This is gunna get goooood.
I wouldn't tell anyone I had a gf lol.
This is gunna get goooood.
I wouldn't tell anyone I had a gf lol.
That's what I thought at first, but I don't think I could pull off lying to two girls at the same time. If a girl knew you had a GF and still wanted to fuck... that would be nice.
its okay to get some pussy well i wont advise it but talk to your old lady see how shes doing
It's stream of consciousness writing.
First popularized by renknowned English novelist Virginia Woolf, it's poetic vision gives wings to the often ordinary, sometimes banal settings of a posting board. Some critics, however, judge it to be lacking in universality and depth, and therefore without the power to communicate anything of emotional or ethical relevance.
Thus as with all art, how one percieves it is purely subjective.
get to the point
If you were going to cheat on someone would you tell other girls that you are in a relationship (not married) so that they knew they were helping you cheat, or would you try to keep your relationship a secret?
interesting topic, my friend asked me the same question and i said tell the girl the truth. this way if she goes for it,she cant say you lied to her just to use her for sex.well it back fired. he carried on with this girl for several weeks and she came to the conclusion that she was being used anyway.he came home from work to find this girl sitting in his living room with his wife.girl was crying that she had to tell the truth.buddy got devorced.ugly.