America Rising, Enough "Change"

Back in '07 and '08 so many thought politics would change because of Obama. So many thought he and the Dems would usher in some kind of perfect world, but no one asked how the hell they were going to pay for it.


Hiliary 2020
The pending class war in America --the Wall St. Investor Class vs the regular American. If the Dems can't affect change and reign in the Wall St. Investor Class, it will merely be mass murder once the Republicans are "back in business." All those god and gun loving sadsacks that watch Fox, drive pickup trucks and cheer for Sarah Palin have no clue how miserable their lives will become if the GOP does take control of Congress. :facepalm:
:glugglug: to gridlock, Democrat filibusters and Obama's veto pen!

nothing wrong with loving god.
nothing wrong with loving guns.
nothing wrong with watching fox.
nothing wrong with driving a pick up.

and not all conservatives, republicans or anybody else who isn't a democrat or doesn't love Obama are tea party people.

you and the dems and the media just use that tea party defense because its actually the only thing you have.
similar to you walk funny as a defense.
theres nothing there.


What a coincidence! The rest of America says fuck Texas.

rorowrong again

Back in '07 and '08 so many thought politics would change because of Obama. So many thought he and the Dems would usher in some kind of perfect world, but no one asked how the hell they were going to pay for it.

some did.
more didn't
Back in '07 and '08 so many thought politics would change because of Obama. So many thought he and the Dems would usher in some kind of perfect world, but no one asked how the hell they were going to pay for it.

Wrong, wrong wrong.

1. Let the ridiculous economy-wrecking Bush Tax Cuts expire. This will happen.

2. Remove all troops from the middle east. I don't think this will happen, sadly, until August 2012 :facepalm:

3. Close all Corporate tax loopholes (the Big Oil tax break, the Big Ag tax breaks, etc.)

4. Invest in Green Tech :thumbsup: The Republicans surely won't do this; they are happy to give the middle east lots and lots of $. The Dems let this get away from them :anonymous

5. REAL HEALTHCARE REFORM--would've saved hundreds of billions here. We got pussy reform here, and, thus, won't save nearly as much as we could.

6. Sue the shit out of Big Banks for Financial Meltdown--this doesn't look like it will happen. In fact, not a single fucking banking crook will even go to jail :mad:

Lots of missed opportunities by the Dems all because they listened to the party of No and Hate waaaaay to much...


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I would officially like to nominate this for Post of All Time. Well done, my friend. I owe you some serious rep for this masterpiece. :thumbsup:

Since this comment comes from someone as estimable and intelligent as you are, shayd, I consider this to be a compliment of the highest order. I'd rep you as well if they'd let me. :thumbsup:

End of discussion.

And this from someone with whom I am frequently in disagreement but nonetheless hold in the highest my best pals on this board irrespective of our differences. How much better this nation would be if we could all just be like MP and moi! Maybe there is hope after all! :glugglug:

Nahhh....probably not. :1orglaugh

:glugglug: :hatsoff:
I'd rep you if I could Jagger, but I can't :(

No rep necessary.....the sentiment is most appreciated regardless. :hatsoff:
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'Nuff said...


PS: What if they had an election and no one voted?
Oh fuck....this kind of self-righteous crap from both sides is so tired. Obama's administration has been a disaster for thanks to people who think like you do. "America Rising"??? Rising to do what? Just to get the republicans back in power? Where are their answers to all these problems? (I noticed the video conveniently didn't mention that) "Bail Outs"? Bush orchestrated the first $700 billion bailout to Wall Street before Obama was even elected. Way before then we already had a humongous deficit that was created on his watch. I guess that doesn't count, huh? You don't have any just want to bitch and get the power back. Truth is, you probably will and then what? More of the same bullshit except then the shoe will be on the other foot and the dems will play the same tune that you are blowing right now. What a load of shit from both right and left as far as I am concerned.

Both parties are clueless....especially when they ostensibly are supposed to be working side by side with each other. Nothing ever gets done and all anyone cares about is being reelected and lining their own pockets. Fuck all y'all as we say down here in Texas.

I fully agree. Both sides are to blame for this mess we are in.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
*Enters thread*
*burns american flag*
*leaves thread*

What? Too far? :angels:
On a serious (and only slightly less incendiary) note; yes obama is bad. Bush was worse tho.