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  1. R


    In the 80's, when AIDS was just coming to national attention, there was a diet product called "Ayds." You don't see it anymore, do you? Lucky think thing isn't known as the mcdonaldsvirus, the cocacolavirus, or the amazonvirus, eh?
  2. R


    I am not, and I repeat, am NOT furthering any conspiracy theories, but if you were a country that wanted to weaponize a viral outbreak on the US, the time to do it would be right now. Never a better opportunity. We have a president who is more interested in the mirror than anything else, who...
  3. R

    Farrah Abraham

    She's a twenty-something who looks like a forty-something, trying to look like a twenty-something. It'd be sad if it weren't for the fact that she's an awful human being, who sold her soul for Z list celebrity.
  4. R

    The Blue Wave thread

    Actually, she's the exact opposite of what the Founders had in mind for serving in office. Look at the Constitution. The only officials who were to be popularly elected were members of the House of Representatives. Senators were chosen by state governors and presidents were to be CHOSEN by...
  5. R

    KT So

    Yes, you do have to buy the zipsets in order, and you cannot buy them all at once, and they're very expensive and the newer ones are VERY explicit. Is it worth it? If it's worth it to YOU, it's worth it. And if you're planning on waiting until someone shares them on the forums, good luck with...
  6. R

    The Trump Presidency

    There's a few fundamental things liberals, Democrats, and anyone else who hates trump have to wrap their heads around. First: He will NEVER be impeached. The Republican Congress and Senate will burn the fucker down before they turn on one of their own. There is NOTHING trump can do that will...
  7. R

    The Trump Presidency

    It appears the lynchpin of Mueller's investigation is Manafort and Gates: The two morons who spent the months leading up to the time they took over the trump campaign, trying to defraud American banks to get millions of dollars to pay back Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska. Deripaska, a Russian...
  8. R

    There Will Be No Border Wall

    Not to go too far off topic, but a friend sent me a rather interesting tidbit from Idaho this morning. It seems more than 7000 tech, engineering and science jobs went begging last year in the state of Idaho. Idaho. I mention it because the American president brags that he wants to bring coal...
  9. R

    Shithole countries

    I swear, it's like the president took a turkey baster, and sucked half the brains out of the country. ALL of it. Liberals are setting their hair on fire every day over the least thing, conservatives are excusing pedophilia and naziism and as for me, I cannot think of a better time to be an expat...
  10. R

    Our President is "Dumb As Shit"

    We played this game with Dubaya for 8 years, and with Reagan. Yeah, it's real nice. You think he's stupid. He's just stupid enough to get elected. He's just stupid enough to trash the Constitution. He's just stupid enough to get his supporters to mistrust all the things that insure freedom (Free...
  11. R

    Trump's Typical McDonald's Order

    I'm hardly what you'd call a Trump supporter, but really. His diet? How is this news? It can't be a shock, and if you're outraged about this, well... get a fucking life.
  12. R

    Let’s face facts people, the real reason other countries don’t like us is jealousy

    You use the pronoun "we" rather generously, don't you think? Seems to me you listed 8 things YOU don't like about Trump. All understandable, but not everyone would agree, so the we is inappropriate. I'd agree that Trump is sending ripples across history's pond that will carry horrible...
  13. R

    Let’s face facts people, the real reason other countries don’t like us is jealousy

    Hate to burst bubbles here, but... As an American who's lived in Spain for 6 years, I can tell you very, VERY few people in countries outside US give the US a second thought. Look at it this way. When was the last time you thought about Spain? Same thing. Believe it or not, most people around...
  14. R

    Kevin Spacey... What's His Deal?

    Looking at all the Hollywood guys who now find their nuts in a vice, didn't you ALWAYS have kind of a feeling? I mean, if you paint a picture of a sexual predator, wouldn't Harvey Weinstein be your model? And I always fe;tKevin Spacey was more than a little creepy. What gets me most about this...
  15. R

    Watergate 2.0 in Progress

    With Trump senior campaign officials taking meetings with Russian diplomats and other reps of the Russian oligarchy, I think it's more than a little disingenuous to claim Mueller has nothing. What we know is a LOT, and my bet is Mueller has a LOT more. ZWhat we already have is a presidential...
  16. R

    FBI Investigation Exposes NCAA Basketball As Corrupt

    THIS JUST IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! College athletics rife with corruption!!! Also in breaking news: The sky is blue, snow is cold, and water is wet. What I love most is the way the sports media is playing it. "Oh, wow! This is the very first I've ever heard of this! Imagine! College coaches and other...
  17. R

    Nicki Minaj

    Looks like it's trying to gnaw its way out.
  18. R

    Farrah Abraham

    Isn't plastic surgery supposed to make you look younger? She isn't even in her 30's yet and she looks like a middle aged woman who had plastic surgery done in Tijuana. How long will it be before she's a MILF on Brazzers? Or would they even have her?
  19. R

    Solar Eclipse

    I'll be with friends on the Eastern Oregon desert in the path of totality. (Scheduled a vacation for it last year.) I've read some interesting things, such as, you should pay attention to the ground, too, as the shadows are amazing. (In some cases, it creates a slithering effect,) and you'll...
  20. R

    Limbaugh shares my view that a second U.S. civil war is imminent.

    IF we are in the midst of a new civil war, it's for the dumbest reasons EVER. So what Limbaugh is saying is conservatives should fight to the death to be told what they want to hear. Doesn't need to be true. Sanitized history is the same as actual history, so long as it tells Rush and Trump and...
  21. R

    Do you envy/resent those who have more than you?

    Envy is like jealousy and hatred. Completely wasted emotions. What good does it do you to be envious of what someone else has? Envy won't bring any of it to you. If you're jealous, you only hurt yourself, because if there's something to be jealous about, your jealousy isn't going to change it...
  22. R

    Watergate 2.0 in Progress

    OMG! You're coming at me with Alan Dershowitz???? Desperate, are we? You'll notice he tries to say that obtaining information illegally is not a crime. True. So long as you're dealing with domestic sources. When it's used in this manner, to affect and alter an election, is another matter...
  23. R

    Watergate 2.0 in Progress

    I hate to burst bubbles here, but this is NOTHING like Watergate. Watergate, while criminal, was not traitorous. Watergate was the result of an insecure politician, who didn't have the sense to just admit the truth right after the break-in was exposed. While it is serious that an American...
  24. R

    Kathy Griffin: What's Her Deal?

    Never cared for her, never will, and she's dead wrong to cry, "censorship." WHY, OH WHY, OH FUCKING WHY can't people understand that people reacting after you've said something is NOT censorship. Censorship is when the GOVERNMENT tries to stop you from speaking or otherwise expressing your...
  25. R

    If Trump were a democrat president

    If trump were a Democrat? Easy. He would have been led out of the Oval Office in handcuffs weeks ago. Amazing how an R or a D after your name will change things. And for the record, really? REALLY? You're trying to say Melania's been mistreated? Really? How deep is the infamous conservative...
  26. R

    Watergate 2.0 in Progress

    Those of us who are old enough to remember Watergate remember Nixon's plan to subvert the Constitution by setting almost the entirety of the Executive Branch in motion to cover it up was ALMOST perfect. It probably would've succeeded except for one thing. As always. A dumbass. The dumbass in...
  27. R

    The western United States appreciation thread

    Most beautiful drives EVER: Highway 12, from Kooskia, Idaho to the Montana border at Lolo Pass. AKA "The Lewis and Clark Trail." The Going to the Sun Highway in Glacier National Park. In fact, if Montana west of the Continental Divide were anyplace else, the entirety of it would most likely be...
  28. R

    War . is . Hell

    War is war and hell is hell, and of the two, war is worse. Sinners are in hell, people who earned their way there. Innocent people, children are killed indiscriminately in war, because rich guys with small dicks want to play war with other peoples' kids.
  29. R

    Here We Go Again

    We've seen this suck movie before. Assad is evil, he used chemical weapons against his own people. Oh, no! He might have plans to use them against us. Be afraid! Be very afraid! We have to invade right this minute, before the evil dictator targets us, and if you question us in any way, shape or...
  30. R

    Protesters Swarm Chaffetz Town Hall

    Remember when Democratic Congressmpeople and senators were given the same treatment by tea party people at their Affordable Care Act town hall hearings? What goes around comes around. Opposition is the name of the game in a free society. Although, given the current president's sliminess and...
  31. R

    Tolerant Left Riot at Berkely

    It's as silly to paint all these protesters in with the rioters as it was to paint all Tea Party people in with the bigots and white supremacists who went along for the ride. That's the problem with protests from either side. You end up with unintended human baggage.
  32. R

    Every Religion gets evil when it gets too big

    There's a huge difference between faith and religion. Faith moves mountains. Faith is powerful. Religion is an attempt by dullards to place God in a box, and claim Him as your omnipotent pet. Faith transcends the greatest human endeavors. (The Roman Empire v. people of faith. People of faith...
  33. R


    I'm reminded of Keith Ellison, the first Muslim member of Congress. Shortly after he was elected, he appeared on Glenn Beck's CNN show, and Beck said, "No disrespect intended, but prove to me you're not a terrorist." Ellison had a lengthy, political response, but it should've been, "No...
  34. R

    Old people

    Who's the REAL "burden" on society? Old people or fucking willfully ignorant people, who can't see any more than two inches in front of their own nose. If you cannot appreciate what you were given by those "burdens" I feel very sorry for you. Yours is a false narrative, that presumes a...
  35. R

    Old people

    Seriously? You are capable of reading a history book, right? So you do know the "eliminating" those who are deemed a "drag on society" never ends well, because you never stop after the original group of people you demonized are eliminated. That's cuz after you eliminate, say, old people you're...
  36. R

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Am I the only person who saw the complete idiocy of nominating a candidate the voters roundly rejected just 8 years ago? And the Democrats didn't even bother to try to re-brand her, or try to get her to develop a basic personality. I went through all this campaign with the ugly feeling that it...
  37. R

    Answer This Post With A Movie Quote Only

    "My grammy never gave gifts. She was too busy being raped by Cossacks." -Woody Allen In "Annie Hall."
  38. R

    The Trump candidacy: What went wrong?

    Trump and his supporters can gripe all they want about rigged elections and biased media and such, but when the candidate is acting like a jackass, what is the media to report? Don't blame the reporter for what's shown and what's said by the subject. It's been a dumpster fire of a campaign. Had...
  39. R

    Paying cam girls

    Yep, when I was a kid, my daddy sat me down and said, "Son, if you want to get LOTS of pussy, be a DJ." I think the people who made the earliest assessments of your situation are correct. You got burned by some cam model, and you're now trying to be the "savior" of others by venting here. Men...
  40. R

    Janice Griffith

    Janice is a horrible porn name, and the gauges in her ears are distracting, but make no mistake about it, the girl is H-O-T and her fuck noises are incredible. A woman makes noises like that when you fuck her is going to make you cum WAY sooner than you hoped.
  41. R

    Paying cam girls

    Your first clue is "I have no problem in the female department." If you had no problem in the female department, you'd be spending time with all the females you know, instead of coming to a PORN BOARD to gripe about cam girls. As many have asked, what the fuck do you care if someone pays money...
  42. R

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Read Article 2. Section 1, clauses 2 and 3 of the Constitution. FASCINATING stuff! The founders didn't want the president to be chosen by popular vote, because they feared people would be too easily swayed by populist ideologues and foolish ideas fostered by fear and hatred. (Sound familiar?)...
  43. R

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    I'm the "libtard," and you're excited about a national poll? The fact remains Trump has a MAJOR Electoral problem. He's losing in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. He has to get at least two if not all three of those states to win. He can't win the west coast, he probably will lose Texas and the...
  44. R

    Miley Cyrus

    I feel quite certain that she's going to reach a certain age when pictures of her now will embarrass her, but I bet she'll never regret things not done. Like her, hate her, I'm sure it matters not either way to her. She can go cry into a huge fucking bag of money, while her haters do what...
  45. R

    How do you view pornstars that won't do interracial?

    I think we read WAY too much into personal choices these days. If a pornstar doesn't do IR she's a racist? Really??? Isn't it a pornstar's personal preference? If a white woman doesn't want to date a black man because she doesn't find black men attractive, is she a racist or is she just picky...
  46. R

    Who has the biggest dick on here?

    Asking who has the biggest dick on a discussion board is like asking who's innocent in a prison. As if someone's going to openly admit, "Uh, yeah. I'm hung like a flea. When I fuck my girlfriend she has to also use three fingers (two of hers and one of mine,) and a vibrator to get off. Lucky for...
  47. R

    The 2016 Summer Olympics

    Rio for this year's Olympics is as foolish a choice as Qatar for the 2022 World Cup. Lots of money changed hands, none of which any of the people of either country will ever see, and the potential for disaster is unlimited. Terrorist paradise both. The only thing more foolish than holding these...
  48. R

    Nick Saban is a scum bag

    We'll complain, and the people on ESPN will display all the phony outrage they can muster about stuff like this, but colleges are completely run by the football team and the more successful the team, the more "scandal" there's going to be. Athletes are told from the time they make their first...
  49. R

    The Gun Control debate thread

    In the above post, Gandhi is taken out of context. His comments were made in reference to Indians fighting alongside British forces in WW1, the WHOLE quote from the Dalai Lama is, "But if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, he said, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own...
  50. R

    The Gun Control debate thread

    Second Amendment is NOT an unqualified right. The first 13 words say it all. "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.' The founders did NOT envision everyone in the US with a firearm. And the purpose of the amendment has its roots in medieval Britain, when a...