For right now the best thing anyone could do is stay away 
More like worlwide...
And the people they found dead are not "regular" people, just scum...
Not saying that they deserve it, but if you play with fire...
Not true at all. The cartels are involved in everything from drug smuggling to kidnappings and child prostitution. And they'll kill anyone who gets in their way. They don't fit the (romantic and exaggerated) view that we tend to have of the Italian-American Mafia, where they only kill "their own kind".
They killed a group of women and young girls within sight of the U.S./Mexico border a few weeks ago - just shot them all in the head and left them to die like animals, from what I understand. They kidnapped and murdered an American teacher, Bobby Salcedo, very recently. The violence from Mexico has been seeping across the border for years. I used to rant about it on another board years ago, while the lemmings and sheeple were telling me about why we needed to be in Iraq... cause we gots to fight 'em over thar or we'll a be fightin' 'em over hyar. It truly sucks for the many innocent people caught up in this bullshit in Mexico. But it's time for people on this side of the border (on both sides of the political spectrum) to realize that "national security", first and foremost, means securing the safety of citizens on the U.S. home land!!! If I lived in the American southwest, I'd be a hell of a lot more worried about cartel related violence affecting me or my family than anything to do with Al Qaeda.
Meh, it's just sad to see how we let things happen in this country and most people sit back and let it happen or we remain sensitive and go with the motto of "Well, it's not harming me in my safe suburban life. so why should I do anything?" If anyone does do anything they are labeled racists because people see illegal immigrant or a brown face and immediately get bent out of shape before understanding what is being talked about.
I agree with that. I personally have nothing against Mexicans, Canadians, Iraqis or any other nationality or race. But when you try to have discussions on immigration matters, you often get hit from two sides: one that wants to make EVERYTHING said be racist, in order to throw the discussion off topic (I've dealt with that for years and years when I've expressed my feelings about Zionism)... and then you have those who really are racists, and seize on ANY opportunity to express their backward, unfounded views on race and culture.
It's like you're trying to have a reasonable discussion on a serious topic, but on the one side, Rev. Al is shouting in your ear and then on the other side, David Duke is pounding on a table. Two sides of the same coin, both whining about how they've been wronged and they're victims of something.
I am in favor of decriminalizing (not so much legalizing) most drugs. But I'm not under the illusion that that (alone) will stop the cartels. I mean, let's say we went all the way and legalized cocaine tomorrow. They'd still be fighting each other to sell their coke to whatever body we set up here that would (legally) distribute it. They'd still kidnap people to make money. They'd still commit other crimes. Why? Because they're criminals and that's what criminals do.
I don't pretend to know what the long term answer is. But I wouldn't be surprised to see the U.S./Mexico border become militarized sooner than later. And to be honest, if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes... at least for the short term. The MAIN job of the U.S. government is to keep Americans safe from foreign threats. Its job is not to keep people in other countries safe from tyrannical rulers. It's not to eliminate "bad people", that may or may not pose a threat to us. It's not to make sure the Israelis are safe & warm at night. If Americans are being snatched here and drug across the border by organized forces, to be murdered or raped, I wish the fuck someone would tell me why that's not the primary concern of the United States government???!!!
More like worlwide...
And the people they found dead are not "regular" people, just scum...
Not saying that they deserve it, but if you play with fire...
From what I understant, that statement is true. That guy was probably a member of the Sinaloa cartel from what I read in that news story. So whenever I go to Mexico I just watch my back and don't fuck with anyone....other than those nice senoritas at the boystown.
Now, a true story. One night, after visiting a very friendly senorita by the name of Jazmin for about 20 minutes, I was driving back to the border, when suddenly bright colored lights behind me. I pull over to the side and park, but kept the engine running. I see in the mirror three guys in cammo getting off what appeared to be a police car. I thought "SHIT!!" in capital letters and with a several exclamation marks but kept my cool and formed a nice, warm, disarming smile like this ---->
Their boss tells me to get out of the car that I had been "speeding" and I'm thinking to myself "since when do Mexican cops wear cammo"? I noticed their caps had a logo that said GOPES (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales or Special Operations Group to you gringos). I'd never heard of GOPES, GAFES I had heard of but not these guys. So, three armed guys, in cammo T-shirts, who say are special forces soldiers (shit! Zetas, who used to be Mexican special forces soldiers, disguised as real soldiers in a car disguised as a fucking police car!! :eekI don't know how but I kept my cool, engaged them in conversation, making sure that wherever I turned I was able to see all three of them, and made sure I didn't make any sudden moves and that they could see where I kept my hands, a smoke would have helped though.
What I didn't like were some questions they asked me: "do you have family in this city?" (to call them for ransom maybe? but I told them that they all lived in the U.S. and I left my cell phone at home because it doesn't work in Mexico) "how much did your car cost?" (to sell it? well, I told them, the bank owns it until I finish paying for it and that's why I didn't have the title for it) "what do you do for a living?" (I told them I worked at a wal-mart) it all sounded like information I'd like to know about someone I was about to kidnap for ransom.
Well, I guess since they thought I was not a good profitable victim, or maybe they really were soldiers on patrol, they decided to let me pay a fine for speeding right there...$30 bucks and I didn't have to go to the station. Now, either they were kidnappers who just cut their losses for $30 or just soldiers out for some Corona money. Who was I dealing with? I don't know just like I don't know how i was able to keep my cool without pissing my pants. I guess the fact that I talked to them like they were old compadres didn't hurt.
Well, I guess since they thought I was not a good profitable victim, or maybe they really were soldiers on patrol, they decided to let me pay a fine for speeding right there...$30 bucks and I didn't have to go to the station. Now, either they were kidnappers who just cut their losses for $30 or just soldiers out for some Corona money. Who was I dealing with? I don't know just like I don't know how i was able to keep my cool without pissing my pants. I guess the fact that I talked to them like they were old compadres didn't hurt.
and it smells bad there because everybody has diarrhea from eating taco bell.
Their boss tells me to get out of the car that I had been "speeding" and I'm thinking to myself "since when do Mexican cops wear cammo"? I noticed their caps had a logo that said GOPES (Grupo de Operaciones Especiales or Special Operations Group to you gringos). I'd never heard of GOPES, GAFES I had heard of but not these guys. So, three armed guys, in cammo T-shirts, who say are special forces soldiers (shit! Zetas, who used to be Mexican special forces soldiers, disguised as real soldiers in a car disguised as a fucking police car!! :eekI don't know how but I kept my cool, engaged them in conversation, making sure that wherever I turned I was able to see all three of them, and made sure I didn't make any sudden moves and that they could see where I kept my hands, a smoke would have helped though.
What I didn't like were some questions they asked me: "do you have family in this city?" (to call them for ransom maybe? but I told them that they all lived in the U.S. and I left my cell phone at home because it doesn't work in Mexico) "how much did your car cost?" (to sell it? well, I told them, the bank owns it until I finish paying for it and that's why I didn't have the title for it) "what do you do for a living?" (I told them I worked at a wal-mart) it all sounded like information I'd like to know about someone I was about to kidnap for ransom.
That's pretty messed up, right there.
On a lighter note, one time while working armed security for a downtown Las Vegas Casino, we found a Mexican man who had hung himself in his suite. My boss turned to me and said, "Go grab a stick."