I believe pornstars are quite comfortable showing their bodies to other people and even though family might be an exception to this in some cases, I doubt it is very often. If they weren't, they probably wouldn't show their bodies to cameramen, soundmen, directors an co-stars in the first place and they certainly wouldn't do it if they thought about the fact that millions of men (& women) would see it.
Now about comments like this one
Theres a difference, getting nutted on your face then going home and kissing your kids is just wrong.
Sex is an act that makes children you shouldnt disrespect your kids and suck dick for a living.
and (partly, as you clearly state that it's your opinion, (probably) based on your own morals and you have every right to your own opinion) this one,
Personally I do not believe that a career as a pron star is a good example to any child.
When I read comments like this, I often get the feeling that the people posting them think that sex outside of a relationship is wrong. Why else would you consider it a bad example or disrespectful towards your children?
Sadly, a lot of those people (luckily not all of them & I don't know which of the 2 groups you belong to) cheat on their wives (or in the case of women, husbands, unless you're gay, in which case it would be... well, you get my point), they have sex outside of a relationship, just like pornstars & prostitutes (something they obviously consider to be wrong, which I don't), but they lie to their partners as well (something I consider to be wrong).
I personally have no trouble with men/women who have sex just because they enjoy it (ouside of a relationship), as long as they're honest about it and as long as the partners, if they have one, agree with it.
I do have a problem with people lying to the people that care about them. I find it disrespectful towards that person and towards the person they're cheating with (they often lie to that person as well). If they have kids they often lie to them as well (if you won't tell your gf/wife that you're fucking someone else you won't tell your kids either).
They often leave those kid(s) waiting for it's/their dad (cause they probably love daddy) while he's spending a lot of his time totally ignoring his kid(s) and fucking someone who probably doesn't even know he has kids...
If a mother or father tells it's kids that they do certain things they physically enjoy but that he/she'd be home at night to take care of the kids then I have no problems with it at all.
The conclusion is that I don't see a problem with a pornstar having a kid, but I do have a problem with cheaters who have kids.