No, wasent the smell... LOL, but I can understand were your coming from.
Im not a dime, but back in the day I was a well sought after male (by females and males, but Im nowhere even close to gay, or Bi), but would go out with almost any female because Im a sucker for a nice personality. Her mother (the girl) was a good friend of my mothers, but in a totally different class, my family being in-between poor, and middle class, and her family being Very, Very rich. Her mother always wanted me for her daughter, (even asked me to marry her for money) but her daughter wasent bad looking,(average face with a voluptous nice body) just the nastiest "I walk on water, and you dont" attitude you would ever experience. You know, the high, and mighty type. So she had a ball (black tie event) coming up and her mother asked me to escort her, and I said I couldnt because I didnt know how to dance (was trying to get out of it) so her mother paid for me to have dance lessons at my house. So after the Ball back in the car she wanted some, and she was actually being kinda nice, so I did, and it was ok, but not the best, but she was nutting back to back but while doing it she started ordering me to do "other things to her" that I didnt want to do like I was some paid hooker. I did them anyway, but it was horrible. Afterwords, I told her do not ever call me again, and we will never go out again. She was crying, and said she was going to kill herself, and I never spoke to her again. I dont think her Mom ever knew what happened that night, but I still keep in touch with Mom, and she (the girl) is OK, and devorced twice.