Windows Vista Problems

I've got Vista now and I'm having some trouble with using it. I've searched through both manuals and the help programs and found nothing. Here are the main three problems:

1: When I open a new browser window, it stays small instead of filling the screen.

2: When I left-click on a download link, it tells me there is no internet connection. I have to right-click and save target instead.

3: When I try to install AVG, the installation program stops responding and refuses to restart.

Anyone else had problems? And more importantly,does anyone know how to fix them? Thanks for any help, guys. :helpme: :wave2:


what the fuck you lookin at?
I've got no problems with vista. As for the new window thing, try using firefox and just open a new tab, thats what I do.

Will E Worm

Buy XP. That should fix everything. ;)


Postal Paranoiac
Wait for Windows 7 which I'm sure MS will rush to retail next year.
I had vista for about a month and i decide a. i could blow my brains out cause it was giving me so much shit or b. go back to xp. I toke B, and if i was you i would do the same. I had so many damn problems, also my comp froze all the time :mad:


Closed Account
Vista is the biggest bag of crap ever. Over works your processor and memory for something that XP would do quicker.

Use XP but just get every XP update you can, and office 2007. I have Vista but don't think it is ready yet to take over from XP.
I wanted XP but all new PCs only had Vista. Also, the place where I bought it said installing XP on a PC designed for Vista might make it blow up. Is this true? If not, can I install using my friend's XP disk? Any help appreciated, thanks guys. :wave2:

Will E Worm

I wanted XP but all new PCs only had Vista. Also, the place where I bought it said installing XP on a PC designed for Vista might make it blow up. Is this true? If not, can I install using my friend's XP disk? Any help appreciated, thanks guys. :wave2:

What? :1orglaugh

Was it Best Buy? They looked at my mother's computer and said she had a lot of viruses and so on and she needed another harddrive.

My mother looked at her computer manual and fixed it herself. :D

The Geek Squad is a rip off.

I doubt it will "blow up". Vista is a bigger program than XP.
That's one reason no one wants it.
I wanted XP but all new PCs only had Vista. Also, the place where I bought it said installing XP on a PC designed for Vista might make it blow up. Is this true? If not, can I install using my friend's XP disk? Any help appreciated, thanks guys. :wave2:

I doubt he said it would blow up, anyways installing XP on a pc design for vista might not support all your hardware and i don't know what processor you are using.

Try it out install XP if it doesn't work out you can always install vista again.

About the problems you posted in the first post those ain't Vista related problems.

1) double click or press F11 for full screen
2) internet connection , you sure the settings are right? did you plug in the cable? is the green light burning where you plugged in the cable in pc
3) AVG are you sure you have a VISTA compatible version, even the installer can causes problems if you don't have that.

On this laptop and my development pc i use XP cause of some backward compatibility issues with JDK, how ever on my gaming machine I'm running Vista and it works like a charm.
What? :1orglaughWas it Best Buy?

It was PC World, the biggest, most popular computer shop chain in Britain, so I assumed they were good and honest. Maybe not.

I doubt he said it would blow up, anyways installing XP on a pc design for vista might not support all your hardware and i don't know what processor you are using.

About the problems you posted in the first post those ain't Vista related problems.

1) double click or press F11 for full screen
2) internet connection , you sure the settings are right? did you plug in the cable? is the green light burning where you plugged in the cable in pc
3) AVG are you sure you have a VISTA compatible version, even the installer can causes problems if you don't have that.

Well OK, he never said it would literally blow up, but said it may stop working, or corrupt the hard drive or something.

And also:

1: I know how to make the window go full screen, I was hoping for some setup option so it would fill the screen automatically on opening.

2: The web connection is fine, it's just that on a page such as this one with the lovely Audrey Bitoni: when I left-click on the picture-link it claims to have no connection. The only way to open the vid is to right-click and save, then play it later.

3: I'll check the compatibility next time, thanks for that. :thumbsup: :wave2:
It was PC World, the biggest, most popular computer shop chain in Britain, so I assumed they were good and honest. Maybe not.

Well OK, he never said it would literally blow up, but said it may stop working, or corrupt the hard drive or something.

And also:

1: I know how to make the window go full screen, I was hoping for some setup option so it would fill the screen automatically on opening.

2: The web connection is fine, it's just that on a page such as this one with the lovely Audrey Bitoni: when I left-click on the picture-link it claims to have no connection. The only way to open the vid is to right-click and save, then play it later.

3: I'll check the compatibility next time, thanks for that. :thumbsup: :wave2:

1. When you resizing the window i should save the size when you close the browser, so the next time it should be the size it was when you closed it.

2. I downloaded the whole site on vista without any problems. Do you have any firewalls or virus scanners?

Hope this helps you a bit.
1. When you resizing the window i should save the size when you close the browser, so the next time it should be the size it was when you closed it.

2. I downloaded the whole site on vista without any problems. Do you have any firewalls or virus scanners?

Hope this helps you a bit.

1: How do I save the size of the window? I think that's the piece of advice I've been looking for. :thumbsup:

2: I just now tried that page with VLC as my default player, and it asked me if I wanted to open or save the file. Maybe problem solved. :D :wave2:
1: How do I save the size of the window? I think that's the piece of advice I've been looking for. :thumbsup:

2: I just now tried that page with VLC as my default player, and it asked me if I wanted to open or save the file. Maybe problem solved. :D :wave2:

You know how to manually resize the window right? do that then close the browser. When you re-open your browser it should be the size you had when you closed it.
I think I've solved the window size problem. With the window in "normal" mode, manually stretch it to the desired size, then right-click on the minimize button and click "size". Left click and the size should be saved.

Two problems down, now just the AVG to find. :thumbsup: :wave2:
I just now tried that page with VLC as my default player, and it asked me if I wanted to open or save the file. Maybe problem solved. :D :wave2:

I'm still having trouble with some links. Can I set VLC to be the default player for all files? :helpme: :wave2:

Edit: Never mind, I can do it manually through opening saved files.
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