The Suppressed Fact: Deaths by U.S. Torture


After seeing people tortured in Iraq and Afghanistan I've really started to care less about rights. I know it's horrible, but I've become so used to it.
After seeing people tortured in Iraq and Afghanistan I've really started to care less about rights. I know it's horrible, but I've become so used to it.

Gotta admit, I wasn't expecting that for the first comment.
personally, i don't think any of this information should be public knowledge. civilians have no experience dealing with these people. unless, of course, they are involved with organized crime and the such.

oh, and by the way...a time tested method is probably the best way to go about things.
personally, i don't think any of this information should be public knowledge. civilians have no experience dealing with these people. unless, of course, they are involved with organized crime and the such.

oh, and by the way...a time tested method is probably the best way to go about things.

Who are you referring to there, by "civilians" and "these people"?

Some of the prisoners/detainees were actually civilians, rounded up in door-to-door raids of homes, by Coalition (i.e. mostly US) troops.
lets not argue semantics.
i think its obvious im referring to my idea that these things shouldn't be publicized. the reason being, most of us, the media guzzling ignorant, have no idea as to what is really going on.
all is fair in love and war.
i will argue no further.
lets not argue semantics.
i think its obvious im referring to my idea that these things shouldn't be publicized. the reason being, most of us, the media guzzling ignorant, have no idea as to what is really going on.
all is fair in love and war.
i will argue no further.

Ok, fine, no more from me, but yet what you said that I underlined sure seems to be a recipe to maintain and increase the very ignorance you refer to.

Personally, I want to know what my government is doing in my name, supposedly to protect me and my family, and the American Way of Life.
nothing, unless it involves their interests. we are but sheep with a wolf for a shepard. unless of course yer rich.

Haha ;) I thought we weren't going to argue here, yet somehow, we continue.

Anyway, I'm not a sheep.


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Bronze Member
I think that when dealing with people who are planning acts that endanger a lot of danger and death to others and there is an element of time involved that puts the investigators under pressure to find out fast hwat is planned and who exactly is carrying on to organise these acts, you have several paths you can try:

- Pursue classic interrogations, maybe good cop/bad cop, isolatated cells

- Put the person under torture like 'waterboarding' (simulated drowning) and beating them up, etc

Consider that many of them are religious extremists who are kind of brainwashed for years and are really hard to brake up to talk, eager to give their life in the process of killing for their beliefs. And when the crime is being in the process of being further prepared, it is vital to prevent, say a bomb to be built, nuclear material to be bought, planes to be hijacked, I think we must accept the sad fact that the person is going to be abused beyond human rights.

But if a large number of other lifes might be saved, I am willing to accept that.
I think that when dealing with people who are planning acts that endanger a lot of danger and death to others and there is an element of time involved that puts the investigators under pressure to find out fast hwat is planned and who exactly is carrying on to organise these acts, you have several paths you can try:

- Pursue classic interrogations, maybe good cop/bad cop, isolatated cells

- Put the person under torture like 'waterboarding' (simulated drowning) and beating them up, etc

Consider that many of them are religious extremists who are kind of brainwashed for years and are really hard to brake up to talk, eager to give their life in the process of killing for their beliefs. And when the crime is being in the process of being further prepared, it is vital to prevent, say a bomb to be built, nuclear material to be bought, planes to be hijacked, I think we must accept the sad fact that the person is going to be abused beyond human rights.

But if a large number of other lifes might be saved, I am willing to accept that.

But there have always been people out there, usually well studied people sometimes even people who have carried out such actions that say torture doesnt work. All it does is lead a person to tell his/her interrogators what they want to hear on the basis that the act being performed on them is stopped. Just type in torture or torture doesnt work into google and you'll get thousands of articles on the subject. Of course if you were then to type in torture does work into google you would find thousands of articles refuting those. My own personal view is that it probably doesnt work, I'm sure if put in that position, because let's face it we cant say that all of those waterboarded over the past few years have been completely guilty can we? Maily because these actions have taken place overseas where US and some would say UN rights dont apply - which I completely disagree with.

But you have to ask yourselves if a US citizen was being waterboarded, would you then deem it as torture? We can already answer tha question because the Japanese performed these actions on US POW's and after the war those Japanese officers were tried for war crimes. So what, the same rules dont apply? If the US wants to promote democracy as it said it does especially throught the Bush years then it should live by it's own rules. That also applies to international law and the excuse that these prisoners cannot be called prisoners of war so the same rules dont apply is a quite disgusting cop out.
lets not argue semantics.
i think its obvious im referring to my idea that these things shouldn't be publicized. the reason being, most of us, the media guzzling ignorant, have no idea as to what is really going on.
all is fair in love and war.
i will argue no further.

Yeah, great idea. That way the goverment can do whatever they want without any accountability.....dumb sheeple.

People like you are the reason the Bush regime has gotten away with it. Despite the overwhelming evidence you still think what they did wasn't wrong and by doing so you've lowered yourself to the standards of the real terrorists your government is claiming to be fighting. You've just handed victory to the terrorists and you're too stupid to realize it....isn't fear a wonderfull thing :(
Torture is not ok. Ever. We as the human race need to move beyond violence alltogether. since this is not fully possible at the moment we need to eliminate the intentional harm of others to get them to say what we want to hear.
Torture, in general, is not acceptable as an interrogation technique. Some of the non-violent methods, though, such as the idea of white noise, can be accepted, but waterboarding and other physical tortures can't be tolerated by any civil government.
Yeah, great idea. That way the goverment can do whatever they want without any accountability.....dumb sheeple.

People like you are the reason the Bush regime has gotten away with it. Despite the overwhelming evidence you still think what they did wasn't wrong and by doing so you've lowered yourself to the standards of the real terrorists your government is claiming to be fighting. You've just handed victory to the terrorists and you're too stupid to realize it....isn't fear a wonderfull thing :(

the dumb sheeps are the ones believing everyone is nice and friendly:rolleyes: especially the leftists including socialists and democraps. Do you honestely think that the diplomatic issue will always work??? Please get real.
the dumb sheeps are the ones believing everyone is nice and friendly:rolleyes: especially the leftists including socialists and democraps. Do you honestely think that the diplomatic issue will always work??? Please get real.

If it were up to you you'd bomb everyone you think of as "the enemy" into oblivion.
If it were up to you you'd bomb everyone you think of as "the enemy" into oblivion.

Before I start "Boothbabe" I gotta say, I just can't get over those tits in you siggy...I'm not even a tit guy per se but those are magnificent..:1orglaugh:thumbsup:

Rod Serling's closing narration from the Twilight Zone episode, "The Monsters Are Due on Maple St." (The episode where aliens shut a few lights off and on and watch a town tear itself apart in paranoia.) apropos statement from the sci-fi genius Rod Serling;

"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices. To be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill, and suspicion can destroy, and the frightened, thoughtless search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own: for the children, and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things can not be confined to the Twilight Zone."