Top 25 Horror Movie Rules

Number one is perfectly mentioned.
I don't agree with number 7.

Especially for the Friday the 13th movies.

My theory has always been to just keep walking backwards. All Jason ever does is if you keep him in your sight he'll never catch up to you. Well, until you fall asleep or walk into a tree. :D
What is the meaning of this!

Do you know something we don't L3ggy!?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
#28 - Do not be in the first team that goes down on an uncharted planet from the 'USS Enterprise' if you are wearing a red top. You are dead meat walking.
- Breasts larger than D cups = Death.

(but first, the knife will magically cut all the buttons from your tight shirt, then perhaps even catch on the tiny buckle holding your skirt on)
- Breasts larger than D cups = Death.

(but first, the knife will magically cut all the buttons from your tight shirt, then perhaps even catch on the tiny buckle holding your skirt on)

LOL! That reminds me of the scene in "Scary Movie" of Carmen Electra's death when the killer stabs her and her implant is stuck to his knife!!! :rofl:
#28 - Do not be in the first team that goes down on an uncharted planet from the 'USS Enterprise' if you are wearing a red top. You are dead meat walking.

True, so true! Even in the new movie a "red shirt" died! :rofl:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
If a member of a team of soldiers/police, be the strong, quiet leader type...not the loud, obnoxious slogan-spewing type. If the latter, you're probably going to die two seconds after you get your shit together and start doing something heroic. But if the former, your chances of survival are quite good, and will probably be the guy who kills the bad guy and gets laid towards the end of the movie.

If in a movie by Eli're all fucked. Anyone alive by the end of the first movie will be killed in the opening minutes of the sequel.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Also if you and your gang rob a bank, house, or store. Do not drive out to the country to hide from the authorities. Chances are they are going to be finding your remains and the cannabalistic family that slaughtered you. Ask for a helicopter instead and go to a non extradition country!
Stay the fuck out of the Appalachian Mountains (Evil Dead I & II, The Descent, American Haunting, Deliverance...)
Contrary to popular opinion, you're more likely to die on the boat. (Jaws, Piranha II, Deep Rising, Apocalypse Now)
I think they forgot one...never be the only black in an all white horror flick, cus you will die...most of the time, the first one to die


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I think they forgot one...never be the only black in an all white horror flick, cus you will die...most of the time, the first one to die

Or, if you do manage survive, you'll just be shot by farmers at the end.

05. Never say “I’ll be right back.” You won’t be. End of story
01. (Tie) Don't do drugs or drink alcohol, it's an extension of number 1
01. Sex = Death
