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  1. Ashleigh

    are you satisfied sexually with you partner?

    Bottom line is, marriage doesn't have to be the always talked about borefest where neither partner is satisfied both in the bedroom and out. Marriage always has phases, ups and just have to both commit to ironing out the wrinkles, and making the effort when things get stagnant. In...
  2. Ashleigh

    are you satisfied sexually with you partner?

    agreed. Men hate it when their wives let themselves go. I mean, its one thing to have gained a bit of weight through the years, because lets face it, as we get older our metabolism slows down and having children doesn't help. But alot of wives just blow up, never dress up or put on makeup...its...
  3. Ashleigh

    are you satisfied sexually with you partner?

    I'm a woman so I'll give my two cents. As for the debate about who has the higher sex drive: without a doubt, a man. Of course there are always exceptions to this rule, I know alot of women who have insanely high sex drives. But overall, its men who want it more and enjoy it more. Its called...
  4. Ashleigh

    Prostitution should it be legal?

    Yes I think it should be legalized.
  5. Ashleigh

    Photography Hobbyists?

    Holy fucking bump batman.
  6. Ashleigh

    Hottest woman from Food Network?

    She's from the UK, and her shows pretty much are suited towards mothers who are on a time crunch but still want to make healthy and entertaining food. She's definitely a MILF. :D And I love her curves....sooo sexy.
  7. Ashleigh

    Favorite tv shows?

    I'm a Grey's Anatomy fanatic.
  8. Ashleigh

    Hottest woman from Food Network?

    I personally would bone Nigella Lawson.
  9. Ashleigh


    well, I decked him in the face and had him thrown out lol. There was a bit of a scene but only because I didn't want him perving on other ladies the rest of the nite, or following me out to my car later.
  10. Ashleigh

    Aren't You Tired of skiny women, who look sick and they aint.....

    The pressure to be thin is pretty much a part of our lives from a very young age. Most schoolgirls already think they are fat. Its incredibly sad how high "beauty" is on the importance scale when it comes to our self worth. If there wasn't any set standard and women could choose exactly how...
  11. Ashleigh

    haha, thanks. I love the trolls that pop up on forums like these. They make my day so much...

    haha, thanks. I love the trolls that pop up on forums like these. They make my day so much brighter :D
  12. Ashleigh


    I hate clubs. Despise them even. Too much stupid guys out there who are too wasted to see that there is NOT a sign on my ass that says "Please please rub your boner on me" I've even been fingerfucked on the dance floor by some random creep who thought I'd enjoy his hand up my skirt when I...
  13. Ashleigh

    My girlfreind broke up with me

    My hubby ain't ballin like this kid. I can only get taken to a 2 START restaurant. Poor me :rolleyes:
  14. Ashleigh

    My girlfreind broke up with me

    LMFAO Yup, you got me. I'm so jealous that I don't get to eat splooge that tastes like crap. And I'm especially sad that I'm not dating someone who'll whine to people he doesn't even know when his lady uses him for cash and then moves on to something better. Damn, this is depressing me now. I...
  15. Ashleigh

    My girlfreind broke up with me

    dude, I'm Canadian. I don't follow basketball. And I'm almost 25 and am married. I have alot more knowledge on longterm relationships than most my age. So don't assume anything about me.
  16. Ashleigh

    My girlfreind broke up with me

    just long you kids been together?
  17. Ashleigh

    My girlfreind broke up with me

    I'm gonna go with the latter.
  18. Ashleigh

    My girlfreind broke up with me

    Dude, you ain't no hustler. You're on a porn forum, crying about some chick who took your money and then dumped your ass. Maybe she left you because you have no balls. Oh wait, nevermind, you MUST have balls because your jizz tastes like dick and pubic hair. My bad.
  19. Ashleigh

    My girlfreind broke up with me

    bahahahahahahaha seriously ROFL. Hun, sorry to break it to you, but Santa Clause isn't real either. Whatever you were told is false. Its a cruel, cruel world my friend.
  20. Ashleigh

    My girlfreind broke up with me

    LOL she's a hustler dude. She got what she wanted out of you and then gave you a lame excuse to exit the relationship. Whats so hard to understand?
  21. Ashleigh

    I wish to marry

    Even if there WAS a hole, it sounds like Mr. OP wouldn't even be able to find it.
  22. Ashleigh

    My girlfreind broke up with me

    If I was dating someone I really cared about and his jizz tasted like ass, I would just stop giving head. Not break up with him lol. She sounds lame....unless of course, you guys have only been on like, two dates and its not really anything serious. In which case, man up biotch! Move onnnn!
  23. Ashleigh

    I wish to marry

    from me to you. practice away buddy! :)
  24. Ashleigh

    pink hair

    My camgirl friend Silvia has the best red/pink/not sure what to classify it as hair. She's hawt :D
  25. Ashleigh

    my cum tastes like butterscotch

    You should splooge onto some icecream and feed it to her.
  26. Ashleigh

    How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

    Usually just some drinks, out to dinner and some spa time. Last yr I went to the BSB concert though, was super awsome! haha
  27. Ashleigh

    Ice cream to cold?

    The planet of lactose intolerance my friend.
  28. Ashleigh

    Cake Or Ice Cream

    cake. Icecream is icky.
  29. Ashleigh

    Ice cream to cold?

    Icecream is disgusting.
  30. Ashleigh

    Sex: "If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now..."

    Well, there are definitely a few dudes who I WOULDN'T have If I could do things differently, my number of partners would probably be cut in half because they were either shitty lays, or just guys I look back on and think "wtf was I thinking?"
  31. Ashleigh

    No lol, but she inspired me to get into it. I loved her, actually got rather obsessed with her...

    No lol, but she inspired me to get into it. I loved her, actually got rather obsessed with her for awhile...but she made me think "hey...why NOT do what she does?"! :)
  32. Ashleigh

    who would you do? Ginger jones, naughty allie, rachel starr

    Naughty Allie. Definitely my biggest pornstar crush...she's the one who inspired me to get into camming!
  33. Ashleigh

    is jennifer connelly wearing panties??

    IMO Jennifer Connely is the most timeless and classic beauty in Hollywood. She doesn't age!!! Remember her in the Rocketeer? That was nearly 20yrs ago and she STILL LOOKS THE SAME!
  34. Ashleigh

    I may have to give up porn!

    Where is the compromise in all of this? How about delete your porn, but if you feel the urge in the future to have a quick wank, just find something online? Don't stop your porn enjoyment, but maybe just get rid of the stuff that she might find excessive? I mean if you like this girl, and she's...
  35. Ashleigh

    Kids of Pornstars

    Firstly, if parents were doing their jobs, children wouldn't even KNOW that Johnnys mom was in porn. Which states my exact point: parents shouldn't be involved in porn period when there are children at home who can find it. Yes Johnny would get made fun of, but should the children making fun of...
  36. Ashleigh

    Kids of Pornstars

    Its like saying the drug dealer is worse than the person he's selling it to, and that the drug dealer shouldn't have children if he's dealing drugs (which in that case is true - drug dealing could result in being killed or incarcerated) but ANYWAYS. A guy who watches porn cannot make judgements...
  37. Ashleigh

    Kids of Pornstars

    Chances are, children have a higher chances of being exposed to pornography due to their non-pornstar parents or father leaving it lying around the house than an actual pornstar exposing their children to their job. I'm pretty sure pornstars who have children keep their work life and their home...
  38. Ashleigh

    Hand Job: Rules for women as stated by a man

    ha. if my man said this shit to me, his ass would be out the door! I make the rules when it comes to sex, not him :D (and ps. this list sounds like it was made by some bitter 45 yr old who's only gotten head like, once. Wouldn't be shocking since he obviously has too much time on his hands...
  39. Ashleigh

    She's moving in with me, YAY!

    Congrats! :)
  40. Ashleigh

    Are you a vegetarian?

    Yes, the animals aren't kept until they're on their deathbed. But they ARE kept alive MUCH longer than the commercialized, mass produced "mutants" that they call chickens, cows and pigs. The meat that most people eat is injected with god knows what to make it grow at an unhealthy rate and they...
  41. Ashleigh

    Are you a vegetarian?

    Organic farmers believe that animals deserve a good quality of life before they are slaughtered. Yes it EVENTUALLY died to become food, but animals raised on an organic farm are given the same considerations any other non-meat farm animal are. They're born, they get to enjoy the sunshine and...
  42. Ashleigh

    Are you a vegetarian?

    The animals raised to produce commercial meat are abused, tortured and kept in inhumane living conditions. I've seen chicken farms, cattle farms...and I imagine pig farms are the same. Disgusting treatment, not to mention the fact that they pump the animals so full of hormones to make it age...
  43. Ashleigh

    Is pornography beneficial or detrimental to a relationship?

    I think it not only depends on the people involved, but also the amount of usage. I've been totally fine with past bfs watching a bit of porn here or there, especially when I wasn't around to have sex. However, when I dated a guy who had a sex addiction and couldn't go a day without wanking at...
  44. Ashleigh

    Favorite pastime as a kid

    I loved to read!
  45. Ashleigh

    The right to go topless

    I don't even see why that came into the argument. I don't bring my webcam to the beach when I'm tanning topless lol. Your argument is that women removing their tops is them asking for sexual attention/harassment...and bringing up the fact that I'm a camgirl is irrelevant because I don't get my...
  46. Ashleigh

    The right to go topless

    1) Do you understand that women go to the beach to get a tan not only for the sake of getting a tan, but having a relaxing day out with friends? Some women don't like tanning beds because of the cost or other reasons. When I want to go to the beach to tan, its just to get out in the sun, fresh...
  47. Ashleigh

    The right to go topless

    Um, yes. Its an unfair statement to say that women would only go topless to flaunt their tittays. I'm sure the majority of women wouldn't even DO it while walking around running errands...seeing as I AM a woman and have had this discussion with countless women before, especially living in a...
  48. Ashleigh

    The right to go topless

    I'm sure your country has been groomed over the centuries to accept nudity as a normal part of life though. Here in North america, nudity is still "taboo" in alot of ways and is something that should only be seen behind closed doors.
  49. Ashleigh

    The right to go topless

    Its been legal in Ontario to go topless forever. Women fought tooth and nail for it, but now that its ok, women don't go topless at all. I'm sure they realized its a bad idea. I went topless in the Dominican republic and I got harassed with my husband by my side! As much as I'm for equal rights...
  50. Ashleigh

    Would you cheat on your wife or GF with your favorite Pornstar ???

    I think reformed addicts need love and support...if they don't have a support system, they're guaranteed to fail. So if I'm in love with a guy, and want a future with him, I'll be by his side to help him through his problems but only if he's helping himself first. :) And yea, people in marriage...