Freestlying and writing that Dope rhyme


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
that was gay and i'm straight leave me alone
go somewhere else to find a date
your kind of fake go stand behind a plate
so when i break your face you anorexic
face you cant say you didnt have nothing to eat
and i say your a sore loser
people are suppose to get smarter not more stupider.
sell Uranus to that whore Jupiter
your rotten a dumb ass
hold your tongue back
because after you bust a nut You Might not want it cum splashed
i thought i told you you gotta be bright
but with a odd fellow like you i could be wrong
but more then likely i'm probably right, ass muncher

You think I'm anorexic, but like my rhymes, I'm kinda fat
You could say I got a spare tire, but that's just in case I get a flat
Flat like your mother, that bitch ain't got no titties
But boy that bitch can blow, that's why it's called the Windy City

What was that, Mrs. Middlefinger? Your son is a big fat twat?
He can't come up with better rhymes, that's really the best shit he's got?
If you haven't noticed, your moms is by my side
Hold on, let me whip out my dick so she can have something to ride

DAAAAAMN, look at her go! She's got an engine like a freight
I'd better not cum inside of her or next month she might be late
Then you'll have a little brother that would also be my son
Then I'd also be your daddy, but God damn, wouldn't that'd be fun?
^^^ Seems like their should be a posse of people standing around you going:




and maybe

Chef you still suck cock but what not
you mom got pregnant with you at the neighborhood hood bus stop
you love whores and re runs
they said all the gay cock suckers had a prince
and you wanted to tour the kingdom
its nice to know your the leader of the Gay pride Parade
but I just pissed a title and your float can't ride the wave
that shit you came with is starting to sink
which has me personally starting to think
why you don't drive your car to the creek
crash that piece of shit and barf in your seat
other then that you will go less obliged
because approaching me with your eyes or any part of your body
you just committed a hate crime
somebody please arrest this guy
so you can do your precious gay time
and step aside at least you didn't get left to die
so I guess you tried to cover up that stress inside
by telling everybody how your so much extra fly
but Its still not impressive why?
because your the king bee and your suppose to protect your hive
to the wild you were expect to die
but you were kept alive
but some collector. who drunk the sector and read the times
until they found out you were a fraud
after you put it in his face to collect a bribe


Loves the double vag
okay it goes like this, write whatever that comes to mind first. This is not a game this is something to talk about.

Diggin within the pention of my living intermission
the ambition that intend to listen
decide to question the sentence written.

just something like that or more. whatever as long as you don't give a fuck.

Er, um, Middlefinger... what does pention mean ? Is it just a misspelled word or is it like some Jesse Jackson thing where you made up a word ?
it's an adjective meaning in this phrase collection
like I was saying looking at all the times in my life that I wasn't doing anything.

instead of diggin within the pension of my living intermission


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Chef you still suck cock but what not
you mom got pregnant with you at the neighborhood hood bus stop
you love whores and re runs
they said all the gay cock suckers had a prince
and you wanted to tour the kingdom
its nice to know your the leader of the Gay pride Parade
but I just pissed a title and your float can't ride the wave
that shit you came with is starting to sink
which has me personally starting to think
why you don't drive your car to the creek
crash that piece of shit and barf in your seat
other then that you will go less obliged
because approaching me with your eyes or any part of your body
you just committed a hate crime
somebody please arrest this guy
so you can do your precious gay time
and step aside at least you didn't get left to die
so I guess you tried to cover up that stress inside
by telling everybody how your so much extra fly
but Its still not impressive why?
because your the king bee and your suppose to protect your hive
to the wild you were expect to die
but you were kept alive
but some collector. who drunk the sector and read the times
until they found out you were a fraud
after you put it in his face to collect a bribe

I'd drive my car into a creek but your rhymes have filled it with shit
I can't believe you haven't realized that it's time for you to quit
You're stinkin' up this thread with all your shitty ass rhymes
You're stock of insults is plumetting, while mine continues to climb

You're so scared that you want somebody to arrest me
Why don't you grow a pair, step the fuck up and test me
You won't because you can't, you know you'll get destroyed
I'll rough you up worse than your momma's colon when she get's ass toyed

And if what you say is true, and "gay cock suckers" have a prince
I'm pretty sure it'd be you, and that ain't no coincidence
You've been gobblin' cock for years and I've heard you've become a pro
So allow me to spread some holiday cheer and call you a HO-HO-HOmo
you talk more shit then a two dollar radio
that's why I don't use it
some fag must of invested getting fucked in the ass
and you have the only blue print
tell me again how you have it made
all up on my nuts trying to grab my way
back off slut your not that enthusiastic
you can kick scream and yell as loud as you want
queers shouldn't be allowed to get drunk ( I don't want to smell that shit when it comes out finally)
because your just end up in church aroused by a nun
looking at all the pretty pictures on the wall asking how they were done
now that its fun you should keep jerking off until you devour a lung
I'm not saying your my kid because I would of fathered a son
not some drag queen claiming trying to multiply everything to the power of one
Like his shit don't stink but without your colon cleanse
that diarrhea inside all of your cowards would run
so tell your fat ass to move out the way it's crowding the sun
but that happens all the time. since you really do suck cock
occasionally I can see why you do do nut powder your tongue.
whats that? your trying to talk to me?
but I'm walking on the run and I' can kind of hear what your saying partially.
Not that I wanted to anyway so groupie get off of me.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
you talk more shit then a two dollar radio
that's why I don't use it
some fag must of invested getting fucked in the ass
and you have the only blue print
tell me again how you have it made
all up on my nuts trying to grab my way
back off slut your not that enthusiastic
you can kick scream and yell as loud as you want
queers shouldn't be allowed to get drunk ( I don't want to smell that shit when it comes out finally)
because your just end up in church aroused by a nun
looking at all the pretty pictures on the wall asking how they were done
now that its fun you should keep jerking off until you devour a lung
I'm not saying your my kid because I would of fathered a son
not some drag queen claiming trying to multiply everything to the power of one
Like his shit don't stink but without your colon cleanse
that diarrhea inside all of your cowards would run
so tell your fat ass to move out the way it's crowding the sun
but that happens all the time. since you really do suck cock
occasionally I can see why you do do nut powder your tongue.
whats that? your trying to talk to me?
but I'm walking on the run and I' can kind of hear what your saying partially.
Not that I wanted to anyway so groupie get off of me.

30% of your words are terribly misspelled
The point you're trying to make? Fuck it, I can't tell
It's just a bunch of jibberish, at least that's the way I see it
You should grab yourself some Hooked on Phonics and learn your ABC's, bitch

But your brain's too small and you can't comprehend it all
You're like a retard, chin covered in spit, dribblin' like a basketball
And where can I find a "two dollar radio", I've never seen one of those
Could I buy one with the two dollars I gave your mom to take off her clothes?

Her titties looked like mudflaps, like they belong on the back of a truck
And I know she didn't breast feed you, she ain't got no nipples for you to suck
So how'd you get your nutrients? Did You Milk your daddy instead?
Yeah, I bet you did, no wonder you've gotten so good at givin' head
I don't like sailing with butt pirates.
why are you still around feeding on that shit
I thought you loved diets
how did you become stupid
whats up with your brain i know you got one, use it
i think You Might have your head up your ass
pull that piece of shit out wipe your self off
because you should be jailed for committing male fraud
back off you wouldn't want to break a nail
not only are you gay as hell
when someone tells a gay joke you just don't take it well
once you get locked up they should throw away the key
because if it was up to me you wouldn't be making bail
I will tell it straight,
its not even a real debate
how many dicks was your maggot ass built to take
your still a fake
only queers like what you have to say
because just like you pee brain, they fail to think.
your sense of humor really stinks up the place
so, make more sense in being a factor
because you should stop making a scene as an actor
you putting up a front; in between your steroid genes and laughter
you should cross your legs because I can see your asshole.
JUST admit it you need the satisfaction
In times like this only one man can save us

I want to have poop sex with every body here
This thread is a joke and the poster is a queer
Im too fucking lazy to read all the posts
But I did happen to be able to laugh the most
So I forgot to leave the door closed to my bathroom
And Chef went in and posed with my straw broom
For the sexy pictures I took with my camera
And I think I'll mention now that nothing rhymes with orange
Or camera.
That I've seen.
Dick bean.
You guys are so awesome :thumbsup:
I was wondering as i have this freestyle thing coming up if you guys mind if i used this.

Keep up the good work guys!!!!

[SIZE="-8"]I'm super super super serious [/SIZE]


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I don't like sailing with butt pirates.
why are you still around feeding on that shit
I thought you loved diets
how did you become stupid
whats up with your brain i know you got one, use it
i think You Might have your head up your ass
pull that piece of shit out wipe your self off
because you should be jailed for committing male fraud
back off you wouldn't want to break a nail
not only are you gay as hell
when someone tells a gay joke you just don't take it well
once you get locked up they should throw away the key
because if it was up to me you wouldn't be making bail
I will tell it straight,
its not even a real debate
how many dicks was your maggot ass built to take
your still a fake
only queers like what you have to say
because just like you pee brain, they fail to think.
your sense of humor really stinks up the place
so, make more sense in being a factor
because you should stop making a scene as an actor
you putting up a front; in between your steroid genes and laughter
you should cross your legs because I can see your asshole.
JUST admit it you need the satisfaction

You say you don't like "butt pirates", RRRRRR you for real?
Cuz I heard your ass is like a magnet that attracts their dicks of steel
And if anyone is "gay as hell", there's no doubt that it'd be you
All those white stains on your shorts sure as hell ain't from Elmer's glue

Nope, that's all from cum and manly cum at that
But I have to admit that I'm quite surprised, I didn't think you spat
I figured you more of a swallower, because that trait runs in your family
I own your bitch ass and yet you still try to battle me

My sense of humor doesn't stink, those are your rhymes that you're smellin'
I could teach you a thing or two about funny, but fuck it, I ain't tellin'
And if you can see my asshole, then you should probably stop lookin'
But then again, that's where you get your shitty rhymes...
IF YA SMEEEEEEEELL, what the Chef is cookin'