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  1. sporty_carr

    Which mod would you fuck?

    Hissexslave ftw.
  2. sporty_carr


    I own Gantz but haven't gotten around to watching it. It looks bad ass.
  3. sporty_carr

    Whats annoying you

    ^Barrack Spock is annoying me. He keeps trying to give me the Vulcan purple nurple. "Noo!!!, get away from me!" :: SLAP!!! ::
  4. sporty_carr

    It has to be said... Paranormal Activity

    You should go watch Avatar. Then it can be the dumbest movie you've seen in a long time.
  5. sporty_carr

    Rush Limbaugh Stands by Haiti Comments

    It's going towards Obama's next vacation to Hawaii. Yet America is always the bad guy. I wonder how much more appreciated we'd be if we just stopped helping everybody else and worried about ourselves for a change? :dunno: Obama da Man? :confused: So you're NOT REALLY a true Conservative...
  6. sporty_carr

    What are the worst movies you have seen.

    Does the Avatar trailer count?
  7. sporty_carr

    I'm what willis was talking about!

    And I wonder what your avatar was? Memories :crying: What the hell am I crying about......I wasn't even here.
  8. sporty_carr


    I think I suffer from GregCentaurophobia.
  9. sporty_carr


    I saw a series on the Sci Fi channel recently called Monster. It looked pretty good, I want to buy it on dvd.
  10. sporty_carr

    Top 25 Horror Movie Rules

    Hey whimsy......Don't look behind you!
  11. sporty_carr

    Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want

    uh, oh...................... RUN BREE!!! RUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! :eek: But you don't poop right? Girls don't really poop do they!?!?!? It's Fred Durst isn't it? You might as well just admit it, I know it's got to be him. :tongue: Ok, here are my questions for the day. If you win...
  12. sporty_carr

    The sexiest ad ever made wth topless women skydivers

    All blondes are NeoCons.....everyone knows that. :rolleyes:
  13. sporty_carr

    Top 25 Horror Movie Rules

    I don't agree with number 7. Especially for the Friday the 13th movies. My theory has always been to just keep walking backwards. All Jason ever does is if you keep him in your sight he'll never catch up to you. Well, until you fall asleep or walk into a tree. :D
  14. sporty_carr

    Welcome to the Newest Members of the Moderation Team!

    Congrats to you all! Hmmm, I don't think I've angered any of those people.....whew! I'm safe for now. Although, I seem to recall asking Skyraider to join my cult once.................................uh oh. And also, I love your new avatar hissexslave. You have really nice :boobies: Is it...
  15. sporty_carr

    STDiva needs your advice. Again.

    Dude, you guys should totally call your band The Kim Jong Eels. And for your stage show you could all dress up like this guy. Fuck Slipknot and KISS......that shit would rock! :banger: And think of the song possibilities. It's Not Easy Being Dictator Compensating For Somethin Little Man -...
  16. sporty_carr

    How Did American Members Vote The Last Presidential Election?

    I'm sorry you know that ~~whimsy~~. :1orglaugh The last contestant I heard of from American Idol was Clay Aiken.....however long ago that was.
  17. sporty_carr

    How do you handle sarcasm?

  18. sporty_carr

    How do you handle sarcasm?

    Yeah, what's up with these posters that feel every time they start a new thread they have to add a poll? I know I would never do such a thing. :shy: You forgot electric current. I like to give a nice jolt to me balls every night before bed. Sometimes after breakfast too.
  19. sporty_carr

    Haha....actually that's what I'm currently going to school for. So in a few years.....yeah...

    Haha....actually that's what I'm currently going to school for. So in a few years.....yeah. Think you'd be able to earn an A+? :P
  20. sporty_carr

    Obama Accepts Reid’s Apology

    Re: How does it??? Yes, it's a waste of time. They have no chance of winning. I'm not saying they aren't qualified......I'm saying they have no chance. (Though, you're right, my example was poor.....The Jonas Brothers aren't qualified to be best metal band lol). Did any of the other party...
  21. sporty_carr

    Recurring dream themes..?

    I have a dream where a female friend of mine (who is alive) is dead. I'm always talking to her sister about her being dead in the dream. :dunno:
  22. sporty_carr

    Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:

    Thanks for the rep. :hatsoff:
  23. sporty_carr

    Roxxxy the Sex Robot.

    $7,000 - $9,000?!?!? Meh, I'll just stick with my pillow. Slippery Road? Whatever do you mean? "What Roxxxy? You want to be a real woman now? I will go get you some real skin to"
  24. sporty_carr

    How Did American Members Vote The Last Presidential Election?

    I kept this poll private unless you want to discuss.
  25. sporty_carr

    Obama Accepts Reid’s Apology

    Yeah.......I'll be sure to show up next election to write down my ONE name. That'll work. Not to mention waste my time. That's about the equivalent of me voting The Jonas Brothers as best metal band.
  26. sporty_carr

    Thanks for the pics. :hatsoff: I'd rep you if I could.

    Thanks for the pics. :hatsoff: I'd rep you if I could.
  27. sporty_carr

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Hotel Rwanda
  28. sporty_carr

    I Was 5 Ft. Away From The Hottest Chick That I've Ever Seen!

    To bad your penis isn't 5 ft. long. You could have accidentaly gotten some.
  29. sporty_carr

    Ron Jeremy says video games are worse than porn

    You've never played Rumble Roses or Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball have you?
  30. sporty_carr

    Watching "Avatar" Leads to Depression,Suicidal Thoughts in Some

    I know how they feel. I only saw the 5 minute preview and THAT was enough to make me want to commit suicide. I can only imagine the trauma I'd feel had I spent money on it.
  31. sporty_carr

    Spider-Man getting a Reboot !

    Uuuuummm.......why??? Spider-Man 3 was one of the largest grossing movies of all time. I don't understand why they would take a chance when part 4 would have probably made even more money. Sounds like a bad marketing strategy to me. Kind of reminds me of when they scrapped original Coca-Cola...
  32. sporty_carr

    Hi, I'm Alanna and I'm a nympho...

    Did anyone remember to feed those guys this week?
  33. sporty_carr

    Thanks for the rep. :)

    Thanks for the rep. :)
  34. sporty_carr

    Palin's Ignorance Revealed During Campaign '08

    This is impossible. Look at Blue's avatar....he is obviously a machine. And everyone knows that robots evolved from giraffes........duh! :rolleyes: I thought gravity was a fact? :dunno: Do you have any formulas to help support your theory of angel physics? Yeah, I know I'm back on this...
  35. sporty_carr

    Don't Be Sad - Simon Cowell Is Leaving

    It still has fans? :confused:
  36. sporty_carr

    Mark McGwire Comes "Clean"

    So Mark McGwire finally admitted he did steroids? That's not really news imo. It's like Clay Aiken admitting that he's gay. It's like O.J. admitting that he murdered Nicole Brown.........oh, wait.
  37. sporty_carr

    Obama Accepts Reid’s Apology

    Actually, it is his fault because somebody as inexperienced as him should have never been running in the first place. I didn't ask him to run....I would actually like to have a chance for once in my life to vote for somebody who would make a good President. Our country has been completely...
  38. sporty_carr

    Drug cartel stitches victim’s face on soccer ball

    This is why I won't go to Mexico. You're lucky they didn't want to kill you. You would be dead and your whereabouts unknown.
  39. sporty_carr

    Palin's Ignorance Revealed During Campaign '08

    Evolution is still just a theory and will never be fact. The Big Bang too. :D ;) ::leaves thread and isn't coming back.... not starting with this shit again::
  40. sporty_carr

    Who do you wish entered the Miss Freeones Contest?

    Yeah, I thought she was at a freeones party?
  41. sporty_carr

    Sarah Palin signs on as a commentator with Fox News

    Actually, it sounds like Fox News is pretty smart. The more cleavage she shows, the more ratings will go up.
  42. sporty_carr

    Nevada brothel seeking a few good men in US first

    Greg needs to be sure to remember to send his pic with his application.
  43. sporty_carr

    Drug cartel stitches victim’s face on soccer ball I don't think this story has been posted on here yet. For the record, I won't be vacationing in Mexico anytime soon.
  44. sporty_carr

    Ahmadinejad Demands Compensation for WWII Invasion

    Didn't this guy get to give a speech at an American college? .........................Why did he get to do that again? :dunno:
  45. sporty_carr

    Hot moms...

    You mean you want a picture of a building or a website where guys post pics of hot moms? :confused:
  46. sporty_carr

    Your Top 2 to 5 Scenes

    I can only tell you scene 6 if you want. Scenes 2 to 5 are confidential.
  47. sporty_carr

    Obama Accepts Reid’s Apology

    I'm glad Obama accepts his apology. I'm just wondering when Obama is going to apologize to me for being President.
  48. sporty_carr

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    Why so psychotic, Brynn? Would the professor not bang you for better grades? :)