Obama Accepts Reid’s Apology

yeah i'm like hr.
up yours dude.
this was the top story all day on yahoo homepage and i posted it because i thought it was interesting.
i dont create many threads either
hr posts all kinds of stuff from left wing blog sites, this was an ap story.
this actually happened, reid did apologize to obama for "racial remarks".
far from a right wing nonsensical story.

another apology plus the fact that it shows evidence of at least reid choosing to promote obama because of him being black.
as i believe pretty much did the whole democratic party.

again too bad if you dont like the thread, deal with it.
you dont see me going into every thread i dont like ripping on the op.
you know why? cause i'm not a punk.

Ohhhhhh 'dems is fightin' words. No need to get upset, just pointing out a truth. lol at your reaction, the "HR" thing must have struck a cord because it has a semblance of truth. People that scour the internet (maybe not in this instance but in general) to find ANY negative story about an administration are just laughable (just as HR was/is on the other side). Borderline hypocritical in that when Bush was in office the same criticisms were not offered. Common tactic to avoid this is to say that that is the past; but when he was in office you were un-patriotic if you spoke ill of bush and now that he's not, its in the past and you should let it be. Bush ran the country into the ground for 8 years and now its all Obama's fault? He's only been in office for a shade under a year...Why does the same un-patriotic classification not apply now when Obama is in office against people that speak badly of him or the Dems in general?

As far as the story goes he apologized and that should be the end of it. Much more racism/stereotypes can be found on the right but sadly, this is nothing new.


Hiliary 2020
no man it didnt strike a cord.
and it has no semblance of truth.
i dont scour the internet to find negative stuff.
and i dont create many threads.
your comparision wasnt apt.
so i called you on it
you just didnt like the article, no need to compare me to hr.
to me thats an insult.
i try not to get personal on this board.
like the clown above insulting where i'm from and even my avator, thats lame.

so you dont like the threads about obama?
i bet you love the ones about palin, the chris matthews one you were into.
and maybe you werent hear but believe me there was plenty of bush bashing threads on freeones, even still. criticisms were offered, plenty of them, some by me as well.
but its cool, if you want to compare me to hr thats fine, but expect me to respond ok.
no man it didnt strike a cord.
and it has no semblance of truth.
i dont scour the internet to find negative stuff.
and i dont create many threads.
your comparision wasnt apt.
so i called you on it
you just didnt like the article, no need to compare me to hr.
to me thats an insult.
i try not to get personal on this board.

so you dont like the threads about obama?
i bet you love the ones about palin, the chris matthews one you were into.
and maybe you werent hear but believe me there was plenty of bush bashing threads on freeones, even still. criticisms were offered, plenty of them, some by me as well.
but its cool, if you want to compare me to hr thats fine, but expect me to respond ok.

I have no problem with differing views but when someone only shows one side of the coin all the time that's when I get annoyed. I think Bush destroyed our country but I don't blame all of our problems on him. I also think Obama has done almost none of the things he's promised and he has messed up a few times but I wouldn't call him a failure either (since its only his first year in office and, you have to be honest, he inherited the country in a messed up state that will take many years to fix). Now on the Palin thing, she is an idiot. That is not up for debate. She might get elected if she runs for office in 2012 but that speaks less towards her abilities to lead than to the masses' stupidity as a whole. (case in point, we voted for Bush...twice...)


Can you and Hellraiser have a duel to the death to see which side wins? The winner gets to post threads in his own forum where no one has to read any of his bullshit. I'm really tired of the political banter on FreeOnes. This place is meant to be a temporary escape from reality, not an extension of CNN or FOXNews. Find something else to talk about. Go get laid or something...

Well there is only so much you can say about masturbation, fine ass woman and what you would like to do to them. Unless of course you got the karma sutra of masturbation in front of you
Internet: serious business


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
That's nice. Glad to see racism ended when Obama took office.
Reid said 0% wrong ...

Okay, this is definitely 100% PC-correctness at its best (i.e., worst).

Here are the facts ...

1. This was a private conversation

2. Reid was concerned (later found unjustified**) that Obama would not be favorable to African-American voters betcause ...

A. He was of direct African decent, not a man of African-American decent and his ancestors did not know what it was like to deal with generations of denials and transgressions, especially physical (and not just the late age social, which have been reduced).

B. He grew up very affluent, out-of-touch with most African-American issues, despite claims to the contrary. Now he has tried to address many aspects, and can talk of experiencing racial slurs and attitudes. But he did not "pull himself out of the gutter" of "lack of opportunities" like a great number of African-Americans who had their ancestors denied education, opportunities, etc... for generations (which is how non-African-Americans have fucked the future African-Americans for a long time now).

C. There is a clear bias at times by some African-Americans towards "light skinned" individuals in that they feel they get better/preferential treatment from whites. I've seen this first-hand myself, and Reid is even older than I. Despite this being "non-PC" and less of a factor today, it has been something we've heard over and over -- even when the first African-American took the Miss USA crown.

**Now in the end, Obama took all but 1% of the African-American vote. That far better than the typical, closer to all-but-10% -- he was able to get that remaining 7-9%. So Reid's views were not applicable.

At most I would apologize for being a "white man who did not (and now do) realize he cannot analyze how African-Americans would vote, and should know better than to say such." But that's it. It was not remotely racism.

Anyone who thinks so is guilty of racism themselves. It is not racism to be ignorant and/or naive of how it is to grow up of African decent in the US. It only means that one who does not should curb any analysis of such.

Otherwise even the Democratic party could be considered one of the most offensive, racist entities. Furthermore, if this is racism, then awarding the Nobel Prize to a man merely because he was the first African-American elected to the US Presidency has to be the ultimate insult.

And yes, that's why they gave it to him (the non-sense post-award is just funny). It's the ultimate insult to someone to be awarded such, and I'm glad Obama just took it in stride (although I would have still turned it down). "Oh, here you go blackie, you've made it, you deserve this." Fuck them, that's exactly the attitude that pisses me off, because I've had close friends where they've done it to them too.
I'm glad Obama accepts his apology.
I'm just wondering when Obama is going to apologize to me for being President.
Why? He's our civilian, elected leader. Whether you voted for him or not, there is no apology needed.

For the most part, he's stuck to his word or -- when he has not -- it was only because his campaign promises were utter bullshit and not feasible anyway.

At most if you want him to apologize for lying while campaigning, I think there just about every other President in recent times needs to as well.

Obama didn't do anything "wrong" for getting elected. If you want an apology, ask for it from the voters. Obama can't answer for them. ;)
I saw absolutely nothing "racist" about his words at all. Fuck Political Correctness.

Well then, go down to your local black neighborhood and say what Reid said and see what happens. :D Is it racist? Not really. Is it a bit insensitive and poorly worded? Yes. I have to agree about political correctness being pretty damned out of control though. :hatsoff:


Hiliary 2020
this just in, 2 new storys
Reid says he won't dwell on race-based controversy


no but the parasite news media will.

And after he decided to not dwell....this.

Democrats are preparing to throw the race card back in the laps of Republicans as part of a counterattack designed to help save Harry Reid’s political career.


fuckin media, they suck.
this apologizing sucks too.
the only story here is an old one, reid and many democrats dumped hillary to promote obama because he was more appealing to more people, hence a greater chance of being elected.......because of his appearance and nothing really more.
"light skinned and very clean and articulate for a black dude".
this just in, 2 new storys
Reid says he won't dwell on race-based controversy


no but the parasite news media will.

And after he decided to not dwell....this.

Democrats are preparing to throw the race card back in the laps of Republicans as part of a counterattack designed to help save Harry Reid’s political career.


fuckin media, they suck.
this apologizing sucks too.
the only story here is an old one, reid and many democrats dumped hillary to promote obama because he was more appealing to more people, hence a greater chance of being elected.......because of his appearance and nothing really more.
"light skinned and very clean and articulate for a black dude".

Reid's probably never hung around "real" black people in his entire life. Probably not once. And the guy sure looks like he could use a good old fashioned ass whoopin'; it would do him good, ya know...put a little hair on his chest. ;)
Why? He's our civilian, elected leader. Whether you voted for him or not, there is no apology needed.

For the most part, he's stuck to his word or -- when he has not -- it was only because his campaign promises were utter bullshit and not feasible anyway.

At most if you want him to apologize for lying while campaigning, I think there just about every other President in recent times needs to as well.

Obama didn't do anything "wrong" for getting elected. If you want an apology, ask for it from the voters. Obama can't answer for them. ;)

Actually, it is his fault because somebody as inexperienced as him should have never been running in the first place. I didn't ask him to run....I would actually like to have a chance for once in my life to vote for somebody who would make a good President. Our country has been completely screwed up for the last 8 years.....we need a real leader, not somebody whose biggest skill is coming up with catch phrases. Oh, and getting us deeper into debt.

I still stand behind what I said......waiting for his apology.

But if you're starting to feel guilty about your poor decision that is negatively affecting the rest of us, you can apologize too. :D
Actually, it is his fault because somebody as inexperienced as him should have never been running in the first place.
Oh, and every US President has been "experienced"? I don't really care for "experienced politicians" in general, because they are "experienced" in the wrong ways.

W. -- former drunk and spoiled brat, period
Clinton -- good'ole govenor who had a good'ole time (do as I say not do as I do)
Bush Sr. -- way, way, way outta touch with common person
Reagan -- an actor, 'nuff said
Carter -- the only one honest, although too judgemental/outspoken
Nixon -- way too experienced, and ever-increasing paranoia

The only Presidential Candidate that I have ever see have some actual, real "business experience" is Ross Perot. Unfortunately the media couldn't understand that, and then Perot was stupid to "waffle" on pulling out.

I didn't ask him to run....I would actually like to have a chance for once in my life to vote for somebody who would make a good President. Our country has been completely screwed up for the last 8 years.....we need a real leader, not somebody whose biggest skill is coming up with catch phrases. Oh, and getting us deeper into debt.
The US has been screwed up since the '70s. The '80s used a facist economy while the '90s outsourced everything.

The last 8 years has been a result of just trying to find something to plug the holes, with a financial diversion into wars (although Obama does agree one was justified).

I still stand behind what I said......waiting for his apology.
But if you're starting to feel guilty about your poor decision that is negatively affecting the rest of us, you can apologize too. :D
I voted for neither McCain nor Obama, so don't point that finger at me.

I care little for Obama because he knowingly lied to many voters with promises that were infeasible, but that's the fault of Americans who believe such garbage and not him (let alone he's not the only one to do it).

But "experience" has jack to do with anything. Hell, George Washington was an excellent example of this, and he was heavily criticized for lack of political experience as well. Congress ripped him a new one the very first time he ever worked with him directly -- the first and last time a President has ever tried to work with Congress. ;)

And yet had the US followed the Washington-Adams doctrine, it would have not had quickly follow-up wars with France and the UK in short order.


Nixon rocked....."They use germs on us we'll nuke them" As a outsider even I find that funny and a very solid point for not bothering to make chemical weapons.
Well, at least Reid didn't use the M-word (Macaca) that would definetely been hugely racist and would have had no choice but to resign, right?

If there ever were any evidence of a double standard, this is it. When a conservative says something that just appears to be a racist comment to one person, that conservative is drummed out of office even by other conservatives, but when a liberal says something that appears to be a racist comment, he is protected. How can that not be considered a double standard?


Actually, it is his fault because somebody as inexperienced as him should have never been running in the first place. I didn't ask him to run....I would actually like to have a chance for once in my life to vote for somebody who would make a good President. Our country has been completely screwed up for the last 8 years.....we need a real leader, not somebody whose biggest skill is coming up with catch phrases. Oh, and getting us deeper into debt.

I still stand behind what I said......waiting for his apology.

But if you're starting to feel guilty about your poor decision that is negatively affecting the rest of us, you can apologize too. :D

Are you experienced at every job you had in your leftime, NO. There is no training course to take for President. Look at our past Presidents from years past non of them had any experience being President, but people still voted for them.

When voting your choices are not limited to D and R, it is your fault that you did not vote for a good President, there is a spot that you can write names in.

I would not hold my breath waiting for his apology, your better off asking for an apology from the American people that voted for him. Like it or not he is the President.