Search results

  1. ApolloBalboa

    Is liberalism literally a mental disorder?

    Not that I swing towards left or right explicitly, but I can type in "conservatism mental illness" on Google and come up with just as many articles as I can typing in "liberalism mental illness." Neither is a mental illness, nor will they ever be diagnosed as such. Any of the articles, books...
  2. ApolloBalboa

    Report: Intel agencies claim Obama circumvented U.S. Intel and used Brits to spy on Trump

    You misheard; Limbaugh said "I'm bigger than Watergate"
  3. ApolloBalboa

    The Trump Presidency

    I'm glad you changed your username back to what it was, the other one sucked donkey balls.
  4. ApolloBalboa

    What Do You Think Dino Velvet Does For a Living?

    I think he makes clip-on ties.
  5. ApolloBalboa

    I'm back and I've got a brand new website! - BrianaLeeCams

    Re: I'm back and I've got a brand new website! - *************** You look great (which isn't to say that you don't normally). I feel that you're looking thinner, have you lost weight?
  6. ApolloBalboa

    Recommend Me Some Violent / Bloody Adult Anime
  7. ApolloBalboa

    Richard Hatch (Apollo) has died. :(

    I'm not dead yet! uBxMPqxJGqI
  8. ApolloBalboa

    Guess the date of Trump's End as POTUS

    I agree with you that we have enough people, but I don't think that totalitarianism is the way of dealing with things, and that's pretty much what's being expressed from the Oval Office right now. Assimilation is a whole different ball of wax; I'm all for people needing to learn English if they...
  9. ApolloBalboa

    Guess the date of Trump's End as POTUS

    There can be a compromise between allowing people the right to enter the United States and disregarding those basic rights; I'm all for trying to find it, but Trump is all for disregarding (dare I say trampling over?) it and adding more fuel to the fire that he proclaims he'll put out. Do I care...
  10. ApolloBalboa

    Guess the date of Trump's End as POTUS

    I'll respectfully disagree with you on that account; I may not share your views or opinions, but his policies directly affect you the same as they do me. I don't take kindly to a foreigner telling me that he knows better than I do what's best for my country. Yes, I'm aware that that argument...
  11. ApolloBalboa

    Guess the date of Trump's End as POTUS

    You may see who's in the riots, but I doubt you'll pick me out. Know why? I'm not there. Your tired diatribe regarding people who suck the life out of America is almost as tired as your "I'm older, so I know better than you" schtick. America's not a business, it's a country, and quote whatever...
  12. ApolloBalboa

    Guess the date of Trump's End as POTUS

    Move your butt here and then your opinion might have some credibility. I live here and what's he's trying to do isn't best for the country I live in.
  13. ApolloBalboa

    What would your younger self say about your older self?

    "Shit, I thought that problem was supposed to go away as I got older, not get WORSE"
  14. ApolloBalboa

    The Trump Presidency

  15. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    I went Greek tonight; marinated chicken in yogurt and spices, baked it and sliced it thin and made some tzatziki. I didn't feel like making pita or going out to the store to buy it, so I used a couple slices of homemade wheat bread and made a sandwich instead of a gyro. I've also got a potato...
  16. ApolloBalboa

    What Do You Not Like About Porn?

    That they give awards to people for fucking.
  17. ApolloBalboa

    If You Could Make a Porn TV Show, What Do You Think Would Be A Hit?

    I'd watch it. True Detective, but only the first season, and only with Matthew-on-Woody action. Yes, I'm aware of how that sounds.
  18. ApolloBalboa

    Who's the best poster here?

    "You're so vain, I bet you think this post is about you..." :sing:
  19. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    I haven't had deep dish in forever, and reading that you did made me both hungry and jealous. Yours has too much meat on/in it for my taste though. I'd love it if you don't mind sharing; I'd like to think I make a good tomato sauce, but I can't say that I learned my recipe from 4 full blooded...
  20. ApolloBalboa

    I Made Some Toast

    I pulled mine out of my closet and have been using it too. I still make some breads by hand, but it really does expedite the process if I want a loaf done quicker.
  21. ApolloBalboa

    Recent photo of Paul Ryan and House Republicans after voting to repeal Obamacare

    There really should be more "Paul Ryan workout" memes.
  22. ApolloBalboa

    I Made Some Toast

  23. ApolloBalboa

    I Made Some Toast

    I make my own bread, and then I make toast.
  24. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    As far as I'm concerned, as many as you can at once. I won't ask you, you don't tell me. Appearances, you understand.
  25. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    This Ace, who else? I don't need one to be shot at, I plan on having David Blaine as security; you know he can catch bullets with his teeth?
  26. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    I don't think I could ask for a better team, unless we can get Ace to act as security.
  27. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    bob, I've got binders full of interns, you're welcome to 'em. That slogan's catchy too, I'm tempted to run with it.
  28. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    I guess voicing it through that medium seems like something that older generations do; I feel like people my age are more likely to make comments or posts online on some form of blog or whatever.
  29. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    I can't rightly say why I felt the need to do so, even with every other article or op/ed that I've had an opinion on or that I've disagreed with; I just did. The Washington Post. You did bob, you did. When I get elected, I'll give you that cushy office you always wanted, complete with...
  30. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    It's polite/decent(?) of that paper to print an opposing opinion, especially if it tends to lean more one way than another. Good for you for making your voice heard, whether it changed minds or not, and thank you for the congratulations. Same question to you too: did you get any sense of...
  31. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    Do you get any sense of satisfaction from seeing your views in the paper? It's cool to see my name mentioned, but that aside, I don't feel much excitement.
  32. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    If I had a lawn (I live in a townhouse), I'd be yelling that at the neighborhood kids. Would've been for years.
  33. ApolloBalboa

    I Got a Letter to the Editor Published

    I feel like a elderly man needing to make my opinion heard through print.
  34. ApolloBalboa

    If you could be a pornstar for a day, who would you be?

    Lauren Phillips seems like she has a lot of fun; I wouldn't mind living her life for a day.
  35. ApolloBalboa

    am I smarter than most of you?

    The electric yellow has me by the brain banana.
  36. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    I'm with you regarding frozen pizza; 99% of them are awful, and the rest aren't worth buying when I could get a fresh one for the same price. Tonight, it's chicken marinated in balsamic vinegar, olive oil, rosemary, salt, pepper, fresh garlic and lemon, along with oven roasted squash and potatoes.
  37. ApolloBalboa

    Where do you like to bust your nut?

    :rofl2: It's really unfair I can't rep you.
  38. ApolloBalboa

    What is your nut busting or pussy cumming word?

    "If you're not quiet we're going to wake up my parents."
  39. ApolloBalboa

    Where do you like to bust your nut?

    Preferably in Lauren Phillips, but a sock from my brother's drawer will do just as well.
  40. ApolloBalboa

    As if Christmas couldn't get any better, Lena Dunham poses as topless mermaid

    I'm not much better, and not on xfire's level, but here you go. EDIT: Ninja'd, and of course xfire's puts mine to shame.
  41. ApolloBalboa

    Russians hack Uber account of Swiss Christians attending mass

    Son of a bitch, I can't rep you :mad:
  42. ApolloBalboa

    Do Y'all Practice Meditation?

    I was doing it today and I swear it was like Highlander; I was everything.
  43. ApolloBalboa

    Do Y'all Practice Meditation?

    I was more addressing the typo than your use of "cot" or "gawd"; it's nice to meet you, Mr. Hill.
  44. ApolloBalboa

    Do Y'all Practice Meditation?

    Ghey. "Gotdmamn"?
  45. ApolloBalboa

    Do Y'all Practice Meditation?

    I've been doing it for about half a year, and I'm enjoying it. I know they say that you can get an improvement in cognitive skills, memory, a reduction in anxiety, etc. but I can't say that I've noticed any of those for certain. I am, however, able to levitate buildings and cars with my mind.
  46. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    I saved it, printed it out, blew it up, and put it on the ceiling over my bed so it's the last thing I see before I go to bed and the first thing I see when I wake up. Anyways, I made a curry marinade for some chicken and broiled it, then put it between bread with some raw kale instead of...
  47. ApolloBalboa


    I lick my dishes clean and put them back in the cabinet; I should probably tell my family sometime.
  48. ApolloBalboa

    Domino's Is Better Than Pizza Hut Gosh Darnit!

    I'm a Ledo's guy all the way.