9 Attractive Qualities Women Look For In A Guy...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS

Will E Worm

1. Super Hot
2. Money

That's what it comes down to for the majority of women. Mostly money.

4. Sense of Humor
5. Confident
6. Talented & Passionate
7. Kindness
8. Intelligent
9. Trustworthy

These are just characteristics women add on to their list so they don't look so self absorbed. Why didn't Chris Farley have women?
That's what it comes down to for the majority of women. Mostly money.

These are just characteristics women add on to their list so they don't look so self absorbed. Why didn't Chris Farley have women?

Agreed. I have no money, so I am sure that conrtibutes to amoutn of time I spend w/ porn!

But, seriously, i think one more should be added: be an asshole. Women love assholes! :confused::dunno:
Women want to choose who will lead them around.

In simplest terms you need to be the Father she had, the Father she didn't have or the Uncle who got there first.

Will E Worm

Agreed. I have no money, so I am sure that conrtibutes to amoutn of time I spend w/ porn!

Money shouldn't be the problem. Females should be looking for someone who will treat them right.

But, seriously, i think one more should be added: be an asshole. Women love assholes! :confused::dunno:

Instead they go for the "bad boys".

I don't want anything to do with females like that.

Messing around with bad boys then when they are ready to settle down, they look for a good man. Not going to happen to me.
Sense of Humor
Super Hot
Talented & Passionate

Wow, what a coincidence those are all of the things that I look for in a guy. :dunno:

Although im not that stringent ;)

So fellas if your out there mamma's waiting for you, baby......


Loves the double vag
Wow, what a coincidence those are all of the things that I look for in a guy. :dunno:

Although im not that stringent ;)

So fellas if your out there mamma's waiting for you, baby......

Christ Blue Balls, you made me spit me coffee out, that was friggin funny!

Rep to ya brother.
I think Trustworthy needs to move up the list. I've struggled with relationships with guys mostly because of this. Girls seemed to value this more and I find my relationships with women are better because there is a high value of trustworthiness.
I think Trustworthy needs to move up the list. I've struggled with relationships with guys mostly because of this. Girls seemed to value this more and I find my relationships with women are better because there is a high value of trustworthiness.

I have plenty of female friends. But I find them no more trustworthy then men.
Men have two very strong drives that we our often wrestling with in one form or another: the drive for sex and/or conquest. They are instinctive and we did not ask for them. And they are usually the basis of our misdeeds.
Too many women believe that men don't have these instincts. And too many men try to pretend they don't have them. They are all living in denial.
Women should accept these 'instincts' as fact. They should then decide what 'instinctive' behaviour they can tolerate and what they can't and VERY CLEARLY inform their men of these 'limits'. And the minute those limits are exceeded...leave and NEVER return.
The only "quality" on that list that a man need possess is M-O-N-E-Y. Every one of the 8 remaining qualities on that list is marginalized to a greater degree depending on the amount of money you have. The more money you have, the uglier and less funny you can be.

Will E Worm

Men lie the most, women tell the biggest lies. Men, we lie all the time.
We lie so much, it's damn near a language. lt's like, to call a man out for lying...
is like playing basketball with a retarded kid and calling him for double dribble.
You gotta let some sh*t slide. Men, we lie all the time.

You know what a man's lie is like?
A man's lie is like, ''l was at Tony's house.
''l'm at Kenny's house.'' That's a man's lie.
A women's lie is like, ''lt's your baby.''
We've all heard that one.
-''lt don't even look like me!''
-''He's got your hat!''

That's right. Who the biggest liars?
Women the biggest liars.

Look at you, all of you. You're a f**king liar. You! You're a liar!
You're all liars. All of you are f**king liars!

Masters of the lie, the visual lie. Look at you.
You got on heels, you ain't that tall.
You got on makeup, your face don't look like that.

You got a weave, your hair ain't that long.
You got a Wonderbra on, your titties ain't that big.

Everything about you is a lie,
and you expect me to tell the truth?

F**k you!

Chris Rock Bigger And Blacker :hatsoff:
The only "quality" on that list that a man need possess is M-O-N-E-Y. Every one of the 8 remaining qualities on that list is marginalized to a greater degree depending on the amount of money you have. The more money you have, the uglier and less funny you can be.

That's not as true as it used to be. The days of women depending on men for income or wealth are numbered. As time goes on and women's average incomes rise, money will decrease in priority and male looks will increase. Guaranteed.
It's already FAR more like that now then it was just 20 years ago.
Money...would be nice, but not horribly necessary.

Sense of humor, on the other hand...

Super hot? I have never met a man that qualifies as that. Sorry. I guess I have high standards in that regard.

And will someone let me know when the stereotypical woman bashing is done? :thefinger


I'm broke going for my degree, and i'm probably not that attractive.

I'm NEVER getting laid now. At least i'm immune to pepper spray now.

Will E Worm

Money...would be nice, but not horribly necessary.

Sense of humor, on the other hand...

Super hot? I have never met a man that qualifies as that. Sorry. I guess I have high standards in that regard.

And will someone let me know when the stereotypical woman bashing is done? :thefinger

Then you're an exception to the rule. Except for the "hot" comment. :tongue:

I'm broke going for my degree, and i'm probably not that attractive.

I'm NEVER getting laid now. At least i'm immune to pepper spray now.

If they don't want anything to do with you now, make sure not to have anything to do with them after you get your degree.

Marry a young girl or mail order bride. ;)