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  1. jibbijib

    Very Important News.

    Ok bump.
  2. jibbijib

    everyone on this site sucks

    Yeah we love you.
  3. jibbijib

    everyone on this site sucks

    But me. I'm awesome.
  4. jibbijib

    For the Ladies--who would you like to ride like a stallion?[This one works]

    Can I put a shameless plug in for myself? Sweet. Lets see how many votes I dont get!
  5. jibbijib

    Chica's Latest Pics

    Thanks, but I mean minus the part where shes gotta spread her legs at a spa to get all that hair removed...
  6. jibbijib

    Hi everyone! It's Nikki Nova.

  7. jibbijib

    Cure for depression

    Surprisingly, mine is re-occurring, and having a motorcycle ride here and there has helped tons. Or walks. I usually get depression attacks at the beginning of each month. Kinda like my own type of pms. Anything to get you out into nature, and enjoy it without much distraction can clear your...
  8. jibbijib

    Hi everyone, its Saffron Taylor

    Hi Saffron, nice to meet you. I'm Jibbijib (real name witheld for legal and protection reasons). I am from Ontario, Canada. I'm 22 years old. Im blonde, 6'3" and I'm not a fireman. Sorry ladies for the disappointment. I am currently jobless, and moving very soon. I ride a motorcycle. Or well, at...
  9. jibbijib

    Hi everyone! It's Nikki Nova.

    PM sent.... :D
  10. jibbijib

    Stephen Baldwin's foreclosed home to be auctioned

    I'll buy it for 20 bucks.
  11. jibbijib

    Hi everyone! It's Nikki Nova.

    Welcome! I'm still wondering how to become an OCSM...
  12. jibbijib

    Cure for depression

    Walking. Motorcycle. You never see a motorcycle parked at a therapists office.
  13. jibbijib

    Chica's Latest Pics

    Ok I got a great question. How do you ladies manage to get so clean shaven? My gf has tried the veet thing, but can't seem to get super smooth. Any tips?
  14. jibbijib

    Did she go to FAR?

    She has nice lips.
  15. jibbijib

    Hi, i'm new :)

    Howdy doody! I leave for a long time, and of course another blessing joins the forum. Maybe I should leave more often....
  16. jibbijib

    Chica's Latest Pics

    I suddenly feel the urge to move to AZ and learn how to cook chinese food. Do I get a back rub too?
  17. jibbijib

    Controversial Topic

    Snitches get the 12 gauge shotty to the face.
  18. jibbijib

    Very Important News.

    My work here is NOT done. But it's satisfactory! I have to take a shit.
  19. jibbijib

    My girlfreind broke up with me

  20. jibbijib

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Memphis Monroe ... Thank you Kasey Kasum
  21. jibbijib

    Very Important News.

    This? Crap? Nonsense poopypants! Considering all the threads about news that is irrelevant to your own daily life, how is this any different? Well, except for the fact that it's happy news!
  22. jibbijib

    Mob Nabs, Beats (to a pulp) Man Sought in Rape of Young Girl

    When the right person gets the shit beat out of them, then the justice is done. Karma always plays a part. What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. Shit like that.
  23. jibbijib

    game: who would you fuck?

    Briana georges or D-rock?
  24. jibbijib

    What exactly makes a female ass "hot"???

    Fire makes it hot.
  25. jibbijib

    Very Important News.

    Hey Everybody!:wave:
  26. jibbijib

    Mob Nabs, Beats (to a pulp) Man Sought in Rape of Young Girl

    Street justice wins yet again!
  27. jibbijib

    Finding a good porno for my girlfriend...

    Get a video camera, and film her when you're fucking her.
  28. jibbijib

    Controversial Topic

    Midget tossing is a sport... :dunno:
  29. jibbijib

    10 Pornstars Who Gave Their Bods to God

    This is it. How are they miserable when they are happy with God? :dunno:
  30. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    Im gunna heat up some 'za.
  31. jibbijib

    What are you listening to right now?

    Magic Man - Heart Probably cuz the gf says Im the magic man.
  32. jibbijib

    Random Statement Thread II

    O hi guys! I'm 22 today.
  33. jibbijib

    The creepiest X-mass card ever!

    I sense someone has a hate for women. Or is that a lust for women? Jeeze, I can't tell.
  34. jibbijib

    How old is our Planet Earth?

    It started 15 minutes ago.
  35. jibbijib

    Why is sex 'bad'?

    Try basing a relationship on sex, and another on love. See which one lasts longer. That will be your answer.
  36. jibbijib

    Batwoman is gay.

    Whoop dee doo... So, what's cookin?
  37. jibbijib

    Valentines day gifts....Whatcha giving the lady in your life?

    I don't know yet. Maybe I'll write her a new poem and do up a nice picture for her. It's hard to give anything when she's so far away. She understands, and that's what matters.
  38. jibbijib

    Kevin Smith's "porno" film.

    It's sickening how whiney everyone has become with the smallest of things. Who cares if it has the word porno in the title. Honestly, we've all grown up and seen some of the worst things through our lives, and there's no way you can protect your children from seeing the same stuff. Ignorance...
  39. jibbijib

    The Sex Police Are At It Again! Vibrators Banned in Georgia!

    It's just a small part of the bigger picture. It's supposed to numb people to losing their civil and human rights due to the scaremongering produced by the western world government bodies. Attack people with the fear for their saftey, and they will give up their rights and freedoms so that they...
  40. jibbijib

    Help me! Ugg Boots

    Moccossains are better...
  41. jibbijib

    Those "free" things?

    Garbage. Delete.
  42. jibbijib

    9/11 Inside Work?

    One more thing. The towers were build to withstand the impact of a 747 jet, and not fall to the ground. Ask the people who were in the ground floor about how they felt an explosion from the basement before the planes hit. People need to realize that your governing officials don't care about...
  43. jibbijib

    Shay Laren's Breasts....What Happened?

    Is it just me, or does the prof talk too much?
  44. jibbijib

    9/11 Inside Work?

    Yes. For control. Fear=control.
  45. jibbijib

    Why America is Finished

    America was finished the day it was found.
  46. jibbijib

    About to get blown

    Wow you people take things way to seriously.
  47. jibbijib

    Your pre-hangover cure?

    The problem people don't understand with eating bread or any food, is that the food absorbs the alcohol, and keeps it in your system longer. It may pause the effect for a while, but once your stomach digests the food, the alcohol goes with it, thus giving you a later dosage of alcohol when you...