Hottest woman from Food Network?


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Don't like Rachael Ray. You guys can name anyone on the food network. For me, Rachael Ray edges out Paula Dean by a little :D She needs to stay off of the uppers, and maybe she could stfu for 3 seconds.

Who is Nigella Lawson? She's pretty but I've never seen her.

She's from the UK, and her shows pretty much are suited towards mothers who are on a time crunch but still want to make healthy and entertaining food. She's definitely a MILF. :D And I love her curves....sooo sexy.
This thread makes me giggle. Rachel Ray is very pretty. I don't know if I'd call her "hot" though.

I've talked to people on other forums and various blogs and there is word she's a serious bitch. I don't see it. :dunno: Of course, there's no shortage of haters in the world today, and the Internet, well, anyone can post anything about anyone without any recourse.

Do I like Rachael Ray? No, not really (in the looks department).


Giada, hands down. She can cook Italian that might give my mother and grandmother a run for thier money.