little black book of tricks

she obeys the rules of the school very well, and she does have a faith. its for each of us to decide on our own how we practice that faith. she is livin hers out the way she wants just as i hope you are yours.

Will E Worm

she obeys the rules of the school very well, and she does have a faith. its for each of us to decide on our own how we practice that faith. she is livin hers out the way she wants just as i hope you are yours.

I can agree to disagree. :hatsoff:

Just like every church I've been in and used to attend, there are hypocrites.
look im doin everything i can to take u with a grain of salt here but u lookin down ur nose at us is really wearin thin on me.

just a thought here too..... whose more of a hypocrite?
the girl who has lived her short 19 years as of today modestly n finally found someone she wanted to give herself to for the first time and is in a relationship with him or the guy who is campin on a porn site gettin into a better than thou religous debate? :p just my 2 cents........

Will E Worm

just a thought here too..... whose more of a hypocrite?
the girl who has lived her short 19 years as of today modestly n finally found someone she wanted to give herself to for the first time and is in a relationship with him or the guy who is campin on a porn site gettin into a better than thou religous debate? :p just my 2 cents........

I said I can agree to disagree. If someone says they have a faith or attends a religious school then they should follow the rules of the school and the book they say they believe in. Not pick and choose.

It's like many of the televangelist who preach against something then are found to be guilty of doing the very same things they told their congregation not to do.

Like Ted Haggard who preached against homosexuality. Then everyone found out he is one.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
whose more of a hypocrite?
the girl who has lived her short 19 years as of today modestly n finally found someone she wanted to give herself to for the first time and is in a relationship with him or the guy who is campin on a porn site gettin into a better than thou religous debate?
:p just my 2 cents........

Answer: The girl who lives her life with "religious modesty" one day, but wants to fuck somebody out of wedlock the next day.

Why? Because, the person who is debating religion on a porn forum is just talking the talk. The 19 year girl old who goes out and acts religious one day and then wants to fuck somebody out of wedlock the next day, is actually walking the walk.

My ex-girlfriend was like that. She went to church every Sunday and went to some weird ass church camps every few months or so. She would go through spurts where she would act like the most humble and religiously dedicated person on the earth. But, she'd fuck me like a horny school girl behind closed doors. I love my ex-girlfriend to no end, but she is a huge hypocrite.

:2 cents:
how is a guy who is tryin not only to claim religion but act like he is better at it and all that not walkin the walk when religious people are fundamentally against porn and yet here he is almost 4500 posts deep into a porn based forum? anyways this has gotten so far from the subject of the thread imma just go ahead and ask for this to be closed. i really dont log on here to have people doin the exact same thing act like they are better than me or to get into these kinda online arguements. imma go ahead and quote jackie moon here......

"everyone love everyone!"
yeah i was up all night bored and i guess i was just gettin impatient
it happens


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
how is a guy who is tryin not only to claim religion but act like he is better at it and all that not walkin the walk when religious people are fundamentally against porn and yet here he is almost 4500 posts deep into a porn based forum?

He never said that he is currently religious. He actually said that he used to go to church and found the people to be hypocrites.

Just like every church I've been in and used to attend, there are hypocrites.

So, he's not a hypocrite, because he's not putting on an act of religious falsity by attending church just to please the masses and then sinning like crazy when he gets home by having sex out of wedlock or stealing from his neighborhood grocery store.

anyways this has gotten so far from the subject of the thread imma just go ahead and ask for this to be closed. i really dont log on here to have people doin the exact same thing act like they are better than me or to get into these kinda online arguements. imma go ahead and quote jackie moon here......

"everyone love everyone!"

It's not just you that does this, but why do people come to a public online forum, ask a question which involves a touch of personal opinion, and then get all upset when the answers they get aren't what they want to hear?

If you're going to get all up in arms when someone doesn't give you the answer that you're looking for, then why ask the question in the first place? :dunno: It seems kind of pointless to me.

Will E Worm

anyways this has gotten so far from the subject of the thread imma just go ahead and ask for this to be closed.

Cut and run much? :tongue:

i really dont log on here to have people doin the exact same thing act like they are better than me or to get into these kinda online arguements. imma go ahead and quote jackie moon here......

"everyone love everyone!"

I never said I'm better than you or anyone. But, your "girlfriend" is a hypocrite, by her actions and definition.

Answer: The girl who lives her life with "religious modesty" one day, but wants to fuck somebody out of wedlock the next day.

He never said that he is currently religious. He actually said that he used to go to church and found the people to be hypocrites.

So, he's not a hypocrite, because he's not putting on an act of religious falsity by attending church just to please the masses and then sinning like crazy when he gets home by having sex out of wedlock or stealing from his neighborhood grocery store.

I believe in God in a much different way than most who claim they are Christians believe. I also don't have premarital sex.

I have researched what I was told and most of it has been a lie or they have taken something that is supposed to be a metaphor as being literal.

It's not just you that does this, but why do people come to a public online forum, ask a question which involves a touch of personal opinion, and then get all upset when the answers they get aren't what they want to hear?

If you're going to get all up in arms when someone doesn't give you the answer that you're looking for, then why ask the question in the first place? :dunno: It seems kind of pointless to me.

I don't know why someone would ask a question then get upset when they are told the truth. Seems hypocritical to me. ;)

Also, he can't capitalize words or use punctuation? How can we be sure he is even legal to be on this site? :dunno:
Take it from an old man like me. The best advice has already been given. Control the environment, lots of very very soft touching, and extra soft licking and kissing. When you go down on her, you want to kiss and lick your inner thighs 20 times before you lick her puss once. Every 20 times, one lick. When you do lick, you want to barely be able to feel it on your tongue. Most importantly, don't try to make her cum by fingering her or licking her. If she thinks that you're doing it for any other reason then you love to do it, she won't cum. It's just like a bj for a guy. Some bj's are bad, some are good, and some are mind blowing. The difference is between the girl not liking to do it at all, doing it for her man, and loving to do it. If you don't love to go down on her, find something else that the two of you enjoy. When I was younger I had a girl give me a book. It was called, "how to make love to a woman." It was written by a woman intended for men. Asking on a site like this is fine, but asking women or reading stuff from women is better. I've had friends girlfriends tell me that they fake cumming 100% of the time simply to have their bf's stop trying so hard, then they would masturbate when he fell asleep. That's just my 2 cents though
What surprises me so much about this is that for someone who claims to be in the "service" he has an awful lot of time to bed frigid students, play xbox games and surf the net for porn.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
What surprises me so much about this is that for someone who claims to be in the "service" he has an awful lot of time to bed frigid students, play xbox games and surf the net for porn.

I thought the same exact thing. Maybe the Marine Corp isn't what it's all cracked up to be? :dunno:
lol true that on havin time on my hands. i fly in helicopters, so in the time that im not flying or maintaining them, i get to do what i choose. also, when you are in the states there is alot of down time as well. once you go play in the sandbox, say goodbye free time. its kinda a trade off. o and for the gettin mad at the advice when i didnt like what it said.... that doesnt bother me at all, i really dont care what other people think of me or her, i was just hopin id get answers more geared towards answerin my question is all. thank you to those who tried to offer advice, and im sorry i even asked to the rest.......


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
lol true that on havin time on my hands. i fly in helicopters, so in the time that im not flying or maintaining them, i get to do what i choose. also, when you are in the states there is alot of down time as well. once you go play in the sandbox, say goodbye free time. its kinda a trade off. o and for the gettin mad at the advice when i didnt like what it said.... that doesnt bother me at all, i really dont care what other people think of me or her, i was just hopin id get answers more geared towards answerin my question is all. thank you to those who tried to offer advice, and im sorry i even asked to the rest.......

You honestly want us to believe that you fly in and maintain helicopters while in the Marines, and you have all of this insane amount of free time as well? Not to mention, I've never met a Marine that says "true that" or "imma go ahead". No, I don't think so. Nice try though.

Just because you wear the stock gray t-shirt with USMC ironed-on the front of it while you play Call of Duty 4 doesn't make you an actual Marine.
think what you want bro but the way i act at work and around my peers and the way i am on my off time are two separate things. i was flyin in the uh-1n, or huey for all you older 'nam guys. but these days they got me workin the upgraded versions that just came out. the uh-1y's. google em. they are pretty awesome.