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  1. R

    Ellie Idol / Chloe ( / Collie Pop / Christina / Elle / Ellie / Ellie Page / My Little Princess Ellie / Princess Ellie Idol

    Hey Elle Idol, I don't know if you come here much anymore. It would be amazing to see you in Virtual Reality.
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    Can Prepaid Cards be Used for Porn Membership (Bangbros)

    Yeah, pre-paid cards work. I prefer to use those over regular credit cards on the internet rather I am joining a porn site or buying something off the web. If they try to charge too much or rebill you again against your wishes then it won't go through if you do not have enough money on it. I...
  3. R

    VR porn: How accessible is it? Thoughts?

    I tried it out and could not get this to work. It plays side by side literally and I did not get the full immersion. I don't know what the deal is. They say its how the file is labeled and I tried that but no go. Just letting those I talked to know my experiences.
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    VR porn: How accessible is it? Thoughts?

    Apparently there is a new work around on the PSVR so you can now watch VR porn on it like you do on the Rift. You get the full effect. I have yet to try it out yet but will let people know how it goes when I do. Here are the instructions from Virtual Real, STEP 1 Download our videos...
  5. R

    VR porn: How accessible is it? Thoughts?

    I love the PSVR. It's a good system. I just did not want to see you get your hopes up like I did when I first saw that work around. You can download that free video when you get one to see how you like it.
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    VR porn: How accessible is it? Thoughts?

    You do not get the full immersion in PSVR watching porn. I'll try to explain, when you watch something in true vr you get two of the same scenes side by side, one for each eyeball. One is a little different then the other but its the same thing side by side. When you put the goggles on then your...
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    VR porn: How accessible is it? Thoughts?

    I love the games and the porn is really great so I am back in forth between the two. I look at it like we are in the Nintendo 8 bit system era right now so I look for it to get better. If you don't have the money for it right now or don't want to get it right now, you are not missing out too...
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    VR porn: How accessible is it? Thoughts?

    I have both the Oculus Rift and PSVR. Games like Resident Evil 7, Eve Valkrie, Lucky's Tale, Arkham VR, Rush of Blood, Battle Zone, VR Worlds, and VR Playroom are amazing in VR as well as flying an x-wing in Battlefront which has a VR experience. Lucky's Tale is only available on Oculus Rift but...
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    VR Porn Videos, Games and Cams

    Update for those wondering like I was: I just got the rift this week and its amazing. Much better then PSVR. Watching porn, you really do feel like you are right there. Its not like the PSVR where you feel like you are watching a movie very close up.
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    PS4 Pro

    I heard it was supposed to make the PSVR better along with the 4K thing. I am planning on passing on it. I think I am going to save up for a better PC and get the Oculus Rift if I can. After getting a taste of VR through the PSVR I feel the Rift can offer me more then PSVR could.
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    VR Porn Videos, Games and Cams

    I got the Playstation VR headset not too long ago. I can only watch videos by downloading them onto a USB device and then playing it through my Media player on my PS4. To me its like watching porn in a movie theater and me sitting in the front seat looking up at the screen. The first site I...
  12. R

    How Bad Is That New Ghostbusters?

    It was pretty bad. The villain was all wrong and the humor was not there. If they do a sequel I really hope they get a better director and team of writers. The cast seemed ok.
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    What is the latest BAD film you watched?

    I am glad I am not the only one.....
  14. R

    Nikki Coxxx / Nikki Rhodes

    Whoa, where did you find that pic and is there more?
  15. R

    Guitar Hero: plug is pulled on games franchise

    I played Guitar Hero 3 and World Tour, after that it was just the same shit in a new box. It got old.
  16. R

    Nikki Coxxx / Nikki Rhodes

    Wow, I did not know she got pregnant and had a baby. Congrats to her. She is one of my all time favorites when I look at porn. I wish her good luck in the future with whatever she decides to do next.
  17. R

    Pregnant Women & their Bellies / Pornstars & Babes during Pregnancy / Pornstars that shoot pregnant

    Re: Pregnant Nice Babes - not just pregant... Nevermind.
  18. R

    Woman who had face and hands torn off in chimp attack makes emotional return hospital

    Re: Woman who had face and hands torn off in chimp attack makes emotional return hosp I saw someone doing just that with Lions. He sleeps with them and trys to be apart of their pack. I saw it on the news sometime back.
  19. R

    Your favorite cancelled TV shows

    Flashforward Back to you Nightmare Cafe,
  20. R

    Batman 3 Gets New Title

    I feel the same way about the Penguin. If he can do the Joker, then he surely can pull off The Penguin.
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    Batman 3 Gets New Title

    No, worse name for a movie ever was Attack of the Clones.
  22. R

    America Rising, Enough "Change"

    I fully agree. Both sides are to blame for this mess we are in.
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    A Senseless War Begins Its 10th Year

    Michael Moore is an idiot. If you believe the invasion of Afghanistan is senseless then you need to do some heavy reserach on Bin Laden. One of the things Bin Laden claimed before 9/11 was that America does not have the stomach for war. That was after he attacked the embassies in Africa and...
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    What do you think about MGS 1

    It was alright. I enjoyed it back in the day.
  25. R

    "The Hobbit" finally greenlit for February

    I can't wait. I just watched all three Lord of the Ring movies on Blue Ray.
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    Firefighters watch home burn away since owner didn't pay fee

    Exactly, It's part of everyone's responsibilty to pay and he did not. So I do not feel sorry for him. He did not pay his bill and he got burned. If someone was in danger, then I am sure they would have done something. If everyone had his attitude, then we would not have emergency services...
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    Firefighters watch home burn away since owner didn't pay fee

    Like I said before bills and Insurance are apart of life. He gambled by not paying his bill and he lost.
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    Firefighters watch home burn away since owner didn't pay fee

    Insurance is apart of life. Get over it.
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    Firefighters watch home burn away since owner didn't pay fee

    Damn, $75.00 a year is not alot of money. Why not pay it. Stupidity of the Homeowner if you ask me.
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    Aimee Sweet

    Aimee Sweet
  31. R

    Resident Evil: Afterlife thread w/pics

    Great Movie, I rank it up there with the second one which I loved.
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    I am planning on buying just the stand alone Season Six Dvd set, not the the complete series collection. I already have all the others. It's funny how they pull stuff like this. If you want more answers that might be anwered in our bonus features, then buy our more expensive DVD complete series...
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    Hispanics leaving Arizona

    It would be a good idea. Incase you are in some kind of accident and they can get in touch your family.
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    Lost started out as a great show. I remember watching the pilot only for a brief while thinking this is just going to be one of those drama shows about people being stuck on an island with unresolved issues fighting amongst each other. I remember walking away from the pilot feeling that way and...
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    AZ Gov. Jan Brewer

    Please don't remind me. I am still trying to get over the train wreck of what the last election was. Obama: No Palin: Hell No
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    Will Smith Signs For Men In Black III

    Depends if I am bored at the time or not. Why do you care :dunno:
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    I agree with Titsrock. If you do not want to be spoiled by the ending and have not watched the show yet then don't come here.
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    I think you guys got it wrong. Kinda hard to explain. They were very much alive on the island. It's just that when they died at differnt points that they met up at the church for one last time to move on. Listen closely to Christian's words to Jack. We all die at differnt points. I kinda...
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    Will Smith Signs For Men In Black III

    I might go watch it. I was not too crazy about the first two. I am glad I am not the only one.
  40. R

    Average age of gamers.

    I used to be really hardcore into games when I was younger. I stopped playing them pretty much when the Playstation 2 came out. I started saving up money and bought a house. Then the Playstation 3 came out and I got reinterested but don't have much time for them. I bought alot of the used...
  41. R

    Immoral Girl of the Week - Mallory Rae - Lost her Virginity on Film

    Interesting story. I would like to see that scene where she looses her virginity on film. Oh and Happy Birthday.
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    Good episode. I dunno I thought Zoe was kinda hot. Just me I guess. I think Richard is dead but hope I am wrong. Ben, I am starting to think that deep down he is just a coward and will do anything to stay alive. I knew Jack was going to step up to be the new Jacob. Yeah I thought Desmond was...
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    I don't think they had this show well thought out since Season One like they want us to believe. It's just nothing but a big mess. I think they just made it and then discovered they had a huge hit and then tried to milk it and make stuff up as they went along. Then viewership started to drop off...
  44. R

    Worst super-hero Movie ?

    All the X-Men movies. They pretty much sucked and need to do a reboot and do it right this time.
  45. R

    Tucson Sheriff Won't Enforce 'Stupid' 'Racist' New Immigration Law

    Yep, Then all the illegal aliens will run back to their countries and pass laws to keep us out of their countries to find work.
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    The Presinator? Arnold Schwarzenegger for Pres...

    The Democrats and Republicans are doing that already. :2 cents: Too late. Ronald Reagon.
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    Nightmare On Elm Street Remake

    I saw it the other day. It was pretty good. I have always been a Nightmare on Elm Street fan.
  48. R

    How watching 3D films can be bad for your brain

    I have had no problems. I went to watch Clash of the Titans in 3D and Nightmare on Elm Street afterwards back to back while having not very much sleep. Suffered no side effects.
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    Resident Evil: Afterlife thread w/pics

    Yeah I can't remember. I saw each one once.