Russian Hacker Identified


Hiliary 2020


the special one
Nobody else would vote for Trump.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Nobody else would vote for Trump.

I'm just going to let this stupid statement stand by itself.

The unclassified portion of the report mentioned nothing of voter irregularities by anyone (other than the democratic party). It did mention how stupid Podesta is and how easy it was to hack his account, which is a felony, regardless of how stupid the contents were and none of the fuckheads in charge of the DNC or the Hilldebeast campaign has denied or distanced themselves from the shitty things they did to Sanders. And there were no denials from them about collusion with the media, either.

But I digress. Of the people I know, maybe four of them didn't vote for Trump.
The Euros ( some of them) saw America in decline and they liked it. Trump will stop the skid and now they are hand wringing again.

Which means, we are on the right path.
The unclassified portion of the report mentioned nothing of voter irregularities by anyone

Nobody with half a brain was arguing that the Russians had actually rigged voting machines.

But it seems we're still focusing on the DNC's foibles, while apparently blithely disregarding the actions of the Kremlin. And choir boy Julian.
Pretty sure that focus would be different had they acted to assist Clinton :)


Hiliary 2020
Me neither.
But if you do see her do not confront her.
Be sure to contact John Mccain, Lindsay Grahm, Barry Soetoro or his wife Michael, John Kerry, Hiliary Clinton, Richard Blumenthal or any other of these scum of the earth sellout bought and paid for prostitutes who want to send our youth to die and get maimed in a war with Russia for absoloutely no reason other than trying to start the TRump Presidency off with a major war.
All over this Russian Hacker who all we have so far is a photo.
Maybe you've missed the multiple major deployments of Russian troops and machines to the Ukraine border?

As well as other Russian satellite nations.

And for the that matter Russia's actual invasion, occupation and annexation of part of a sovereign nation.

Or is that all somehow ok, while this is not?

Add to that people like Mccain and Grahm demanding war with Russia.

They aren't demanding any such thing. Jesus. They just want a full investigation of Russian meddling in the election process.
Maybe you've missed the multiple major deployments of Russian troops and machines to the Ukraine border?

As well as other Russian satellite nations.

And for the that matter Russia's actual invasion, occupation and annexation of part of a sovereign nation.

Or is that all somehow ok, while this is not?

Add to that people like Mccain and Grahm demanding war with Russia.

They aren't demanding any such thing. Jesus. They just want a full investigation of Russian meddling in the election process.

is it ok for a lame duck prez who is days out to be doing this when the next president has to deal with it? shouldn't obama just be taking naps and his oatmeal in the interim instead of making strategic calls in eastern europe that the new president will have to deal with? the arrogance of this motherfucker.
is it ok for a lame duck prez who is days out to be doing this when the next president has to deal with it? shouldn't obama just be taking naps and his oatmeal in the interim instead of making strategic calls in eastern europe that the new president will have to deal with? the arrogance of this motherfucker.

He wasn't elected to serve 3 years and 11 months.
These are ongoing issues for cripes sake.
He's acting in what he sees as the nation's best interest, as his oath of office requires.
And obviously it's not just him that's involved, but members of congress who will continue to be members of congress going forward while addressing these same issues.

We had a president once who just basically sat out the later innings of his lame duckness - James Buchanan. That didn't work out particularly well for us.


Hiliary 2020
Aw c'mon fellas.
We all know Barry is just doing what he's being told to do.
Fuck up as much shit as possible to the very last minute.
I gotta say I really don't know what to expect after the 20th in many regards but I do think it is very likely we dont get through the week without something big happening.

And one thing you often fail to admit ph is that Russia can do whatever they want within their own borders.
The arent not sending thousands of tons of war machines across the globe like the US is.

Perfect example of how the military industrial complex and world bank control US politics and policies.
And one thing you often fail to admit ph is that Russia can do whatever they want within their own borders.

LOL Ukraine is NOT within "their own borders"

Neither was Georgia.

I mean seriously Mr P, your hypocrisy about this is complete head shaker.
Unless somehow you don't know what happened in Crimea in 2014, and what also happened (and is ongoing) in another part of Ukraine.
Georgia was part of the Confederacy, not the Soviet Bloc. Get your geography straight.

and as far as Ukraine goes, Crimea a river.


No can do, brother.
I've got family there. Family who are very proud to be native Ukrainians and don't wish in any way to become Russians living under the boot of a pos like putin. While they often express anger or frustration about the kind of corruption that's been a salient feature of a young Ukrainian democracy, on balance being a sovereign democracy gives them hope they can gain more control over this in time. The corruption would be no better if they became Russian, and any avenues to combatting it would be greatly eradicated. They're also now a mostly westernized nation that identifies more with Europe than Russia and has a generally favorable opinion of the U.S. All of this much to Mr. Putin's disdain, of course.

And I notice that just like clockwork, Mr. P has disappeared completely again when confronted with any facts illustrating his hypocrisy about Russia:) Oh well, at least you're consistent there Mr. P.


Hiliary 2020
Ok kiss my grits.
I'm sorry you didn't deserve that.

I'm not debating it because I don't feel Russia has done any war mongering anywhere near the extant of the US.
I'll admit you know more about Ukraine than me but that doesn't mean you are 100% correct.
I say that because I doubt your sources of info. You still believe the msm.

I judge current day Russia a lot by their actions in Syria.
The USA was arming and funding and using proxy armies to take down Syria for the benefit of the Israeli government and caused a lot of death and destruction.
Turn it into another Iraq. Kill and remove the legitimate gov and let the radicals take over. They did the same in Libya and other countries who were no threat at all.
But Russia saved Syria from that. Kind like Charlie took The Angels away from all those hazardous duties back in the 70's.

That situation is what I judge Russia by. Because had Syria fell Iran would have been next and I'm sick of this endless war shit.

Also I have a rule. I don't believe anything the GOVERNMENT says. Nothing especially without proof.
I'll admit you know more about Ukraine than me but that doesn't mean you are 100% correct.
I say that because I doubt your sources of info. You still believe the msm.

:) Did you happen to notice in the post right above yours that I mentioned having family there?
People who are actually living through this?
In various regions of the nation.
I have visited them 3 times since the Russian incursions of 2014.
I've seen with my own eyes a good bit of what's going on there.

But Russia saved Syria from that.

Russia's priority is most certainly not the Syrian people. What they want most is to make sure their interests in the region are best protected by a very malleable head of state. When Assad's usefulness to them in that regard begins to dry up they'll get rid of him themselves. In the meantime, a whole lot more innocent folks are gonna die.


Hiliary 2020
:) Did you happen to notice in the post right above yours that I mentioned having family there?
People who are actually living through this?
In various regions of the nation.
I have visited them 3 times since the Russian incursions of 2014.
I've seen with my own eyes a good bit of what's going on there.

But Russia saved Syria from that.

Russia's priority is most certainly not the Syrian people. What they want most is to make sure their interests in the region are best protected by a very malleable head of state. When Assad's usefulness to them in that regard begins to dry up they'll get rid of him themselves. In the meantime, a whole lot more innocent folks are gonna die.

No I didn't read that.
You have been to The Ukraine three times since 2014?
Wow. Probably some serious eye candy all over.

If you've been there and you've spoken to people there and got a good feel as to the view of the people , to me that carries a lot of weight.
I've said before you can't fully understand a situation unless youve seen it firsthand.
I dealt with that many times when hearing falsehoods and myths about Colombia.

But I've never really debated the Russia/Ukraine situation with you because I don't know a lot about it and what I've read has been contradictory.
I did speak to a couple of Russian girls a few times at work about it last summer. Got the impression they werent to happy about it but we doing go into strong detail.

So in a thread about that you would be most knowledgable.
With the Russian hacking accusations coming fron the DNC, CIA Brennan, Obama, Clinton, Grahm, Mccain, ect these are people who I feel have ZERO credibilty and justly earned.
To me they are bought and paid for traitors and criminals so I don't believe a word they say , ever.
Especially since no proof or evidence has been offered. Seems theyre just throwing crap against the wall , again.

Its 2 different topics anyway.