So again, the question is the logic of such a policy. The above poster seemed to have more insight and taking him (her) at their word..the residents want in this case, you can take your chances or move if you don't want to pay the fee.
Hell, I never said it was a logical policy! I was simply trying to better explain it. The freedoms afforded Americans in this great country allow people to decide what level of fire protection they want to pay for, or to live in an area that offers none, if that's what they want. The people of Obion County must have a different view of their priorities, compared to most Americans, but that doesn't necessarily make them wrong, just different. No one else has to live there. I certainly wouldn't!
My "insight" comes from nearly 30 years as a Firefighter, both volunteer and career. When I first heard about this story, I began digging deeper to find out the real story, not the sensationalist half-truths being pedaled by our Media. This isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened and it likely will not be the last. I'd be very surprised if the situation changes in Obion County anytime soon. This is a very rural, low income area. Some of the FD's in Obion County have an annual budget of less than $10,000. Most of that goes for insurance, fuel, and repairs to equipment and apparatus. Ten grand doesn't go far these days.