Search results

  1. Ainttalkinlove

    Better Tits?

  2. Ainttalkinlove

    Scat discussion thread

    I saw the title and I thought "Lovecock?"
  3. Ainttalkinlove

    Guest on Glenn Beck's Show Says Another Terrorist Attack is "Our Only Chance"!!

    He is a stupid fuckin doom sayer why does anyone post this shit. IGNORE GLENN BECK. he'll go away
  4. Ainttalkinlove

    Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: i cant believe this.. my boyfriends brother is getting married.. and they told me NOW' You: oh man You: what a bunch of assholes Stranger: no kidding Stranger: just because im not with them right now.. You...
  5. Ainttalkinlove

    Definitely blueballs
  6. Ainttalkinlove

    Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: female/male? You: both Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  7. Ainttalkinlove

    Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: hi Stranger: hey You: so... Stranger: how you doing? Stranger: ? You: oh... uh good... i guess Stranger: you not sure? You: because I just got back from jail Stranger: nice... resident or just visiting? You: im out...
  8. Ainttalkinlove

    this site is great. Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: bonjour You: hello Stranger: bonjou You: are you a child? Stranger: oui Stranger: i got 7 year =D You: ok i gotta go part of my release conditions You have disconnected.
  9. Ainttalkinlove

    I had to try it Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: Hello You: Hello Stranger: ASL Stranger: SmOkE MoRe DaNk You: 666, S, Hell You: U? Stranger: 777, N, Heaven Stranger: lol Stranger: Got some chronic? You: How do you smoke drink you must be on...
  10. Ainttalkinlove

    Whats funny is you have a northern window to Zoom out of...In space.
  11. Ainttalkinlove

    Great Book.

    The best part is its real.
  12. Ainttalkinlove

    People who hate Michael Jackson

    Which kid? there were more than one
  13. Ainttalkinlove

    Attack of the show (and other g4tv shows)

    I wouldnt be suprised if he was bangin Olivia.
  14. Ainttalkinlove

    Safety First

    heres why.
  15. Ainttalkinlove

    Having trouble waking up in the morning?

    Its like if one of those hotel room beds, and a lowrider had a baby.
  16. Ainttalkinlove

    Help with latin chick

    Pretty sure this is in the wrong forum.
  17. Ainttalkinlove

    The Suppressed Fact: Deaths by U.S. Torture

    Torture is not ok. Ever. We as the human race need to move beyond violence alltogether. since this is not fully possible at the moment we need to eliminate the intentional harm of others to get them to say what we want to hear.
  18. Ainttalkinlove

    Scofflaws-Post Here

    Poke Smot.
  19. Ainttalkinlove

    I still can't read what it says!

    It says Sigman, Iota, Epsilon p-r-o-p-e-r-t-y
  20. Ainttalkinlove

    A Really awkward way of drinking a beer

    Hes gonna lose more cool points by wasting beer than he can generate by showing that picture to his frat buddies.
  21. Ainttalkinlove

    Wow, and she's just the pool cleaner!

    Havent you ever watched shark week on the discovery channel? It would be a feeding frenzy.
  22. Ainttalkinlove

    The Ball The Lifter

    My balls are huge. If I wore that thing it would look like I had an erection all the time.
  23. Ainttalkinlove

    Whats with these pornstars and their...

    Are you talking about chicks with big tits? If so those might be stretch marks if they just all of the sudden have big Breastststs. yummmm
  24. Ainttalkinlove

    question about pornstars?

    Elementary School, Middle School or High School?
  25. Ainttalkinlove

    >> Top20 searches for June 2009 !!

    I dont know. Lela Star so high on the list? dont get me worng she is fuckin smokin shes hotter then the sun at noon on the sun. But everything Ive seen with her in it she seems a bit like a dead fish in the bottom of the ocean at midnight.
  26. Ainttalkinlove

    Attack of the show (and other g4tv shows)

    the blonde one? I think her name is alison haislip. Morgan webb is nerd hott
  27. Ainttalkinlove

    Guess what he/she means.

    I this game is lame. answer: this is fucking dumb and in the wrong forum.
  28. Ainttalkinlove

    Guess what he/she means.

    you just what the whole bottle of coke? drank? the whole bottle of coke snorted? the whole bottle of coke if your gonna say proper english than proofread and make sure all your neccesary words are present.
  29. Ainttalkinlove

    Attack of the show (and other g4tv shows)

    Ive been watching G4 since before it was G4 back when it was tech tv. for a while they had this guy named Martin Sergeant and he had a bad ass late night show with the weirdest people off of the internet on it he even had random webcam girls. Since it became G4 it seems to me that its been...
  30. Ainttalkinlove

    Found this on the web.

    Its horrible. It has absolutely no rythem. The word choice is horribly basic and like STDiva said, it sounds like "A bad poem written by some 17 year old goth girl"
  31. Ainttalkinlove

    Your favorite cartoon growing up

    You guys got all the good ones I dont even need to answer. :thumbsup:
  32. Ainttalkinlove

    Any one play any MMO's besides WOW?

    Ive been playing City of Heroes/City of Villains and its Fuckin awesome. Ive played WoW and its way more accessable thus more addictive. But as far as for people who dont like the whole fantasy realm thing City of Heroes/Villains is bad ass. Are there any other good MMO's out there?
  33. Ainttalkinlove


    could you imagine pull off a chicks pants and seeing that?
  34. Ainttalkinlove

    6 Songs Used to Torture & Intimidate

    Yeah they Blasted This one. Fuckin-A muthor Fuckers. duh, duh, duh, duh duh, duh duh duh duheeeerrrr......
  35. Ainttalkinlove

    Does anyone else hate those fake cumshots like pornpros has?

    Uhm did you include "Fake" rape scenes? Maybe I am missing the sarcasm, but arent the real ones illeagle?
  36. Ainttalkinlove

    Hilarious Bands Thread

    They used to be known as Metal Church
  37. Ainttalkinlove


  38. Ainttalkinlove

    Question for guys

    Yeah but he would have talked about how it got him off
  39. Ainttalkinlove

    Who is this porn star

    UH wrong forum try asking here
  40. Ainttalkinlove

    Google Chrome Users

  41. Ainttalkinlove

    Man kills girlfriend after learnin' she used to be a dude

    This is one of those cases where Its almost alright, but I wouldnt kill any one if I found out the chick I was fuckin was a dude. They would get the beating of their life. If I were the judge on the case I wouldnt sentence the dude to life in prison or give him the death sentence, but he will...
  42. Ainttalkinlove

    A complete gallery for you

    I love older women and you just proved to me why. I would fuck you silly.
  43. Ainttalkinlove

    Question for guys

    I believe alot of this story, but Im gonna call shenanigns. I think something very important is being left out, some detail, something important your not telling us. I dont know why but my Sherlock Holmes just kicked in while I read that story. I believe the story but something seems wrong, out...
  44. Ainttalkinlove

    Question for guys

    HAHAHA. Story of my life. I have to close my eyes and pretend im with someone way better just to cum most of the time.
  45. Ainttalkinlove

    Converting to digital tv

    We already live in the 1984 society that Orwell described. Does anyone know how they get tv ratings that they always talk about? The tv watchs us just as much as we watch it. That book earily describes much of our society the way it is now. For those of you who do not know of what i speak go...
  46. Ainttalkinlove

    Bad Dog, Good Dog!!!:-)

    Hes got the right idea
  47. Ainttalkinlove

    How to confuse an idiot.

    The best part is about a little before half way.
  48. Ainttalkinlove

    Lost Cat Found

    I was wondering what happened to him.