What's the use?

Cmon people, use common sense.
Those aren't condoms. You see, a woman's inner vaginal wall sheds a layer of skin during sexual intercourse, casually known as "the leftovers". Some women shed such a marvelous layer that it actually adheres to the penis in which it is partaking in intercourse with. When you see a guy "pull off a condom", he is actually removing the mucus-like secretion that has coated his penis. When the mucusy layer makes contact with air, it instantly changes it's chemical composition, much like the reaction of watching Elmer's glue dry on the tip of your finger. What you are seeing is a miracle of life Fadista...a miracle...of...life.

Damn Chef, what kind of women do you hang out with?


Closed Account
Those aren't condoms. You see, a woman's inner vaginal wall sheds a layer of skin during sexual intercourse, casually known as "the leftovers". Some women shed such a marvelous layer that it actually adheres to the penis in which it is partaking in intercourse with. When you see a guy "pull off a condom", he is actually removing the mucus-like secretion that has coated his penis. When the mucusy layer makes contact with air, it instantly changes it's chemical composition, much like the reaction of watching Elmer's glue dry on the tip of your finger. What you are seeing is a miracle of life Fadista...a miracle...of...life.
:D Nice one Chef, but don't forget the layer of skin that's left on the vaginal walls by the penis during copulation?

Life's a two way street and infections can come from both parties.;)

NB: I think most of my penis skin has been left on vaginal walls over the years, it's quite tender these days!:(

Will E Worm

They really serve no purpose if they don't use them all the time during the shoot. So, I see no need for them. I don't care for condoms at all.

I have no idea what your talking about... coming from a woman! I have never experienced what your talking about and frankly that sounds gross...LOL you may want to check the girl out sounds unhealthy to me!! Urrrhhh :eek:

Chef doesn't know much about females. :D