you simply have to ask her. you don't have to have her read a love note to look in her eyes. shes' only shy. maybe she does feel the same way but feels she doesn't have to tell you. she may think you already know woman are complicated and like to move on to the next thing. in which case you should not be ashamed of yourself, it is only normal to love someone who you have a compassion for. there may be moments of uncertainty but through it all you find she is the one for you.
sometime she probably thinks of you the same way but does not want to cause an argument.
okay maybe your in a different situation, leave the girl alone is the only advice
I can give you. shes emotionally drained that is why she is speechless and she doesn't want to hear your bullshit
you asked me what
I thought I'll tell you stop beating around the bush and act like you know
Ugh, two newbies getting in a bicker.
Just ignore her. She doesn't feel the same way about you at all. Trust me. She sees you as a friend and nothing more. Move on.
She doesn't want you, time to get drunk and have buttsecks.
Just said what I feel to a woman I love. She plays around and avoids it. I think she feels the same way but will not say it. How do I get it out of her?
Ugh, two newbies getting in a bicker.