Back in '07 and '08 so many thought politics would change because of Obama. So many thought he and the Dems would usher in some kind of perfect world, but no one asked how the hell they were going to pay for it.
Wrong, wrong wrong.
1. Let the ridiculous economy-wrecking Bush Tax Cuts expire. This will happen.
2. Remove all troops from the middle east. I don't think this will happen, sadly, until August 2012
3. Close all Corporate tax loopholes (the Big Oil tax break, the Big Ag tax breaks, etc.)
4. Invest in Green Tech :thumbsup: The Republicans surely won't do this; they are happy to give the middle east lots and lots of $. The Dems let this get away from them :anonymous
5. REAL HEALTHCARE REFORM--would've saved hundreds of billions here. We got pussy reform here, and, thus, won't save nearly as much as we could.
6. Sue the shit out of Big Banks for Financial Meltdown--this doesn't look like it will happen. In fact, not a single fucking banking crook will even go to jail
Lots of missed opportunities by the Dems all because they listened to the party of No and Hate waaaaay to much...