Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Confession is always good for the soul and part of the healing process. As a Cardinal fan, this whole episode has been extremely painful for me but at least Mark is admitting his guilt and that takes a lot of balls. He's a cheater but at least he's owning up to it at last (like Jason Giambi, Andy Pettite and VERY few others).
I'll never forget the HR race between Sammy and Big Mac. It was one of the most exciting times in baseball. So sad it was tainted. Tragic....glad he finally admitted it to his public. Right thing to do, Mark. :thumbsup: It's never too late to do the right thing. I hope the public gives him a break and lets him get past this. Deep down he's a really good guy....he just made some really bad decisions. Who among us would not have made the same mistake had we had the chance to do what he did without the benefit of hindsight (especially when so many around him were doing the exact same thing)? I forgive you, Big Mac. I'm sure there will be some who won't and I totally understand.
But....you're never going to make the Hall of Fame.
Barry....Sammy....Roger....are you listening? Follow Big Mac's lead. This cleansing process is way overdue and sorely needed. Problem is....how many guys are still juicing?
I'll never forget the HR race between Sammy and Big Mac. It was one of the most exciting times in baseball. So sad it was tainted. Tragic....glad he finally admitted it to his public. Right thing to do, Mark. :thumbsup: It's never too late to do the right thing. I hope the public gives him a break and lets him get past this. Deep down he's a really good guy....he just made some really bad decisions. Who among us would not have made the same mistake had we had the chance to do what he did without the benefit of hindsight (especially when so many around him were doing the exact same thing)? I forgive you, Big Mac. I'm sure there will be some who won't and I totally understand.
But....you're never going to make the Hall of Fame.
Barry....Sammy....Roger....are you listening? Follow Big Mac's lead. This cleansing process is way overdue and sorely needed. Problem is....how many guys are still juicing?