, is thread funny or what?! But, in all honesty, I support gays wanting to get married, after all we straights should not be the only ones to suffer. :D

But, this call in gay deal, idk sounds kind of lame. I don't think it accomplishes anything, expect that now you know that the dude who sits in the cubicle to the left of you is gay.
People hate them because they think they're better for being sexually retarded.

I like threads like this.
Because no one dares admit they are racist or anti-semetic. But apparently people still openly admit or discuss 'hatred' for homosexuals.
Oh, it saddens me that such ignorant thoughts still exist. But at least now they don't hide behind political correctness (read: fear), but have come out in the open for the world to see...and judge.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
They aren't any more special so why should they be treated any differently.

The irony of this statement is that is exactly what the the homosexual folk are saying.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The irony of this statement is that is exactly what the the homosexual folk are saying.

Ironically, the irony of what gay people are saying is that they do want to be treated differently...but...not differently too.

Irony...overload...can't...compute...beep...beep blip...bleep bloop...bloop blop bleep...:crash:


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Ironically, the irony of what gay people are saying is that they do want to be treated differently...but...not differently too.

Are they? How so?
They want to be treated as equals; like everybody else.

They also want to be recognized as being gay; not like everybody else.

Imo, most of the gays and lesbians I know don't want to be known as gay, per se.

They just want to be thought of as normal and equal even though they are gay.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Imo, most of the gays and lesbians I know don't want to be known as gay, per se.

They just want to be thought of as normal and equal even though they are gay.

That's them; I'm talking about these people who are calling in "GAY" to work.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I believe that's why they are taking a 'gay' day. To try and show people that they are just as valuable as 'straight' people to the economy on a per capita basis.

But if they truly wanted to be seen as equals, they wouldn't be calling attention to their own sexuality. I know that they're doing it with some sort of "goal" in mind, but their argument is completely ironic. It's almos as if they're saying...

"We want to be equals, but we're going to show you by using our difference in sexuality as an excuse to not work."


Personally, I think that gay people should be allowed to get married and I don't see a reason why they shouldn't be. But, their form of protest...

A) aimed at the wrong people
B) ...has nothing to do with marriage, what-so-ever
C) ironic to the N'th degree
I didn't say I agreed with their tactics. But I do understand them.

Many of these people are frustrated with being marginalized by so many people and they are trying whatever they can think of to end that treatment.

And I can understand frustration and how it can make you say/do seemingly irrational things.
gay people aren't the one's that created the difference. it's like "don't ask, don't tell". it's Ok as long as they deny that they are gay and then they will be treated as if they are straight. so in other words it's Ok as long as they aren't gay. but if they admit that they are gay, then they are "the ones calling attention to their differences, and asking to be treated different" so they will be treated as second class citizens.

It's damned if you do or damned if you don't.

Because gay people are for the most part totally segregated from straight society by straight society simply by virtue of their existence, for them to lead a normal life requires them to engage in almost exclusively gay social interaction, which has created the gay "movement" as a consumer culture and as a political solidarity group. The mindset is that "you" aren't going to do it for "us", so we have to do it on our own. Just like the women's movement, and the race movements.

I'll say it again gays weren't the one's that created the sexual polarization, they are just a product of it. Until society really becomes blind to sexual orientation (on the same level that it has in race and gender relations), that is the only way that they will be able to be integrated into mainstream society as peers and not as outsiders.

Americans have the "not in my backyard" hypocrisy. You say that you are "cool with it", but only so long as it doesn't exist as a reality for you. that's not cool. cool is being able to interact with people on different levels.