hey! is there any information about which pornstars do have children?
Google has information & gossip about (almost) everything
what do you think about that?
I don't have a problem with it
would you have children if you would work in the business?
Would I want children anyway? Not really, but if I did, I'd have no problems being a (male) pornstar and a father.
and how would you deal with it if you'd have found out that your parents work in the business?
I wouldn't find out, as they'd tell me before I started looking for porn on the internet all by myself (or at least around the same time) and I would thus be prepared. Like I already said, I'm not someone who looks for porn that is more than 8 - 10 years old and seeing as many pornstars still quit when they're approximately 30 (& since I personally believe that one should have settled before one starts to think about children, which is usually when girls are about 25 yrs old, not 18), since a 25 yr old girl that wants a child is probably close to 26 before that child is actually born that'd mean that by the time the child becomes 12 and hits puberty, the girl will have quit the business nearly 8 years before that time.
Since there is a large amount of relatively new online porn these days and since no company is going to promote stuff through free galleries, etc, published 8-10 years earlier, the chances of a child with no credit card accidently finding pictures of his/her parents before they have a chance to tell him/her that they've worked in porn are extremely small.
Still, the OP only asks how you would react if you found out, not on the effects on small children (you won't find out before you hit puberty and by then I don't consider the child small anymore, unless puberty hits very early) and even then, the chances of you finding out all by yourself are slim to say the least, unless you have an irresponsible parent who keeps a paysite open on his/her computer when his/her child is around.
Once a child knows (by being told by it's parents), it will generally avoid the pictures/movies involving it's parents (at least I would), so the chances of seeing it's parent (s) engaging on film in pornography is very, VERY small.
Considering that, pornstars don't have to be bad parents & in my opinion often aren't.