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  1. ApolloBalboa

    ADT Security Is Races

    No self respecting white man would steal from Ving Rhames.
  2. ApolloBalboa

    It's here! The Inaugural FreeOnes bachelor auction

    I nominate Ace, and put me down for $50 on him as well.
  3. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    Homemade pizza; the only thing worth bragging about was that I incorporated whole wheat flour into the dough and managed to toss it in the air to stretch it without it falling on the floor or breaking anything.
  4. ApolloBalboa

    Ask Michelle Jean Clark Anything

    Do you rate your transactions on Amazon?
  5. ApolloBalboa

    Charlottesville erupts.

    Fair enough, and thank you.
  6. ApolloBalboa

    Charlottesville erupts.

    No it can't. The ideology is formed by the individual, it's not free-floating waiting to drift into someone's head; it doesn't exist. I could look at the sycamore and think "it's just a tree" or I could think it's my God and start worshiping it. The ideology of worshiping the tree didn't exist...
  7. ApolloBalboa

    Charlottesville erupts.

    An ideology can't exist without conscious thought. By its very definition alone, an ideology is "the set of beliefs by which a group or society orders reality so as to render it intelligible." How can an ideology exist when nobody subscribes to it? Even if that was true, that an ideology could...
  8. ApolloBalboa

    Charlottesville erupts.

    No, it's not. You're saying that there's no place for the ideology either way; one states that there's no place period, the other that there's no place for those who support it (which amounts to saying there's no place for it, period).
  9. ApolloBalboa

    Charlottesville erupts.

    He has upheld them; his telling that group they had no place in America was his opinion, not an act of his office. He didn't infringe on their right of free speech, he said that he didn't believe it was cohesive with being a patriot. If he'd acted to stop them from being there in the first...
  10. ApolloBalboa

    Charlottesville erupts.

    He (McAuliffe) told them, but he didn't do anything to enforce it. If they're actually intimidated by that, they deserve the label of "snowflakes" as much as anybody.
  11. ApolloBalboa

    Charlottesville erupts.

    You know what, I couldn't find an example of Trump directly denying American citizens constitutional rights (though I didn't look in great depth, I'm sure he's come close, and I'm sure others would/will step up and say he has). However, I couldn't find anything that said Terry McAuliffe had done...
  12. ApolloBalboa

    1 Dead and 19 Injured at 'Unite the Right' Rally

    I don't know what your definition of many is; to your credit, it does seem like 2016 is widely recognized as a year when suicide attacks were at an acme (and may be overtaken over the course of this year, who knows?) but again, that doesn't seem to be representative of the collective. As to the...
  13. ApolloBalboa

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    This is very true and I agree with you.
  14. ApolloBalboa

    1 Dead and 19 Injured at 'Unite the Right' Rally

    I actually came across that site and watched that video while looking for information on the PJD. I'm certainly not about to argue with a Muslim over the semantics of his religion, and I think we're at the point where the two of us will have to agree to disagree, at least when it comes to...
  15. ApolloBalboa

    What are you listening to right now?

  16. ApolloBalboa

    1 Dead and 19 Injured at 'Unite the Right' Rally

    I disagree with that; you may disagree with this, but I believe that this group has been shown to be fairly moderate: And yes, I did read the whole...
  17. ApolloBalboa

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    I'm in two minds about this. I can sympathize with those who view those memorials and monuments and recoil because of what they stand for, but there's also use in keeping them around to remind us of horrific events in the past and to not let them happen again; concentration camps are a good...
  18. ApolloBalboa

    1 Dead and 19 Injured at 'Unite the Right' Rally

    I am making the distinction, but I don't think you are, or at least that's not the impression I'm getting. It seems every time an incident with an islamist occurs, you and others are quick to dismiss or criticize the whole as a result of the actions of a few. Even if you haven't with that...
  19. ApolloBalboa

    1 Dead and 19 Injured at 'Unite the Right' Rally

    I certainly do. I go to school with a good amount of Muslims, I know many in my personal life, and I have never had any fear, doubt, or qualm about how they carried themselves or lived their lives. I'm much more afraid of people who are quick to denounce that which they don't understand, don't...
  20. ApolloBalboa

    Charlottesville erupts.

    Re: Charlotte erupts. Why does this only stop at the governor, and why only when it's a Democrat? The President seems to have done this already (or come close), and I hear or see no calls for recall from you or most other conservatives.
  21. ApolloBalboa

    Vinyl does have a pretty awesome sound, I'm lucky that I have a Hi-Fi and my parents let me have...

    Vinyl does have a pretty awesome sound, I'm lucky that I have a Hi-Fi and my parents let me have carte blanche in selecting which of theirs I want for my own. I can't imagine you're much older than me, so it makes sense that you'd list cassettes and CDs based on age. Thanks for the rep :hatsoff:
  22. ApolloBalboa

    So a double rainbow appeared over the White House the other da

    It means the gays have taken over America's version of the Iron Dome.
  23. ApolloBalboa

    The Blue Flame was not a car

    The Blue Flame not a car? Next thing I know you'll be telling me The White Shadow wasn't Bill Cosby's best role on television.
  24. ApolloBalboa

    Hi everyone, I'm Emily Parker. General info & ask me anything!

    Howdy. What's your favorite music format: vinyl, 8-track, cassette, or CD?
  25. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    Sauteed turkey cutlets with onions, corn on the cob, and roasted summer squash. Bruce Dern good.
  26. ApolloBalboa

    So this dude's mom keeps sexting me on Snapchat

    You added Adam's mom on Snapchat too?
  27. ApolloBalboa

    i feel betrayed and like a fool

    Okay, but are you really sure you got over it? I mean, it was $100 and you did mention it a number of times. I just want to make sure that you have absolute closure on this.
  28. ApolloBalboa

    i feel betrayed and like a fool

    Did you ever get over her spending $100 on your birthday? That's probably the biggest hurdle to overcome.
  29. ApolloBalboa

    Who Is The Greatest Superman?

    David Hasselhoff
  30. ApolloBalboa

    I want to bury my face in Miss Hybrid's crotch

    You'll have quite a way to go, considering you're taking the long way around.
  31. ApolloBalboa

    What are you listening to right now?

  32. ApolloBalboa

    Just ordered this last night....

    Make sure that you wear it by the preschool.
  33. ApolloBalboa

    What's everyone up to this summer

    I'm hoping to get that job I applied for as Jane Burgess's suntan lotion lackey.
  34. ApolloBalboa

    What would you sacrifice to get swole?

    Mantits or GTFO.
  35. ApolloBalboa

    On my hands and knees.

    I dig the nightlight.
  36. ApolloBalboa

    Gregg Allman has joined his brother.

    I was fortunate enough to see him twice in the past couple years, and I once took a road trip down to Macon to see their museum and pay my respects at Rosehill. It's not totally unexpected given that he'd had liver problems but it's still shocking to hear. I may have to make another trip down to...
  37. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    I'm going to start calling it that. Maple-glazed salmon fillets with broiled yellow squash. It was expensive but worth it.
  38. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    Fried rice; beef, green beans, carrots, scallions, onions, green and red bell peppers, cabbage, and bamboo shoots. It was good, but I think that I should invest in a wok before attempting to cook that much at once again.
  39. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    I sauteed some onions and garlic in olive oil, added some sardines and kale, let it simmer, and then threw it over some whole-wheat spaghetti. It was good, but underseasoned.
  40. ApolloBalboa

    What's your vagina's name?

    My vagina has a first name, it's O-S-C-A-R....
  41. ApolloBalboa

    Oh no! Chris Cornell has passed away

    Fuck me when I wake up to shitty news like this. Can't I go back to bed and wake up to news that we've started a war with North Korea and Chris Cornell is still alive? I grew up listening to Soundgarden; one of my favorite groups and I was so pumped that they were making another album after...
  42. ApolloBalboa

    Received a nice pay raise today.

    This is a sentence I never thought I'd hear in my life.
  43. ApolloBalboa

    Powers Boothe Has Died

    I'm actually rewatching Guyana Tragedy right now in memorium.
  44. ApolloBalboa

    Lifting the lid.

  45. ApolloBalboa

    Getting ready for the weekend.

    s74VORmJgOM Somehow this is what I imagine your weekends are like.
  46. ApolloBalboa

    Suppertime! Suppertime! Hey Fellas, What'd You Have For Supper Tonight?

    Are you Coke men or Pepsi men? I prefer Coke myself, I've never liked Pepsi. *insert SNL joke here*
  47. ApolloBalboa

    Better Call Saul

    Seriously, I'm thrilled that it's finally back on. This is the only new show that I make a habit of watching.
  48. ApolloBalboa

    Gay voters embracing Marine Le Pen in record numbers. I think David Spade said it best: "Look children, a falling star. Make a wish."