The V card stands for Vagrant card,
In some parts of this great little world of ours, vagrants (tramps, bums, cunts if you will) are not allowed to walk, sit and sleep on the street without becoming a member of the Vagrant society union or the VSU. And what they have to do is when appraoched by members of this union sometimes in disguise sometimes in their normal casual dress (which usually consists of a 3 piece suit or a tuxedo whatevers clean) they are asked these three questions
1. How long have you been on the streets?
2. Oh, is that your dog? What a wonderful personality he has.
3. When Jesus first walked the earth he was no a child but a man, what did he say?
And if the tramp is in the society, he/she will answer in that disgruntled drunken way they always do: (they wont mind me giving you the answers tramps dont usually have internet conections)
1. 6 to 7 years
2. Yes he's a good boy I found him a couple of years ago, he's been with me ever since.
3. Cast not you aspersions apon me dear friends for I am just a man like you, why not join me and I will grant you great joy and happiness and even wealth if you so desire. If you would all line up infront of Mr Bealzebub and he will take your names and adresses and bank details.
And so, if those three answers are not given word for word when he is asked the officals will calmly walk away and maybe in an hour or two maybe even a day, there will be one less vagrant on the streets.
But will anyone notice? Will anyone care?
HA!!! You bet you sweet asses they wont.
How do I know this you ask? Well all im going to say is:
I'll see you on the streets