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  1. Ainttalkinlove

    2012 Trailer

    eh. i'll watch it but its kinda dumb. Of course the trailer looks awesome thats how movies make money look at the trailers of movies that were awesome in the past then the movies turned out shit. Anyone who sees advertising then says "thats gonna be the bestest movie ever" is a sheep. the movie...
  2. Ainttalkinlove

    Who is the Greatest Entertainer of all-time?

    Wayne Newton. He can drop any chicks panties. most importantly he isnt a pedophile who has self-image issues. but then again how can you hold that agains someone when you liked that one song as a kid. :):dunno::):lovecoupl:glugglug::nanner::hatsoff::spin::turnturn: that is POSITIVEly the...
  3. Ainttalkinlove

    Real Estate I spy

    how do you not see that. Thats the same ghost from three men and a baby!
  4. Ainttalkinlove

    It's good that they shaved otherwise...

    come on baby light my fire. try to set the night on fyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh
  5. Ainttalkinlove

    Extreme Side Boob!

    I prefer Peter Griffins side boob.
  6. Ainttalkinlove

    Redneck Birth Control.

    nope thats also a redneck waxing
  7. Ainttalkinlove

    Why do people continue to use BMI?

    yeah BMI sucks
  8. Ainttalkinlove

    200 orgasms a day... pornstars can't touch this

    thats great!:hit: next time im in london Im gonna look her gonna do this one:nannerf2: and this one:nannerf1: and this one :turnturn: and this one:wave:. Shit I could do this one one also flylicker and get some where
  9. Ainttalkinlove

    Wtf? 2

    Not Micheal Jacksons:thefinger
  10. Ainttalkinlove

    Little Lupe's Breast Implants

    unnecesary. but i always felt guilty looking at her cause she looked so young now i dont.
  11. Ainttalkinlove

    What pornstar does my girlfriend look like?!

    why do you want her to look like anyone do her as she is she is cute as fuck
  12. Ainttalkinlove

    What's the best member to be in a band and why?

    the bassist is always the most intelligent one in the band the drummer is dumb as a box of rocks the vocalist always has life issues that lead to band issues and the guitarist has bad ego problems.
  13. Ainttalkinlove

    Love coupon
  14. Ainttalkinlove

    A bad day with classifieds

    Hi, I see this is your first post, welcome to the board:wave2:
  15. Ainttalkinlove

    disrespect for the american flag

    I am a veteran as well and the most american thing you can do is to burn the flag. It is protected as free speech under the constitution. We are allowed to show our disgust with our political cilimate that is why we seperated from england in the first place.
  16. Ainttalkinlove

    vaginal piercing : hot or not

    on the clit is hot but not the lips and it doesnt matter in the first place.
  17. Ainttalkinlove

    Car anyone

    am I the only one who sees that the car backwards. he did that in reverse. thats bad ass
  18. Ainttalkinlove

    I said 'Thank you' ?!?

    I just say "your welcome" that I think about it, Is that kind of dick?
  19. Ainttalkinlove

    Most Brutal/Disturbing Movies ever but as far as the only thing that ever made me almost throw up The Gag Factor series
  20. Ainttalkinlove

    People who hate Michael Jackson

    All your jokes have been done to death on this board.
  21. Ainttalkinlove

    I wonder if she'd let me have some of her chips?

    That just seems like a quick date. No having to go out pick her up go to the restaurant, wait for a table, wait for your food. eat. talk go home. then fuck. this seems like the way to do it. It skips a bunch of steps.
  22. Ainttalkinlove

    Teacher Puts Homemade Sextape In Class DVD

    It'll end up on the internet eventually.:thumbsup:
  23. Ainttalkinlove

    Iranian cleric: British Embassy staff to be tried

    :1orglaugh HAHAHAHA LOL HAHAHAHAHA LAWL HAHAHAHAHA carpet piloit HAHAHAHAHA:1orglaugh:rofl:
  24. Ainttalkinlove

    What hard liquor should I drink on the 4th of July....

    git yourself a bottle o' 'shine thats the only amerikin licker there is.
  25. Ainttalkinlove

    Shouldn't there be more respect for women in porn?

    Men need more respect in porn. Men are objectified. they are just like a peice of furniture for women to rub themselve all over. Men need to be respected in the porn industry.
  26. Ainttalkinlove


    yup nothing is 100% effective
  27. Ainttalkinlove

    If you were a Furry...

    I would be an evolve member of the primate family, and I would do it with another member of the evolved primate family.
  28. Ainttalkinlove

    Who's Jacking right now at what to?

    Didnt need to "jack" it, as you put it in such crude terms I had a lady friend over.:thefinger
  29. Ainttalkinlove

    squatting with legs apart

    you dont know what your missing Lovecock would have set you straight.
  30. Ainttalkinlove

    Teen girls right now

    kinda creepy.
  31. Ainttalkinlove

    How to fish like a badass (vid)

    what a bitch. This aint no catch and release.
  32. Ainttalkinlove

    Saddam interview tapes released

    But... What IF, he remains a sandy little butthole?
  33. Ainttalkinlove

    a question for the americans

    I have to work the night of the fourth this year. fucking sucks but Im going to be at the place where they launch fireworks from.
  34. Ainttalkinlove

    Saddam interview tapes released

    Thats some interesting shit i would love to hear the tapes... translated of course.
  35. Ainttalkinlove

    3,2,1,0. gooooooo .

  36. Ainttalkinlove

    Horatio is just cold blooded.

    Thats because its Horatio hes the coolest guy ever in his own mind.
  37. Ainttalkinlove

    Which toy robot is this?

    I dont see a toy robot. the thread title said there was a toy robot!
  38. Ainttalkinlove

    Take that, hippies!!!

    Their doesnt need to be a study to know that you cant get all your nutrients from just vegetables.
  39. Ainttalkinlove

    Which porn star do you think I most resemble?

    you should def do stockings and show some ass if youras is even half as nice as your tits, i'll bet its an 11 out of 10
  40. Ainttalkinlove

    Sorry I don't cook

    sounds like someone could use a nice meal.
  41. Ainttalkinlove

    GOD is dead!

    'bout time someone admitted it
  42. Ainttalkinlove

    Do you still have wet dreams?

    Every night.
  43. Ainttalkinlove

    How To Pick Up Chicks

    Its always sunny is the best show ever
  44. Ainttalkinlove

    Scat discussion thread

    3 days ago even