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*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

First of all Cletus, every time you call me fat, an angel gets its wings. But you just keep flailing because that's not pathetic at all.

I suggest you compile a list of all the Repubs that aren't just not voting for your twin brother, but are proactively voting against him. And it's because of shit-kicking morons like you. And if he gets in, your own Party is going to obstruct every move he makes to the point that your own Party will start wishing for the good old days that it was that "easy-to-get-along-with Obammer that they had to fight against. Inbreds like you aren't "Making America Great", you're "Keeping America Stoopid."

*Pats BC on the head...and then wipes his hand on the nearest homeless person to lose the scent of failure*

Oh, you poor thing. The angels don't get to keep their wings very long as your fat ass will pluck them off and eat them like you are chicken wing Kobayashi.

I know the thoughts of Trump undoing the fundamental transformation of the past 8 years has you gnawing at your fingernails ( you do like to eat don't you) but the GOP will eventually get on board and fat losers like you will have to sit back and watch the grownups run things for a while. Look at the bright side, our farmers will be taken care of and that means a cornucopia of food readily available at the mayhem household and the buffets in Vegas will continue to be replenished and you will be able to continue sucking up to total strangers for a few white chips.

Or are those of the potato variety?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Can you take this outside? Possibly personal messages? It is getting slightly off topic/too personal insulting, IMHO.
Obama is an entitled affirmative action abusing never-had-a-job-a-day-in-his-life piece of shit. Criticizing Americans on foreign soil. Yeah, he's a classless piece of shit.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Obama is an entitled affirmative action abusing never-had-a-job-a-day-in-his-life piece of shit. Criticizing Americans on foreign soil. Yeah, he's a classless piece of shit.

What would you do confronted with a Senate/House that didn't even wait for the first initiative f the new president Obama back in 2008, but openkly stated they would block him on everything?

Things have to get done, and he did what he could do, as the other side blocked.


Hiliary 2020

yeah he woke America up when he told the people who gave time hope and money to him to vote for the person who stole his nominatiion for PREZ through election rigging.
I realize he was either threatened or paid off but imagine if he stood up and pulled an Al Pacino, And Justice for All, your out order, she's out of order, the whole fucking country's out of order speech?
That would of woke some people up.

Speaking of waking people up- Nice List here
What would you do confronted with a Senate/House that didn't even wait for the first initiative f the new president Obama back in 2008, but openkly stated they would block him on everything?

Things have to get done, and he did what he could do, as the other side blocked.

Hey dumbfuck! Obama had majorities in both houses for his first two years.
All the cultural marxist libtards are losing their shit over the fact that Mr. Trump is up now nationally.

All the way!....:nanner:

I'm the "libtard," and you're excited about a national poll? The fact remains Trump has a MAJOR Electoral problem. He's losing in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. He has to get at least two if not all three of those states to win. He can't win the west coast, he probably will lose Texas and the intermountain west and even the South aren't a lock for him like they were for McCain and Romney. People who go by national polls are political "tards." Doesn't matter who wins the popular vote. Just ask Al Gore. Electoral strategy will win in November. Best get used to saying, "She's not MY president." And by the way, using words like "libtard" in a political debate only demeans you. There's a reason Rush and Hannity and O'Reilly and the rest of that nutless gang never run for office. They know adults don't take name-callers seriously. Then again you're the guy who's supporting a candidate who's most famous line to this point is, "He started it."
Read Article 2. Section 1, clauses 2 and 3 of the Constitution. FASCINATING stuff! The founders didn't want the president to be chosen by popular vote, because they feared people would be too easily swayed by populist ideologues and foolish ideas fostered by fear and hatred. (Sound familiar?) Each state is allotted as many Electors as they have representatives in the House and Senate. State legislatures are to choose these elections, any way they see fit, and the way the founders envisioned it, the electors are to vote independently. Bet most conservatives who claim to worship the Constitution don't realize the only federal position that was to be chosen by popular vote was the House. Senators were appointed by state governors and/or legislators, (That was changed by Constitutional amendment in 1917,)and Supreme Court justices are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

The founders were elitists, who didn't in any way, shape or form want the people to be involved directly in the choosing of leaders. Read the Federalist Papers. Messrs. Hamilton, Madison and Jay all made very strong cases to avoid the "tyranny of the majority," at all costs. It's why I always chuckle when people refer to the US as a "democracy." Democracy is clumsy and cumbersome, inefficient and dangerous. (As brilliant a writer and orator as Lincoln was, his greatest lie was, "government of the people, by the people, for the people." Yep, by design, people DO get a say, but not the final say, and certainly not the direct say. Which is to say our elitist founders engaged in the desperate quest to protect an ignorant, easily-fooled, sheep-like populous from itself.

Article 2, Section 1 is brilliant and elegant, and absolutely lovely. And it'd never work in its purest form, because it's a playground forgraft, bribery and all kinds of other political skulduggery. But before you begin to talk of "democracy," and "the will of the people," you should be well aware that the founders of your country had no use whatsoever for either of those two entities.
I'm the "libtard," and you're excited about a national poll? The fact remains Trump has a MAJOR Electoral problem. He's losing in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. He has to get at least two if not all three of those states to win. He can't win the west coast, he probably will lose Texas and the intermountain west and even the South aren't a lock for him like they were for McCain and Romney. People who go by national polls are political "tards." Doesn't matter who wins the popular vote. Just ask Al Gore. Electoral strategy will win in November. Best get used to saying, "She's not MY president." And by the way, using words like "libtard" in a political debate only demeans you. There's a reason Rush and Hannity and O'Reilly and the rest of that nutless gang never run for office. They know adults don't take name-callers seriously. Then again you're the guy who's supporting a candidate who's most famous line to this point is, "He started it."

The toxic name calling in this particular thread has been mostly done by a liberal Hillary supporter. If you need evidence to the contrary of your bogus assertion, look no further than the last 10 pages...
Do you really believe these MSM polls?
In the real world Trump is up to at least 70% and HC might have 15% at best.

:1orglaugh Good one, Mr, P.
Oh wait, you're actually serious about this.
Any chance we can get a wager going that Clinton will only get 15% of the popular vote?


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Bronze Member
Here is one of the many "news" stories on Donald Trump's new favorite station, "Infowars". It is fascinating to see how a major candidate has gone to such extremes that he teams up with a media outlet that, seriously, talks about aliens taking over earth and cemtrails and other comic-book theories.



Republican nominee echoes Alex Jones' warning

Paul Joseph Watson - AUGUST 2, 2016


“I’m afraid the election is going to be rigged, I have to be honest,” Trump told the audience, making reference to how Bernie Sanders lost because his primary race against Clinton was also rigged.
Trump said that he was only able to secure the Republican nomination because he won in “massive landslides,” suggesting that the same margin of victory might be necessary to overturn Hillary’s dirty tricks in the general election.
During a later appearance on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show, Trump repeated his warning, stating, “I’ve been hearing about it for a long time, and I know last time there were precincts where there were practically nobody voting for the Republican….a lot of people were curious – how is that possible?”

Here is one of the many "news" stories on Donald Trump's new favorite station, "Infowars". It is fascinating to see how a major candidate has gone to such extremes that he teams up with a media outlet that, seriously, talks about aliens taking over earth and cemtrails and other comic-book theories.


The president and current Democrat nominee believe in man made climate change as well as other comic book theories. Obama even went on a television show of a woman that eats Froot Loops cereal from a bath tub and another sitting between two ferns .

Time to call in Scully and Mulder.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The president and current Democrat nominee believe in man made climate change as well as other comic book theories. Obama even went on a television show of a woman that eats Froot Loops cereal from a bath tub and another sitting between two ferns .

Time to call in Scully and Mulder.

Oh, you don't believe in man-made climate change?
Do you really believe these MSM polls?
In the real world Trump is up to at least 70% and HC might have 15% at best.

Brings back some good memories... 4 years ago, all polls were pointing to an Obama victory and all major right wing pndits claimed the polls were bullshit and Romney will win bib. We know what happened next...