Sarah Palin signs on as a commentator with Fox News


It must pay more than being a Gov.


do fox have any credibility left after this? every piece by her will have to be triple checked by someone... just in case there is an actual, true story that really happened, and that she actually knows where, when and who.

well it would have to be checked at any other network... but at fox, it's ok.
This isn't a surprise. The timing before the election is perfect for Fixed. She will flog her book everyday on that channel and make up a ton of shit to the idiots who relate to her.

My favorite part of this writeup...
The Washington Post reports that as well as appearing as a commentator on a variety of shows on the channel, she would occasionally host a programme featuring "inspirational tales involving ordinary Americans".

Yeah! Let's celebrity American Mediocrity! WooHoo!

Her hiring should throw gasoline on the class war that's bubbling up within the GOP. Joe the Plumber won't be far behind her in coming to Fixed "officially"....


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Damn Fox News. They just love giving people on FreeOnes shit to bitch about.
It must pay more than being a Gov.

Nah...less accountability and being a Gov....people occasionally expect you to have a clue.

Besides....she'll fit right in...The only one missing is James Danforth "potatoe head" Quayle (fitting enough the Quayle family couldn't even get the name quail right in the spelling of their own surname...:o)



Actually, it sounds like Fox News is pretty smart.

The more cleavage she shows, the more ratings will go up.

:glugglug:, while she will not have her own show she will be on Hannity a lot I bet.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: Sarah Palin signs on as a commentator with Fox News

Good ! I'm sure that by now she's polished up her act... watch it welfarers ! :p

Yeah, I figure there's only one thing that airhead can polish... and it ain't an act. ;)

Say, I wonder when they'll give Carrie Prejean her own show? :rofl:


I can't remember which presenter said good things about Obama but I do remember the show opening.

I know Hannity has on his great American panel a Democratic, republican and a media type person. Bob Beckel is a regular panelist on the Hannity program. And from what I see he gives it to hannity as much as hannity gives it to him.