Question for guys

I was with a girl, she was trying way too hard to be good. Like a wanna be porn star. She even talked like one. "Oh you like that pussy? I'm riding that dick good right?" She was switching positions every two minutes and she'd start sucking me off, then get back on me and say cliche porn star lines again. In order to keep myself from laughing in her face I pretended I came and never called her again.
The one time I fucked a chick up the ass I had to fake cumming. We were fucking normally when she asked me if I wanted to put it in her butt. I wasn't too excited about the idea, but I figured I'd play along, so I agreed. She got on all fours, grabbed my dick, and guided it in the poop chute. Oh! That was THE worst sexual experience I've ever had! The moment I put my dick in her ass a putrid smell of shit filled the room. It was so bad that I had to bury my face in her hair to keep from throwing up. I stayed there for about 20 seconds while I caught my breath, then pretended to cum, and ran like a bat out of hell to the bathroom to wash my dick off. :throwup:
The one time I fucked a chick up the ass I had to fake cumming. We were fucking normally when she asked me if I wanted to put it in her butt. I wasn't too excited about the idea, but I figured I'd play along, so I agreed. She got on all fours, grabbed my dick, and guided it in the poop chute. Oh! That was THE worst sexual experience I've ever had! The moment I put my dick in her ass a putrid smell of shit filled the room. It was so bad that I had to bury my face in her hair to keep from throwing up. I stayed there for about 20 seconds while I caught my breath, then pretended to cum, and ran like a bat out of hell to the bathroom to wash my dick off. :throwup:

Anal sex is definitely NOT a sex act you can do on a whim....unless the chick prepares herself real good by douching her ass, rectum and're making a big, potentially life and relationship changing mistake "diving" into that hole IMO.
The one time I fucked a chick up the ass I had to fake cumming. We were fucking normally when she asked me if I wanted to put it in her butt. I wasn't too excited about the idea, but I figured I'd play along, so I agreed. She got on all fours, grabbed my dick, and guided it in the poop chute. Oh! That was THE worst sexual experience I've ever had! The moment I put my dick in her ass a putrid smell of shit filled the room. It was so bad that I had to bury my face in her hair to keep from throwing up. I stayed there for about 20 seconds while I caught my breath, then pretended to cum, and ran like a bat out of hell to the bathroom to wash my dick off. :throwup:

Dude, I haven't been so disgusted since I read a lovecock or baconsalt thread!
Anal sex is definitely NOT a sex act you can do on a whim....unless the chick prepares herself real good by douching her ass, rectum and're making a big, potentially life and relationship changing mistake "diving" into that hole IMO.
It was definitely life-changing for me. Ever since that I've adopted the (_o_) = exit only policy.
Dude, I haven't been so disgusted since I read a lovecock or baconsalt thread!
I was fucked this one girl a few times and everytime she got too tired and I could never cum! And it's not like we were going for hours, it was like 15-20 minutes!
I have faked it, this chick was sucking my pecker and she was teething on it. So I grabbed my dick and rolled to the side and acted like I was shooting my load on the sheets. I even moaned and

When I was 17 I was f@cking this chick in my pickup truck, the windows were rolled up. I take her panties off and start banging her and this putrid smell filled the cab of my truck. I tried like hell to finish, I rolled down the windows giving her the excuse that it was hot. I finally stopped and told her I couldnt go on any longer, she said "whats wrong" and I told her that her damn cooter stank like hell and was making me sick, she slapped me and had her friend take her home...Never heard from her again. I know its not a fake story, but sometimes you just gotta tell the truth.
A couple times. The first time she insisted on a position which I didn't like. Then the second time (with a different woman) she kept wanting to switch positions so I couldn't get any momentum going.
never ever because I am too selective.
the worst is the dead fish, when they just lie there and take it, don't move or make a sound, The worst lay I ever had was this one chick Rachel, she just laid there I went to put her legs on my shoulders and she said that felt weird. I Pulled the hole ahh I have a cramp so she would leave.

but yes I have a couple times pretended to cum if it was boring.