He is a stupid fuckin doom sayer why does anyone post this shit. IGNORE GLENN BECK. he'll go away
While I'm sure plenty of smart, reasonable people are ignoring him, a disturbing number appear to be tuning into his shit-fest:
3rd-rated cable "news" program, 2.2 million viewers
I was watching that, and it's true neither cares about the border. Neither is willing to touch it because for some reason they think it'll cause a mass defection in the latino vote. They are thinking of a huge lock on the future majority of this country and both parties are salivating over them. Scheuer though made a spurious argument about the National Guard being unarmed, because they aren't law enforcement officers and they don't need a repeat of what happened in the early 90's where these soldiers ended up shooting folks. Having soldiers on the border is supposed to free border guards to make arrests, not the other way around.
Meanwhile, nobody cares about the Irish illegals who come in via Boston, or the Polish illegals who come in via Chicago. Wonder why? :dunno:
The border issue is becoming increasingly irrelevant anyway, as more Mexicans are leaving the U.S. than entering:
W/out watching the unknown sourced vid -
Maybe we do need another bitch slap as a reminder that the world around us is, in fact, inherently violent and we should not be cutting military budgetary expenditures.
I know of members on the ''far'' left that, in their own circles, were wishing that we got tagged while 'w' was at the helm.
It's all partisan politiks at the end of each day, I'm 'fraid
1. Maybe a nuclear war would be the best reminder of just how "inherently violent" the world is.

(The problem is with those who seem to LIKE it that way, and encourage it to continue, even when it's avoidable...)
Saying we "need" another terrorist attack (so 9/11 was the equivalent to a "bitch slap"???) is truly, truly SICK.
2. Um.... we DID get "tagged" while W was at the helm. (Remember 9/11?)
Why would someone hope for a terrorist attack!?
See comment #9 above, for starters...