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  1. sporty_carr

    Great Commentary - "Fatal Wounds to the Death Penalty"

    This is the best idea me thinks.
  2. sporty_carr

    Who do you wish entered the Miss Freeones Contest?

    <---- Nobody, she is in the contest.
  3. sporty_carr

    Palin's Ignorance Revealed During Campaign '08

    Well, here's the way I look at it. Bush fucked our country up. Obama is fucking our country up even more. If Palin were to be the next President at least we'd have something nice to look at while she continues the tradition. :dunno: Oh no, not this shit again! :eek: We just got rid of one...
  4. sporty_carr

    Drink Up, If You Like Poop In Your Mouth (It's Not What You Think - It's Worse)...

    Re: Drink Up, If You Like Poop In Your Mouth (It's Not What You Think - It's Worse).. Uh oh, I've been using the 6 second rule. :eek:
  5. sporty_carr

    I don't know abouy anyone else but my life is pretty damn well over now!

    Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana are the same person!?!?! :eek:
  6. sporty_carr

    Fox News: "Tiger Woods Needs To Become Christian"

    Are you sure they're The Four Horsemen? Isn't that a Metallica song? No, no, wait.....isn't it a bunch of characters on that old X-Men cartoon? No, no, wait......aren't they those guys that sculpt He-Man toys? No, no.......they're the forces of man's destruction from the Bible. Now I'm...
  7. sporty_carr

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    Doesn't look like the ranks of the girls are changing much anymore.
  8. sporty_carr

    Chris Matthews: What has the Republican Party done for The People...

    Truth. The way the universe was created hasn't been scientifically it superstition then? There are many things that haven't been scientifically proven. Are they all superstition? So the world IS ending in 2012.....:crash:
  9. sporty_carr

    Slayer cancels tour

    I wish I could have seen Pantera. I had one chance to in the late 90's but didn't get to go. I wish that guy hadn't killed Dime, they probably would have gotten back together eventually. :(
  10. sporty_carr

    Drink Up, If You Like Poop In Your Mouth (It's Not What You Think - It's Worse)...

    Re: Drink Up, If You Like Poop In Your Mouth (It's Not What You Think - It's Worse).. Well, if that happens with sodas.......I wonder what the hell is floating around in my french fries and chicken nuggets from McDonalds. :eek: Oh well, the grease and fat will eventually kill me too anyway.
  11. sporty_carr

    Eve Lawrence / Eve Laurence / Envy

    Nice pics, I don't think I've ever seen that set. Her freckles are so cute. :)
  12. sporty_carr

    Question about Short haired girls

    I think that pic of Alyssa looks pretty hot actually. :dunno:
  13. sporty_carr

    Eve Laurence's rack goes bigger?

    Still not attracted to those female homo sapiens, huh? Now you do realize that sex with robots IS illegal? :nono: But if you still insist on doing it be sure to take the proper precautions. Always use a don't want to get any of that rust on your dick and catch rustyacockoff...
  14. sporty_carr

    ★★ New Feature - Comment & Rank Babes ★★

    ^ Nah, they still need an oil boy for the cage match-o-doom.
  15. sporty_carr

    Favourite Music/Most Hated Music

    I like rock, blues, and classical. The rest is shit imo.
  16. sporty_carr

    any other mutherfuckers?

    How many fucks would a motherfucker fuck if a motherfucker could fuck......uh, fucks? :dunno:
  17. sporty_carr

    Thanks for the rep Mister Worm. :hatsoff:

    Thanks for the rep Mister Worm. :hatsoff:
  18. sporty_carr

    Artie Lange (From Howard Stern) HOSPITALIZED!

    That's sad. I always knew he had a drug problem but had no idea he was suicidal? :dunno: And what's with these NYPost and TMZ posters.....why do they dislike him so much? I always thought he was pretty funny. Well, hopefully he'll recover and get some looks like drugs aren't his...
  19. sporty_carr

    ★★ New Feature - Comment & Rank Babes ★★

    :comedy drums on: BA-DA-BUMP! :comedy drums off:
  20. sporty_carr

    ★★ New Feature - Comment & Rank Babes ★★

    Well crap, I already knew that! I was just wanting to know how to fix.......oh, nevermind. :)
  21. sporty_carr

    US Marine Tells Australian Girls To Cover Up, Offends Nation

    Oh really? Skimpily clad girls everywhere you say? How's the economy doing down there? I might just be moving soon. :D
  22. sporty_carr

    Best dystopian future/Apocolypse movies?

    So that's what it was called! I remember seeing it on cable in the 90s I think. Really silly but it had its own style. I'm going to have to check that out again. Yeah.......every week!
  23. sporty_carr

    New member, SgtMarine reporting to duty

    SgtMarine doesn't play many video games does he? $136.98
  24. sporty_carr

    ★★ New Feature - Comment & Rank Babes ★★

    Hey Roald, is there any way to correct a rating? I tried to give Eve Laurence 5 stars but I accidentaly clicked a 4. :o
  25. sporty_carr

    Fox News: "Tiger Woods Needs To Become Christian"

    Well, I don't watch Fox news and this forum is the first I've heard of this story..... the clip that Jason282k posted is the only I've seen. With that being said I think this is really funny. How is this even considered news? Is Christianity the new "N" word or something? :1orglaugh
  26. sporty_carr

    The leatest news to go along with the world's end in 2012. Christ's return in 2011

    Re: The leatest news to go along with the world's end in 2012. Christ's return in 201 And Camping was wrong about 1994 and he still has followers?..........WOW. :facepalm:
  27. sporty_carr

    Best dystopian future/Apocolypse movies?

    Why is the History Channel so obsessed with the end of the world these days? :1orglaugh My favorites are Mad Max, Road Warrior, Children of Men, 28 Days Later, and one from 1990 that was just released on dvd, Hardware (which I recommend if you like the Mad Max movies).
  28. sporty_carr


    ^ I think Greg was just feeling a little sentimental. You know, remembering the simpler times of freeones. Naaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.
  29. sporty_carr

    New member, SgtMarine reporting to duty

    And he even promotes himself! :1orglaugh sporty_carr already thinks SgtMarine is awesome and wants to thank him for his service to our country. :hatsoff: Now on to a serious question. Are you by chance any relation to Master Chief?
  30. sporty_carr

    SgtMarine MOTO talk of the week

    This has been an awesome week so far. First we get Ric Fla......I mean titsrock running around here with a new persona. Then we get this SgtMarine guy talking in the third person and starting threads like he's hosting a weekly talk show. :1orglaugh Oh yeah, and Hellraiser still says NeoCon...
  31. sporty_carr

    Fox News: "Tiger Woods Needs To Become Christian"

    Probably the posts of the week. You're going to be a freeones all-star, I can tell already.
  32. sporty_carr

    Limbaugh released

  33. sporty_carr

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    So let me get this Roald's balls are in the competition? Hmmmmm, one vote left for the day. What to do, what to do? Should I vote for GregCentauro or Roald's balls? :dunno:
  34. sporty_carr

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    That's not what I said........damn mod powers. :tongue:
  35. sporty_carr

    Bye bye to the real Rain Man

    Awww, that's sad. :( I remember seeing him on tv when I was little when Rain Man first came out. R.I.P. Kim Peek
  36. sporty_carr

    I decided how to vote for the OCSM contest

    Hmmmmm, yeah, I think I still prefer the whole voting idea better. Kind of ruins the fantasy for me if they're in pieces. Call me old fashioned.
  37. sporty_carr

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    Damn.....why does Roald get to have all the fun? :(
  38. sporty_carr

    :rofl: Priceless!

    :rofl: Priceless!
  39. sporty_carr

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    Uh looks like titsrock has become a limousine ridin', jet flyin', kiss stealin', wheelin' dealin' son of a gun. :eek:
  40. sporty_carr

    Avatar babe - Would you hit it?

    :rofl: Rep to you. I would pay to see that. Can we throw the Twilight characters and Harry Potter in the mix to all get skinned by the race of Predators? Actually, Bluey and I don't always agree.......but he's right, this movie is shit. Just more of Hollywood trying to push more of their...
  41. sporty_carr

    The movie "Legion." Will It Piss Off Religious Folk?

    I just read that Avatar is the 4th largest grossing film ever. Are people really getting that desperate for entertainment? I don't even want to watch it much less pay to see it.
  42. sporty_carr

    Nicolas Cage as...

    I want to see Nic Cage as John Travolta. That actually might make for a pretty good movie..................nah.
  43. sporty_carr

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    I've got a question. Maybe a stupid one. After each round do the girls keep their ranks or do they start back from zero again?
  44. sporty_carr

    Nigerian attempts to blow up Northwest flight

    Whoops....I meant Mayan calendar thingy. :o
  45. sporty_carr

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Actual pic that made you cum today Contestant photo for Miss Freeones.
  46. sporty_carr

    GregCentauro has entered the Miss Freeones contest!!

    I decided that my vote is gonna cost you a better gift. I want an autographed thong with a polaroid of you wearing them. This is, after all, a pornstar competition.
  47. sporty_carr

    how do you prefer your pizza ? hot or cold ?

    No, you're not. I also don't get why some people like to put ranch dressing on their pizza. :throwup:
  48. sporty_carr

    Eve Lawrence / Eve Laurence / Envy

    Hmmmmm, a contest you say? What do I have to do to win? Kill PlasmaTwa? With a spork or something? Done and Done! :thumbsup: Naw, I'm just kidding....I wouldn't really kill anyone. :D But seriously, if those are the rules....................
  49. sporty_carr

    ★★Voting for Miss FreeOnes 2010 has OFFICIALLY started!★★

    Awwww, so much love. You guys should make out, right here on the voting thread.