I picture Jack or Hurley being the new Jacob. Kate might die. Sawyer I bet lives. I am with you about Richard. Ben I don't know. Berbard and Rose, I imagine we will not see them again. I bet they are Adam and Eve and still in the past or whatever.
My Dad and me were talking about the Arizona law the other day. He told me about this Mexican guy he works with telling stories of how the gang members down there would just come up to people right in their own homes and just kill them infront of their families. Do you want that mess up here...
I just saw a preview of this while going to see Nightmare on Elm Street. It actually looks pretty good. I might just change my mind and go see it just for the 3D.
I really like Christopher Nolan's take on the Batman movies. It's been great so far and I have to agree that his next Batman movie should be his last. Wrap everything up and then hand the torch to someone else.
Spiderman started off good but it turned into a mess in the third movie. I don't...
It is loosely based on the 1999 novel Flashforward by Canadian science fiction writer Robert J. Sawyer.
I have been keeping up with Flashforward as well as V. I really like this series. I almost want to go hunt down the novel that it is based on and read it.
I've been watching the show. I agree it started slow and started to feel like I was uninterested especially after it took it's long break like it did. I continued to watch it and it has gotten alot better the last two episodes. I have not seen the other V series or movie or whatever. I am not...
I liked this episode alot better. I always love those Jack vs Locke moments. I was pretty glad to see Claire come back to her senses and get on the boat with Kate. So she is not as lost as they made her to be. I hope Syiad is the same way. Happy to see the show to start picking up again.
We are in Afghanistan because of the attacks on the World Trade Buildings on September 11, 2001 otherwise known as 9/11. We needed to show force and hunt down the people responsible for these terroist attacks. I like to thank our service men and women for going over there serveing our country...
I have not read any comics in a long time. I used too back when I was in High School. I remember reading how Colossus died. I used to have that issue. I knew he would not stay dead though.
He probably does not watch baseball but cheers for the home team. I am the same way. I don't know who all is on the Texas Rangers' roster. If they do really well and look to be headed for the World Series, I would be excited.
Videobox.com is a good site. Not that expensive. They just post clips from Porn DVD movies that you can buy at adult video stores or order off the internet.
As far as I can tell you on the 30 dollar price tag. Some sites will give you a discount if you start to leave their sign up page. Knock...
Silent Hill 3 and Super Mario Brothers Wii. I am trying to get caught up on some of my Playstation 2 games because of my addiction to Final Fantasy XI.
The other football game I play is Tecmo Bowl Kickoff on my Nintendo DS. Thats always been a fun game. It does not have the NFL license or the player names but you have the option to rename all the teams and players. Even move the teams to the cities that you like.
The NFL should have never...
I think she is Allison Wyte. Not too sure though. I googled the name of the DVD and saw the names listed of the women starring in the video. My best guess is Allison Wyte which it did not give her last name just Allison.
I never sell my used games. I know I am not going to get much for them and I'll get that itch sometime to play them again so I never bothered. Yeah Gamestop sells their used games when the newer ones first come out for around $55.00. I never bother buying those unless they are having their buy 2...
Companies have forgotten how to treat their costumers and employees over the years. They think they just can abuse us and we will come back. A reason why I am against Government Bailouts. It's time these jerks start going out of buisness and the new Sam Waltons emerge.
This will just hurt the video game industry more unless they drop the sixty dollar price tag on new games. I hardly have time to play them anyways so I will just learn to live without.
Yeah, Disney should make a Darkwing Duck cartoon movie with the whole Batman Begins trilogy going on. I imagine it would be a big hit with kids and adults who remember the cartoon series.
The Wii was fun for me for like one day and I never messed with it again. Nintendo went this way to try and stay afloat. It apeals more for seniors and children. Sony and Microsoft is just trying to cash in. I am just simply not interested in their versions.
Yeah, thats why I have been putting off getting this game. Unless the battle system and xp system is fixed back to the way it used to be with Final Fantasy 7 and under, I am not interested. I never cared for 8, 10, and 12.
Final Fantasy 1 came out here on regular Nintendo. Final Fantasy 2 and 3 were not released here till much later. Final Fantasy 4 came out here as Final Fantasy 2 on the Super Nintendo. That was my first Final Fantasy game and what got me into the series. It was damn hard to find. Finally found...
I will be checking this out. I am not into favoritism either. Competition is a good thing, the consumer only wins in the end. All you could do is try it and if it sucks, just move on. It will keep Infinity Ward on their toes with the next Modern Warfare game. Just my two cents.
Resident Evil 2 and 3 I guess for me. I remember having a dream where I was in my backyard and Nemesis just popped up chasing me. I just remember playing and thinking I am safe while on my way to some various point ingame and all of a sudden one of those monsters would pop up chasing you in RE...
I am done with my Christmas shopping. I found some neat toys for my nephew in August at a local Walmart. My parents and everyone else is getting money which they do the same for me every year.