Ahmadinejad Demands Compensation for WWII Invasion


Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his country suffered after invasions during World War II and he will "stand to the end" to get full compensation, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Ahmadinejad said he'd write to U.N. secretary General Ban Ki-moon to ask for compensation for damages caused to Iran during the war, and for use of its territory and resources by allied powers, the Post reported.

"You inflicted lots of damages to the Iranian nation, put your weight on the shoulders [of the Iranian people] and became victors in World War II. You didn't even share the war profits with Iran," Ahmadinejad said.

Britain and the Soviet Union invaded Iran on August 26, 1941, to secure oil fields and supply lines for the Soviets. The Post notes the Iranians suffered when food, fuel, and other essentials were given to the invading powers.

Ahmadinejad reportedly also warned that Iran may demand similar compensation for the first World War.

ummmmmmm ok!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Ahmadinejad - Isn't he the guy from Office Space?
And the reason they were invaded? The Shah was a bit too chummy with the Germans. Now, if there's anyone out there who still thinks this guy is coherent and sane, I got a bridge I want to sell you. :D
Now that's what I call a shocker! I thought I knew about every move made during WWII but this is the first I've heard of an "invasion" of Iran by the Allies. Was it done to "secure" resources before the Nazis arrived? That sounds fair.

Hmmmm...so when the Nazis were defeated the Allies packed up and headed home, leaving Iran to the Iranians? Hmmmm...I seem to recall it was British Petroleum who requested some "help" in dealing with Mossadeq - that pesky democratically-elected leader of Iran who wanted control of his own country's resources...what was he thinking?

Seems to me that WWII was primarily about defeating the Nazis. So maybe a few resource-rich, sovereign nations became our bitches in the process. The spoils of war, shit happens.

Why doesn't the Iranian dude just jack-up the price of Iranian crude and put a 48% WWII-payback tax on top of it?

Can't they just quit OPEC and do whatever they want with their oil?



i hope Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollah both die

They will eventually, but I do know some Devil Dogs that would love to speed that process up.


didn't france get reparations, even though france was the largest producer of nazi equipment outside germany during the war?

i understand you don't like iran, but fair is fair, even though he's about 60 years too late.

oh, and... a story by about iran by the jerusalem post, and reported by fox news... it MUST BE TRUE. no chance in hell that they simply made it up, right?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Why don't we compensate him by putting a nice lil' .308 sniper round through his head. I guarantee if the President wanted to, we could get some Special Forces in there to get the job done...


didn't france get reparations, even though france was the largest producer of nazi equipment outside germany during the war?

i understand you don't like iran, but fair is fair, even though he's about 60 years too late.

oh, and... a story by about iran by the jerusalem post, and reported by fox news... it MUST BE TRUE. no chance in hell that they simply made it up, right?
Only because Nazis occuptied france till 1944-45.
Sarge. Just because it shows up on FixedNews doesn't make it news and doesn't make it worth contemplating.

You can take the hook out of your mouth and climb out of the net whenever you want, Sarge...
lol at Mr Ah-ma-wanna-Jihad!

Next thing you know he is going to be starring in an episode of New Jersey Shore to get more attention focused on him. :rolleyes:

What a drama-jawa!


Sarge. Just because it shows up on FixedNews doesn't make it news and doesn't make it worth contemplating.

You can take the hook out of your mouth and climb out of the net whenever you want, Sarge...

I know it's not news goober. It's funny as fuck and I though wtf i'll post this so everyone can get a laugh at it. Kinda like the skives bomber pleading not guilty. Smile it won't kill you.