Palin's Ignorance Revealed During Campaign '08

I don't pretend we'll get much different from the Tories if they reappear in their current form after the election. I do think the parties will be realigned after the next GE but I wouldn't compare this to '97. Everyone is skeptical of Dave and Co. and the parallels with New Labour have long since been about, he has no choice but to change once in power.

The "I'll cut the defecit not the NHS" line is playing to Labour voters but lets be frank, cuts are coming whichever party takes power.

You're right, 1984 was Socialism specifically but it's the instruction book Labour have been using for a good while. CCTV is now at a level still fictitious to the rest of the world, we have more than any other country.


And yes I also agree with your original 1984 analogy - this latter one I feel to be a bit of an overstatement but never mind. My digression into semantics didn't bring much to the discussion.

And yes I also agree with your original 1984 analogy - this latter one I feel to be a bit of an overstatement but never mind. My digression into semantics didn't bring much to the discussion.

Poppycock! Tangenital semantics is the very lifeblood of this board.
No I think that's the cue for someone to enter the room and post something about how Evolution is still just a theory and it'll never be fact......



Evolution is still just a theory and will never be fact.

The Big Bang too. :D ;)

::leaves thread and isn't coming back.... not starting with this shit again::


Well the big bang one is actually still a theory I mean wasnt there some sorta change to that not so long ago? As for evolution well there is to this date alot of concrete genetic evidence to say we are quite close to simians(monkeys).
Blue, you bastard! :mad: If you'd just come forward and announce yourself as the missing link, this whole debate could be over.

This is impossible. Look at Blue's avatar....he is obviously a machine. And everyone knows that robots evolved from giraffes........duh! :rolleyes:

Yeah and gravity doesn't exist, its actually angels that pull us down towards the earth. :sleep:

I thought gravity was a fact? :dunno:

Do you have any formulas to help support your theory of angel physics?

Yeah, I know I'm back on this thread. I'm a liar. :thefinger
^ Palin lost her debate to Biden so she's definitely the bigger bimbo


^ Palin lost her debate to Biden so she's definitely the bigger bimbo

That was a battle of wits I would have loved to see. Both are a little lacking in brain matter.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That was a battle of wits I would have loved to see. Both are a little lacking in brain matter.

Palin actually wasn't the trainwreck that most (including the McCain campaign) thought she'd be. I watched it live and thought she did OK. But when I went back and watched it after reading some critiques, it became clear that she'd rehearsed some canned responses and didn't really answer the questions being asked. At one point, she even said she wasn't going to answer the questions the way people might want/expect her to.

From what I can recall, her only major fuckup was that she didn't know the duties of the Vice President. She seemed to believe (apparently based on something she got from Cheney) that as VP, she'd be some sort of Super Senator. She'd go down to the Senate and do some of this and some of that, and get them all straightened out. :rolleyes:

From the 60 Minutes interview the other night, that included Steve Schmidt, Sarah's lack of basic knowledge on civics, foreign policy and history (WWI, WWII, the Korean War - didn't understand why there was a North Korea and a South Korea, etc.) was rather shocking. The interview is probably on Youtube by now. But to paraphrase what was said, the number of things that she didn't know, that she should have known, was rather incredible. They didn't expect that any governor would know everything. But they figured that anyone who had been in government for any period of time should know the basics... and she didn't.

I do give Schmidt some credit for manning up and admitting that he was the one who pushed her on McCain. Though he did back off on his role in influencing McCain to actually select her, while they knew nothing at all about her. Other than a basic background check, Sarah was a completely unknown quantity, according to Schmidt. A pig in a poke, as it were. Or better yet, a poodle (calling itself a pitbull) in a poke. :1orglaugh