
Do you have any phobias, everybody is afraid of something. I got a phobia of needles and for strange reasons jewellery.

Liberals who are closed minded and think anyone who doesn't agree with them are idiots.

This is followed by conservatives who are closed minded and think that anyone who doesn't agree with them is trying to destroy the country.


My Penis Is Dancing!
I am very afraid of heights. And since my job sometimes needs me to go more than 5 feet off the ground, I've learned to control it.
Large bodies of water. But, I live in Ohio. Largest bodies of water in this area are the Greater Miami River (more like a creek) and Echo Lake (more like a pond).
I am not thrilled with spiders, but I am not as afraid of them as I once was. We have learned to co-exist. I let them live in my place and eat all the small bugs they want; they keep the small little pests away.
GregCentauro's nose hairs.
Being a big guy at 6'2" and 250lbs...I have two things I am terrified of. Kinda shameful!

Water: at 37 years old I have never learned to swim. My parents even put me in swimming classes at the YMCA as a kid, and again as a teenager, but I failed! My solution: I just don't get in water over my chest, and don't go out on boats! So I guess that makes me a "land lover." And I can't believe I actually had the US NAVY trying very hard to recruit me after high school... HELL NO!

Heights: I used to climb trees, jump from them onto houses, etc. No fear. Until I had a roofing job in my 20's. I fell off the roof of a 1 story house once, and fell though another all the down into the living room floor. Landed on my feet both times luckily. No serious injuries... well actually the falling through the rotten roof got me. My leg snagged a nail on the way down, ripped up my leg pretty good. I still have a scar from my knee to my hip. I gave up roofing and construction after that.

And I have been called "homophobic" before. But I am certainly not scared of any sissy! I just think it's disgusting and unnatural for both males and females, no double standard.

As for spiders and snakes, I am completely opposite. I am fascinated with them, especially spiders, I can even name many species. But I am not Steve Irwin, I won't play with them...just observe!