Lots of people do.
She's too old and doesn't do anal.
Rodman confirmed this on Howard Stern.
So, her fifteen minutes is up and has been for sometime. :hatsoff:
For those who still haven't seen em....this is from her thread
WHo gives a fuck if she doesn't do anal. Anal is disgusting.
Oh I'm doing it right, everyone else is doing it wrong. Personally, if your gunna do anal with a girl you may as well fuck a guy in the ass. It's just a closet gay fantasy that most guys have.
Oh I'm doing it right, everyone else is doing it wrong. Personally, if your gunna do anal with a girl you may as well fuck a guy in the ass. It's just a closet gay fantasy that most guys have.
Oh I'm doing it right, everyone else is doing it wrong. Personally, if your gunna do anal with a girl you may as well fuck a guy in the ass. It's just a closet gay fantasy that most guys have.