Booty Short Txt Ideas

Booty Shorts Txt Ideas

Looking for ideas for booty shorts what should it say on the back my ideas

Big Dicks Wanted
Shake It Fast
Skeet Skeet
A very simple one that reads "Spank Me" would do quite nicely :D

A notice on the front side of the shorts saying, "Deliveries in the rear"

Outlines of hands grabbing, one on each cheek

One that says, " 'No' means- Eat me out first"


what the fuck you lookin at?
"Fuck It"
"Protein is my friend"

A place-mat image that reads,"Welcome- Cum on in"

"If you're reading this...Fuck me already"

"If you're gonna ride my least pull my hair"
A help-wanted type sign that reads "Cock Wanted...Apply Within"

"Let's play a little game called 'Just the Tip'"

"It's like a postage stamp- grab it, lick it, stick it"

"More parking available in the rear"


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
How about...

"I am a huge slut who craves constant attention, so I wear tight ass shorts that have stupid sayings on them just so guys will look at my ass and want to have sex with me!"

...or something like that.
"These are my shorts"
"Wtf U lookin at?"
"My eyes are up... oh nvm"
"Remove before flight"
"Exit Only"
"No tracks here"

And just for Chef

"No chef these arent yours"
How about...
"Your Tongue Here"
"Spank This"
"Hard Man Good Find"
"Meat sticks Only"
"If your name is Tebow, this ass is yours"
"Rumpy Pumpy"
"Overweight, sorry"
"Will work for food"
"GM warning"
"Handle with care"
"Contents under pressure"
this one is too long but..."Surgeon generals warning:contents have been known to cause addiction"

Will E Worm

"I'm overpriced"
"I want too much."
"Welfare mother"
"I can't cook"

Truth in advertising. :hatsoff:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
"You must be eight inches to ride"